
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasy
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55 Chs

CH 52

Although Ignell had access to Alpha's mana pool that holds more than 10 million MP, her own mana pool had barely more than 10 !

As a result, even though she can harness Alpha's mana to cast as many spells as she wants, she can't use it to learn more spells and skills the same way Alpha did, she can only use it to activate them, but in order to learn them, she has to directly manipulate the mana inside of her body, which is no where near enough.

At the time Alpha began to learn magic, his intelligence had already been raised high enough through leveling up, which naturally gave him a larger mana pool, but for Ignell, even if her INT is really high, it can not affect her MP

In short, without enough mana inside of her body, Ignell can not learn magic!

But it wasn't completely hopeless, the conditions doesn't state that she needs a large mana pool, it only states that she needs a larger amount of mana inside of her, which can easily be achieved through the help of Alpha.

"have you calmed down?" Alpha asked

"en... thank you" and Ignell replied with a smile

It has already been some time since Ignell began crying, and Alpha didn't disturb her, he wanted to give her enough time to appreciate what just happened, he wanted to give him self enough time to appreciate her smile.

But now that she was done, it was time for them to move to the next step

"I would like to congratulate you for becoming an apprentice magician, but I'm afraid you won't get to enjoy that title for long"

"what?!... um, is there a problem?"

"a problem!? ahahaha, not at all! Ignell, I know you are excited about acquiring two titles in a single day, but this is just the beginning, there's many more to come!"

Hearing that there was more, Ignell was surprised! she thought that getting two titles in one day was amazing as it is! yet alpha was telling her she can do more!? that's crazy!

But then again, knowing what kind of being Alpha is, it wasn't impossible, and whatever feelings she had at the moment were quickly turning into anticipation!

Now following his instructions with complete faith in him, she sat down with her legs folded, her back straight, and her arms extended.

He then followed by placing his palms on hers, and began running his mana from his heart to hers, with their arms as a bridge, and in a perfect circle, then shortly after, she began making the same funny noises from before

"Ignell, focus! I know it feels weird, but you need to focus! the first step was as simple as feeling my mana, but now you need to take control over it! I need you to use your heart beat to gather it, then spread it to the rest of your body through your veins, can you do it?"

"hnnn, I'll...try" is what she said, but throughout the whole process, her body kept on twisting as she was moaning, no matter how much she tried she couldn't resist it, the sensation of Alpha's mana inside of her was so amazing! almost addicting!

"FOCUS !" with a single yell from Alpha, Ignell quickly snapped out of it, but despite that, the amazing sensation was still there, and the weird gestures she was doing were slowly coming back

"Ignell, don't fight it, you don't need to control it. remember, your heart is the key, let your heart do all the work, you just need to direct my mana to the inside of it, and it will pump it to the rest of your body"

With Alpha's advice in mind, Ignell closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, trying her best to ignore all the stimulations she could feel

Now with all of her focus on her heart, the mana was getting pumped through her veins at a steady pace, and eventually.... she got it!

active skill [body strengthening I]: STR+10% DEX+10%

title [magician] : INT+10%

As soon as she got the new skill and title, she could immediately feel it! and as soon as she checked her status screen, her eyes lit up! but before she could jump in celebration, another thing came up

{conditions have been met, skill [mana heart I] is now evolving!}

Without having enough time to understand what that meant, her body began acting, she couldn't move, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't blink.

And before Alpha could do anything to her, she fell on four, and her body was pulsating, it was as if she became one giant heart!

She wanted to scream, she wanted to ask for help! but she couldn't. it was so painful yet her body wasn't moving! it wasn't reacting!

With every second passing, the beating was intensifying! her body was bulging, parts of it were glowing, and soon enough steam was appearing!

Fearing for his friend, Alpha jumped from his position and casted healing! but even then, it wasn't working! and Ignell's pain was intensifying!

No matter how strong he is, he couldn't do anything, he've never seen something like this before! he was panicking! he didn't know what to do!

And then he remembered, he remembered the time the mask was dying! and now his fears were taking over him, the fears of loosing another friend were surfacing.