
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasy
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55 Chs

CH 51

"and that's how I ended up here" said Ignell with a sad look "it's not that great of a story isn't it? you don't have to worry about me, really! and it's been long since I've given up on that DREEEEEAM!!!! what's wrong!? why are you crying!? are you hurt somewhere!?"

As soon as she looked at Alpha, she was surprised! although he was just sitting there unmoved from his position, but his fists were clenched and his eyes full of tears, not from sadness, but from anger

"I'm not crying god damnit! it's just..... unfair, you haven't done anything wrong! why did they treat you like that!?"

"Alpha..." Ignell wasn't expecting that kind of reaction and was truly touched, but she just had to continue with her sentence ".... are you really 20+ years old?! you're too much of a cry baby"

"WHAT!!! how can you say that! and here I was worrying about you!"

"I mean... you do cry a lot, and the last time you cried I almost died!"

"ARGH SCREW IT ! change of subject, your dream is to join the dragon council right? I'll help you with that!"

"what? no! as I said, you have to be good at magic to join them!"

"that's why I said I will help you"

"no! you can't do that! I know you are a great magician, but I need to be the one using the magic, not someone else"

"tsk tsk tsk, Ignell, you couldn't be more wrong, first I'm not a great magician, I'm a grand magus! and second, I'm not the one who will be using the magic, you will !"


"rejoice! from now on, you will be taught everything you need to know about magic directly from this Alpha nameless!"

"what! no no no, I already said before that my mana heart isn't properly developed, I can't use any magic! no, I can't even store enough mana to use magic in the first place!"

"oh my dear Ignell, you seem to have forgotten, now that you have become my familiar, you have a free access to my own mana pool ! you no longer need to rely on something as small or weak as a mana heart! you now have an unlimited access to a whooping 10 million MP! use it! and soar to the sky!"

Ignell was dumbfounded! she who barely had more than 10MP, is now being told that she can freely use 10 million MP!? she couldn't believe it! how can anyone have so much mana! and how come someone like her is now allowed to use so much of it! no matter how much she thought about it, it didn't make sense! but then she remembered, the person she is talking to right now isn't a normal human in the first place!

"I see... so that's where the power of a high human comes from, now I understand why everyone fears them" she mumbled to her self

But no matter how low her whispers were, Alpha's hearing was sharp enough to hear it, which caused him to awkwardly smile

'a high human's strength she said, I wonder about that, should I tell her about the difference in strength between when I first became a high human and after I spent 5 years training? nah, maybe she is right, I bet that every other high human can easily do the same things that I can, yeh that must be it'

IT WAS NOT ! even when comparing it to other high creatures, Alpha's strength was far above! if anything, it was strange how he still haven't gone even further beyond!

"anyway, now with that done, we should begin our training don't you think?" said Alpha with a smile

After she agreed, they began by sitting down facing each other, then he asked her to extend her arms forward with her palms open, while he did the same

During this whole time, Alpha was trying to come up with a good plan to teach her about magic, in the end he decided that the first thing he should do is to let her acquire the [apprentice magician] title, which requires the person to be able to feel the mana flow throughout their body, and what better way would be other than injecting some of his own mana into her!

Now with both of their hands in contact with each other, and with both of their eyes closed, Alpha began to *CAREFULLY* allow some of his mana to *SLOWLY* flow from his right hand towards Ignell, while *GENTLY* sucking it back in from his left one forming a loop

After a few minutes of sitting down, in the same position, while doing the same thing, and ignoring the few odd sounds/moans coming from Ignell every now and then, the little training session was now a success! and Ignell has finally managed to acquire The [apprentice magician] title!

And just as she did, she instantly felt it! it hasn't been so long since she acquired a new title, but now her body is telling her that she've just acquired another one!? that was a surprise she did not know how to hide, and alpha that was sitting in front of her, had a bright smile on his face, indicating that she was not dreaming

But even with all of the clues in front of her, she still could not believe it! after all of the travels she did in her youth, she came to a firm conclusion that titles are not supposed to be that easy to get, yet here she is, acquiring two new titles in quick succession

Something must have been different, that was a feat that not a single living being should be capable of, yet her status screen was proving her wrong, she did not know how to take it, and soon, her tears began falling

"thank you.... thank you, I'm really glad that you are my friend..... Alpha, thank you"

Despite her tears, the smile that she was showing at the moment, can only be described as precious, but even without it, thanks to their master familiar connection, Alpha could still tell exactly how happy Ignell was

But he didn't wanna stop at that, he wanted to make her even happier! even if she was the only one at the receiving end, just seeing her happy face could easily make Alpha forget about all of the horrible events and misfortune he had to go through in this world

He had to continue, he wanted to continue! he knew that he can still help her get yet another title! the [magician] title !

But there was one single problem....