
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasy
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55 Chs

CH 53

Throughout the whole process, Alpha was helpless, he was clueless, and Ignell felt hopeless

Her pain was growing stronger! Her body was bulging harder! The cracks between her scales were glowing brighter! AND THEN!!.... she calmed down. and just like a deflating balloon, her body went back to normal

She could finally move, she could finally breath ! or more like gasp for air. after all the pain stopped, she was left on four taking deep breaths and coughing

And when she looked up at Alpha to ask him what happened, she couldn't ! because as soon as she lifted her head, he jumped at her and hugged her tightly between his arms

"EHH!! w-what are you doing?" Ignell was flustered, but instead of answering her, he muttered "... eav..me.."

"huh, Alpha?"

"please don't leave me !"

He screamed from the bottom of his longs! voice shaking, tears dripping, and his grip tightened. Seeing him like this, Ignell remembered his previous reaction, his reaction of when she first transformed. And looking at him again, she understood one thing, Alpha, no mater how strong he is, deep inside, he's mentally unstable.

Telling anyone that his friend is mentally ill, will make him worry or show concern, but Ignell? she was happy. when she first met Alpha, she thought he was odd, standing in front of a dragon without any sign of fear, and even talking back to it ! he was nothing but odd!

Then he went ahead and slumbered for 25 years! the human she thought was nothing but odd, was now appearing to be more unique than she perceived! but the surprises didn't stop there, as if slumbering for so long wasn't enough to show how insanely large his mana pool was, he went a step further and gave her a name! a name so strong that it made her evolve !

At this point, Ignell's pride and self esteem were no more, instead she was filed with respect and admiration for this great being standing in front of her, and she swore to her self that she will devote the rest of her life to serving and fulfilling all of his orders as his servant.

Yet, before she could lower her self any lower, he extended her an arm, he requested her to be his friend, her! the one that was abandoned by her tribe, by her family, her friends! she was now graced with the opportunity of becoming friends with this great being! she couldn't find the words to describe the happiness she could feel, nor did she have the time to.

Because soon after, he easily helped her acquire multiple titles at once, and he didn't stop there ether, he even taught her how to use magic, and helped her gain a mana heart and evolved it!

He continued on giving and giving, and she kept on receiving, yet now she finally doesn't feel like she's constantly on the receiving end, she finally feels like she can give back, feels like she can be relied on! that's why she swore yet again, but this time instead of serving him, she decided to support him, to be the pillar that keeps him from loosing his mind.


After some time had passed, Alpha finally calmed down and regained his composure

"ahm, sorry about that, I showed you something weird" said Alpha

"hehe, not at all, if anything I'm happy I can be of use to you, that's why... if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, you can always use mine" she shyly answered, but based on how she was sandwiching er breasts between her arms, it was clear she was hinting for something else.

And thanks to the beautiful sight in front of him, Alpha couldn't help but to look away to hide his flustered face

"erm, right ! now that you're feeling better why don't you take a look on you status screen and see if any thing changed"

"ah! right, now that you mention it, it did say something about my mana heart evolving! let me see"

Passive skill [mana heart II] : max MP = 50

"OH MY GOD ! Alpha ! my mana pool's size has increased to 50!"

She was clearly over the moon with the achievement she just made, yet Alpha on the other end was pouting? "... not fair..."


" I said it's not fair god damn it! do you have any idea how much effort I had to put in order to increase my mana pool!? a lot I'm telling you! a lot! just getting a +1MP was a struggle! I had to dip my hands in flesh melting acid for a meager amount of XP! I had to go through a soul ripping pain to get a +0.1% MP! yet genius over here just had to learn the simple [body strengthening I] and bam! 50 friking MP ! ahh! why does the world hate me so much!"

And just as she relaxed, she was reminded again of how mentally unstable her master is, but it wasn't so bad ether, it just meant that it was her chance to lend a hand to her savior, as such, and without any hesitation, she carefully extended her arms and gently grabbed Alpha's face with her soft hands, pulling him closer between her arms, or more precisely, between two large, round and soft objects that can make any man forget all of his worries

"shuuu, it's fine, I understand, it must have been hard on you back then, but it's ok now, you're already so strong, you don't need to go through any more hardships to get stronger, and the world doesn't hate you. remember? you are the world! and even if you weren't, you would at least be my world, so please, don't be hard on yourself"

"ah... en, thank you" it was safe to say that nothing can heal a man's heart more than two beautiful round soft objects.

But it quickly hit him! the realization of where his face was, and he swiftly moved away

"ahm! right, now that that's out of the way, we should continue your training"

"hehe, Alpha you're so cute "

"enough with that! didn't you say you wanted to learn magic! or what? are you giving up already? right after learning some beginner skills?"

"no way! if there's more, then I'll take it all! so please teach me all you can!"

"well said! but now that I think about it, what should I teach you next? normally I would help you get the next magician title, but the only thing it would do to you is give you a little bit more INT, which you don't really need, after all the thing that control how big your mana pool gets is your mana heart, which I know close to nothing about. hmm.... alright, we can't help what can't be helped, and I'm pretty sure you can find a way to evolve it on your own in due time, for now let's focus on what we can do, let me teach you how to use ball type magic!"

"....huh? ah! sorry I lost you when you said magician titles are useless to me, can you repeat it one more time please?"

The both of them were starting awkwardly at each other after that comment, but soon enough, the silence was broken with a solid punch to the head from Alpha .

"sigh, this girl, I can't believe I was getting all emotional for you earlier. I said I will be teaching you how to use ball type magic. after body strengthening, this should be the easiest to learn, look just like this, [wind ball] "

After showing her how he can effortlessly create a wind ball in an instant, Ignell was fired up and determined to learn it no matter the cost.

Thus he begun with the explanation, telling her the steps needed to create a wind ball, like how she needs to direct her mana from her heart to her hands, and then ejecting it outside while maintaining control over it to form a spherical shape.

But something unexpected happened! instead of wind gathering in the mana ball Ignell crated, a powerful suction force could be felt from it! everything in the cave was being attracted to it! even Alpha was having difficulty standing next to it!

"w-what's going on! what's happening!? Alpha, what is this!?"

"calm down! this is the first time I'm seeing something like this, so I wouldn't know! first, try checking your status screen, if it's a spell you've cast, then you must have it as a skill too!"

"ok, I'll try! status!"

and a quick read later in the middle of the chaos.

"what is this!? I never had a skill like this before!"

"great! what's it called!?"

"it's called, [gravity ball]!"

"gravity!? no wonder! so it's not sucking everything around it, it's attracting them towards it!"

"ahh geez! stop admiring it and help me out already! what should I do!?"

"can't you just turn it off!?"

"you still haven't taught me how to do that god damnit!"

"argh fine! then try cutting out the mana supply from it!"


She then quickly closed her eyes and focused as hard as she could, but just as she could finally feel something, the gravity ball shot out of her hands at a great speed right towards Alpha!

And within the short time frame he had, he quickly put his arms forward to block the trajectory of the attack, but as soon as it made contact with him, the suction force was instantly amplified! ripping his clothes off of him! leaving him butt naked in front of a lady!!