
Too strong for the other world: will he do just or will he do evil

hi ! nice to meet you! my name? don't know. this place? don't know. I was just thrown here out of nowhere without even getting to keep my memories can you believe that !! well, at least I'm not alone. this is mask, say hi! "shut up! what do you think you're doing introducing me all on your own you baka!" hahaha, she's a spicy one isn't she, but trust me, she's very sweet once you get to know her. STOP! don't ask, she's glued to my face around my eyes somehow, I couldn't get her of me no matter how much I tried my goal? to get out of this damn cave of course, although it's more like a dungeon full of monsters instead. oh! and I need to get back my memories while I'm at it, can't forget that after I'm out? well, hell is waiting for me, and for whoever makes me his enemy

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantasy
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55 Chs

CH 50

Now with the explanation out of the way, Ignell was made fully aware of her mistake, the adults didn't stop talking to her because they were disappointed in her, they stopped talking to her because they were worried about her, they were worried they would accidentally mention magic to her, they were worried they would ruin her future for her,

She was always showered with praise, she was someone who was full of confidence in whatever she did, if she knew that something like magic exists, then she would no doubt try it, ruining her future, ruining all the expectations everyone had for her

They couldn't risk it, she was way too important for the whole dragon ravine, they didn't want to make a mistake, as such, they all decided to stay away from her, but what they didn't know was that staying away was a mistake in of itself

But even if she didn't have the adults, it wasn't like she couldn't make any friends, it was just that everyone her age looked up to her, they deeply respected her, they wouldn't dare talk to her, they were so busy working hard to catch up to her, they failed to see how lonely she was

In the end she came to the conclusion that everyone hated her, that no one cared about her, that no one needed her, and with how much pride she had, she couldn't let things be, she had to prove her worth once again, so she left the dragon ravine.


Now with nothing more to say, both Oscar and Evelyn turned around and headed back, no matter how pitiful Ignell was, they couldn't stay to help her, they had way too many things to take care of, they didn't have the time to worry about the mental problems of a single dragon, and yet again she was alone.

After some time of whining and crying, she finally managed to calm down a bit, she then slowly got her self up and walked away, defeated

At first it was quiet since there were no dragons around thanks to the dragon council dispersing them, but as she reached the residential area, she began receiving all sorts of weird looks from everyone around

There was not a single dragon she passed by that didn't stare at her while gossiping with their friend, and the same thing kept on repeating with every step she made, until a single large wing was seen blocking her path

"well well well, would you look at that, the all so amazing prodigy is now looking so pathetic? what happened to you I wonder? why the long face?" a female voice said while chuckling

After hearing it, Ignell slightly looked up and saw a familiar face, it was one of her classmates from the dragon school, but even if she was, it didn't really matter, it wasn't like she had anyone she could call a friend back then, so she said with a low voice "please move away"

This classmate was clearly making fun of her, it was clear based on how she was laughing at her, but right now, Ignell was just too depressed to care

But the other one wasn't, and hearing the kind of reply Ignell gave wasn't exactly pleasant, so she got annoyed

"oh? would you look at that, we didn't see you for a few decades and now you think you're a queen? LOOK AT YOUR SELF! YOU'RE NO LONGER THE AMAZING PRODIGY FROM BACK THEN!"

This old classmate was clearly provoking her, but Ignell wasn't in the mood for arguing with her, she just continued with her steps moving forward, but once again, her path was blocked

"and where exactly do you think you're going! are we so insignificant that we don't deserve to hear your voice! or what? are you so great that talking to us will lower your worth!? WAKE UP! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A WEAK DRAGON NOW! HOW CAN YOU BE SO OBLIVIOUS TO REALITY! EVEN PIGS ARE BETTER THAN YOU! YOU'RE WEAK STUPID AND A MASSIVE GOOD FOR NOTHING!"

"I SAID MOOOOVE!!!!" a rage filled fire breath shot from Ignell's mouth at the blink of an eye! hitting the dragon in front of her before she could even react

She then attempted to dash forward at her top speed attempting to get away from this whole mess, but right as she saw the results of her attack she froze in place

"you damn 'b' word! how dare you attack me!"

That female dragon was completely unharmed! and not only that, she was enraged! and because of that, she spread her wings wide and began chanting

"oh beautiful water, give me strength, give me power! crush my enemy in this hour! water canoooon!"

Two powerful jets of water shot out of her wings right at Ignell! pushing her far away, before she fell on the ground, while the classmate was left panting after the attack, not because she was tired, but because she was mad

"*pant* *pant* do you understand now you 'b' word! that's the difference between us! you can never catch up to us! so hurry up and learn your place already!"

But Ignell didn't reply, she couldn't talk, she couldn't fly, she was completely soaked, not dry, she closed her eyes and wanted to lie, thinking that soon she would die, but before she could, another attack came by, but this time, from someone else

"what do you think you're doing!? this is a public place! what makes you think you can lie down here huh!?"

This second attack also pushed her across the floor, but before she could lift her head up to see who attacked her, a third one came at her

"why the hell are you still down!? get out of here already! nobody want to see your ugly face anymore!"

But he didn't need to tell her that, she wanted to leave, she really did! but before she could get up, a fourth attack came at her, and then a fifth, and the sixth, no matter how many times she tried to leave, there was always someone who would attack her and push her down again

Just like in the past, nobody was on her side, everyone hated her, everyone was attacking her, no one tried helping her!

In the end, she couldn't take it anymore, she screamed from the bottom of her lungs and dashed forward as fast as she could, running away from all of this mess, while hearing all the criticism, hatred and swears coming from everyone behind her

She ran and ran without looking back, without even thinking of coming back, without looking at everyone in the back, without seeing their saddened expressions, without seeing their tearful eyes, without knowing their true feelings

Even though everyone attacked her, Even though everyone criticized her, Even though they sweared at her, they never hated her, they always respected her, they all looked up to her! but seeing how she've become, they were all disappointed in her, they felt sad for her, they wanted to comforte her, but they didn't know how to help her

Dragons are prideful creatures, they are powerful creatures, they would never show their weakness to the others, they would never ask for help from the others, they never got to learn how to help the others

In the end, they messed up, and their beloved idol left again, but this time, with no intentions of coming back, she just ran and ran with no sign of stopping, with no thought of returning, she wanted to get away from everyone, to get away from everything, to just be alone

That was what lead her to her secluded little cave, what lead her to be a hermit, what lead her to meeting Alpha the nameless