
Tokyo Ghoul: Dark Comes

The Remastered Version. It's about a ghoul child who wanders the World(Tokyo) in the hunt for food and what is encountered as he roams. As he goes forward with life he meets a bunch, of people with problems that he ends up solving. Schedule = Tuesday

Auther_Uchiha · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 25: Titles

"Hey, have you heard the big news? They say that Blood Moon got killed, and the culprit is that new kid!"

"Come on, that's a joke, right? Blood Moon always had a blood servant with him. How could he be killed by some little kid? Your sources are unreliable!"

"I'm not lying! My friend's sister, who has connections with the Scarlet Group, told me. Apparently, Mrs. Blood Rose herself is out for revenge. She's going after the child who killed her son!"

"No way! Where did this kid even come from? It's insane that he took down the blood servant too!"

"Hey, haven't you heard? I've got insider information. The kid showed up from the Ninth District last week, and they call him the Devil!"

With news of the blood moon's demise spreading across the three districts, information about the child started to surface. Now, almost everyone in the three districts knew about the child's existence and his formidable strength. He was not to be trifled with.

Meanwhile, Bloody Night's wife, Kizuki (Bloody Moon's biological mother), and Blood Rose, an S-class Ghoul, headed toward the child's new home with five of their men. They were fueled by the desire to avenge the loss of their loved ones.

Despite the child's attempts to conceal his whereabouts, he couldn't completely erase all traces of his presence.

The Scarlet Group's thorough investigation led them to the child's approximate location, and Blood Rose wasted no time in mobilizing.

As a mother, the pain of losing a child was unbearable, and she was determined to take matters into her own hands.

Driven by burning anger, Blood Rose planned to eliminate the child. Several figures, as swift as swallows, soared over rooftops, searching for any lingering scent in the air. They were getting closer and closer to the child's home.

In the darkness, a sudden gleam of light caught the child's attention, rousing him from his slumber. His alert black eyes scanned the surroundings, sensing the approach of unwelcome guests.

Reluctantly leaving behind his new home, the child understood that once his enemies found him, his sanctuary would no longer be safe. It was a pity that he had only just found a new place to call home, and now he had to leave after just a few days.

"Humph! Did you, you insignificant beast, kill my son?" a cold voice filled with anger pierced the child's ears. He turned his gaze towards the source and saw a beautiful woman standing at the doorway, her presence unknown until now.

The woman wore a black, form-fitting leather jacket, her black hair cascading down like a waterfall. Her face carried a light touch of makeup, but what stood out was her black lipstick, giving her a venomous appearance that matched her reputation.

In the 11th district, the name Blood Rose was synonymous with cruelty, and she spared no kindness except for her husband and son.

Blood Rose, known for her merciless treatment of enemies, stood with five slender figures behind her. These women, all A-level in strength, wore masks with blood rose patterns, clearly the private subordinates of Blood Rose.

The child, unable to understand or answer Blood Rose's question, could only look at her silently. However, the child's calm gaze ignited the suppressed anger within Blood Rose.

"You bastard! You killed my son and dare to look at me like that? Huh! If I don't make you taste the consequences of crossing me, I will have failed my son! Capture him!"

Filled with anger, Blood Rose gave a fierce wave, and the five figures behind her responded by attacking the child. There was no mercy in their actions.

Their assault was fierce and brutal, displaying the true nature of the blood rose. *Click! Click!! *

Facing the overwhelming enemies, the child's delicate face showed caution. He quickly donned an evil spirit mask, covering his face, and his Rinkaku Kagune instantly manifested behind him.

In the face of being surrounded, the child knew the best approach was to prevent the enemy from successfully encircling him. He turned from a passive to an active stance, swiftly moving toward the lead attacker. With lightning speed, the child launched a fierce strike, driving the enemy away.


The child landed on the ground but swiftly jumped back up, changing direction and instantly approaching another Ghoul. Their Kagune clashed, but the child's small hands easily broke through the defense and struck the enemy's heart.

The child's years of combat experience had instilled a habit of targeting the enemy's vital areas during attacks, avoiding wasting energy on insignificant targets that could give the enemy an opportunity to strike back.

This resulted in the child's cruel and violent style of action, with each move aimed to be fatal. If the child exposed a flaw, the enemy could seize the opportunity and deliver a counterattack, potentially leading to instant defeat.

*Puff puff!!*

The child's movements were as fast as lightning, swiftly eliminating the remaining three female ghouls. The overwhelming strength shocked Blood Rose.

It should be noted that the child's strength was already approaching S-level, and in one-on-one combat, he easily overpowered his opponents.

Coupled with the child's abnormal speed and skilled killing techniques, facing five significantly weaker opponents was a matter of minutes.

As the saying goes, speed can break through any martial arts, indicating that when your speed reaches its limit, you become invincible. While there may be some loopholes in this statement, it does highlight the tremendous advantage of speed in combat. In reality, it holds true.

Once the child's terrifying speed is unleashed, the five opponents stand no chance, unable to even touch the child's clothes. This is the power of having a speed advantage.

"Very well, very well! Your little beast, your technique is impressive! It seems I have to personally capture you, little impostor, and exact my revenge!" Blood Rose angrily smiled, pointing her finger at the child in a vicious manner.

In an instant, Blood Rose's pupils transformed into scarlet eyes, and four Kagune tendrils emerged from her back. The black Kagune swayed gracefully, resembling a blooming rose in motion.

However, the more beautiful something appears, the more dangerous it tends to be.

As Blood Rose made her move, she floated in front of the child like a breeze, while the four Kagune tendrils behind her gleamed coldly, resembling the stingers of a scorpion ready to strike the child's limbs.

Blood Rose didn't intend to kill the child. After all, for someone who had killed her only son, capturing and torturing him seemed more fitting.

The child's eyes narrowed in annoyance as Blood Rose approached with her menacing Kagune. He had been enjoying a moment of peace in his new hideout, finally feeling a sense of security and solitude. But now, his tranquility was shattered by this unwelcome intrusion.

A flicker of sadness crossed the child's face as he realized he would have to leave his newfound sanctuary. For a brief moment, his innocent eyes betrayed a glimpse of vulnerability. It was a rare glimpse into the child's inner world, a testament to the pain he felt at losing yet another haven.

But just as quickly as it had appeared, the moment of innocence vanished, replaced by a steely resolve. The child knew he couldn't afford to dwell on his losses or show weakness. He had become adept at surviving in a merciless world, and he would not let sentimentality get in the way of his own survival.

With a firm grip on his Rinkaku Kagune and a renewed determination in his eyes, the child prepared to face the formidable Blood Rose and her vicious subordinates. Despite the sadness that lingered in his heart, he knew he had to fight back and protect himself.

No matter how much he longed for a place to call home, he understood that in this cruel and unforgiving world, his only solace would be in his own strength. And so, he steeled himself for the imminent battle, ready to unleash his fury and prove once again that he was a force to be reckoned with.


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