
Tokyo Ghoul: Dark Comes

The Remastered Version. It's about a ghoul child who wanders the World(Tokyo) in the hunt for food and what is encountered as he roams. As he goes forward with life he meets a bunch, of people with problems that he ends up solving. Schedule = Tuesday

Auther_Uchiha · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Chapter 26: Premature


In the night, the sound of strong wind roared!

In the child's new home, the Blood Rose that came to the door is merciless, and the four stinger-like Kagune occupy a quantitative advantage, constantly attacking the child!

"What's the matter, little boy? Can't keep up with my speed?" Blood Rose taunted, her voice dripping with confidence.

The child gritted his teeth, his scarlet eyes blazing with determination. "I won't let you defeat me!" he shouted back, his voice filled with a mix of defiance and innocence.

The stormy offensive made the child, with only two Kagune, overwhelmed and hurried. His limbs were wiped out by the blood rose's scales many times, and then healed again, but he was consuming his strength little by little.

But the child refused to give up. He darted and dodged, using his agility to evade the Blood Rose's attacks. Though battered and wounded, he continued to fight back with unwavering resolve.

The child's young mind raced, desperately searching for a way to overcome his formidable opponent. He knew he couldn't match the Blood Rose's strength, but he believed that there had to be a weakness he could exploit.

His eyes fell on the Blood Rose's Kagune, its sharp tendrils slashing through the air. He analyzed its movements, searching for a pattern, a vulnerability.

"Come on, little boy! Is that all you've got?" Blood Rose taunted, launching another fierce attack.

The child focused intently, his mind racing. And then, a flicker of realization crossed his face. He saw it, a slight delay in the Blood Rose's attacks, a brief moment of vulnerability.

Without hesitation, the child made his move. He stepped back, luring the Blood Rose into a false sense of security. And then, with lightning speed, he turned and ran, leading the Blood Rose on a chase.

"Damn it! Little beast, don't run if you have a shred of pride!" Blood Rose cursed, her voice filled with frustration.

The child grinned mischievously as he darted through the darkness. He knew he had found a way to gain the upper hand, even if just for a moment.

As the chase continued, the child's speed proved to be his greatest asset. The Blood Rose struggled to keep up, her attacks always a fraction too slow. With each passing moment, the child's confidence grew.

"Having trouble catching up, aren't you?" the child taunted, his voice filled with a newfound bravado.

Blood Rose's eyes narrowed, a mix of anger and admiration flickering in her gaze. "You're faster than I expected," she admitted begrudgingly. "But it won't save you."

The child's grin widened. He knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down, but he relished in this moment of triumph. He felt a surge of adrenaline, fueling his determination to emerge victorious.

With each step, each breath, the child's resolve grew stronger. He had faced countless challenges before, each one pushing him to his limits. And now, with his newfound speed and cunning, he believed he had a chance to overcome the Blood Rose.

But the child's elation was short-lived. As he ran, a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. His two Kagune were not enough. He needed more power to truly defeat the Blood Rose.

His young mind raced, searching for a solution. And then, an idea sparked in his mind. If he could grow more scales, if he could strengthen his Kagune, he might stand a chance.

In the midst of the chase, the child slowed his pace, his eyes fixated on his bag. He focused his thoughts, his determination pulsating through his veins. He concentrated on his Kakahou, willing it to grow another scale.


The Kakahou inside his chest rumbled, responding to the child's desperate plea. The two scales on his back became unstable, but the child pushed through the pain, channeling his energy into the growth of a new scale.

"Hahaha, ridiculous boy, do you think the number of Kagune is so easy to increase?" Blood Rose's mocking laughter echoed through the night.

The child ignored her, his gaze unwavering. And then, as if by some miracle, a soft pop sounded from his lower back. A small scale emerged, swaying gently in the air.

A mix of surprise and satisfaction washed over the child's face. It may be small, but it was a symbol of his growth, a symbol of his determination to become stronger.

"Hahaha, little boy, what can you do with your chicken tail-like Kagune?" Blood Rose mocked, her voice filled with disdain.

The child's eyes burned with determination as he faced the Blood Rose. "Hsss!" he said, his voice filled with conviction though it was just a barely audible hiss...

With a burst of energy, the child unleashed his Kagune, directing it toward the Blood Rose. The small tendril shot forward, surprising both the child and the Blood Rose with its unexpected speed.


The child's Kagune made contact with the Blood Rose's defences, slicing through one of her tendrils. It was a minor victory, but a victory nonetheless. The child's eyes sparkled with a mix of surprise and satisfaction.

The Blood Rose's face contorted with a mixture of anger and disbelief. She had underestimated the child, and now she was paying the price.

But the child didn't give her a moment to recover. He pressed on, launching a relentless assault, striking at the weak points in the Blood Rose's defences.

Each strike weakened the Blood Rose, chipping away at her confidence. The child's perseverance and unwavering spirit began to wear her down, pushing her closer to the brink of defeat.

Increasing the number of scales will increase your strength as that means more RC cells. With that, you're Kakahou which stores RC cells will grow another one.

A Ghoul can absorb the Rc cells in other Ghoul species, to increase the number of Rc cells in the body, thereby forming multiple Ghoul bags or Kakahou's.

The fact that the Blood Rose can have four scales was brought because of herself as a person, otherwise, she should only have three scales based on strength alone.

It just so happens that the child has done a lot of eating recently, and the Rc cells in the body almost fill the whole body, but because of the short time, these Rc cells are still scattered all over the body, strengthening his body. One side slowly condensed into a Kakahou.

And now, the child's will seems to be pulling the Rc cells in his body, miraculously speeding up the speed of their condensation, and quickly forming a small bag on the child's back!

It's just that the child seems to be full of confidence because of the appearance of the third Kagune. He stopped his escape and turned to face the blood rose. A small face was full of seriousness. He wanted to defeat this noisy woman!


[A/N]: Chapters give names now because I started a poll.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

P.S. Please read this even if you just skim because I may actually post something important Kay?

P.P.S. I'll be posting what it looks like soon.

Auther_Uchihacreators' thoughts