
Tokyo Ghoul: Dark Comes

The Remastered Version. It's about a ghoul child who wanders the World(Tokyo) in the hunt for food and what is encountered as he roams. As he goes forward with life he meets a bunch, of people with problems that he ends up solving. Schedule = Tuesday

Auther_Uchiha · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 24:

"Watch out!" a voice shouted, warning the child of an impending attack. The child, unfazed by the warning, calmly turned around to face the source of the sound. His eyes locked onto the figure charging towards him, and without a trace of fear, he extended his hand to intercept the attack.

The attacker, known as Blood Moon, was taken aback by the child's audacity. "How dare you defy me!" he growled, his voice dripping with anger and superiority. "You'll regret crossing paths with the great Blood Moon!"

The child, unable to comprehend the words, only saw a stranger trying to harm him. He tilted his head curiously, his innocent gaze unyielding.

Blood Moon's rage intensified at the child's perceived indifference. "You think you can just ignore me? You're nothing but a filthy brat!" He unleashed a flurry of strikes, hoping to overwhelm the child with sheer force.

Yet, the child's movements were graceful and precise. With each attack, he effortlessly evaded, sidestepped, or redirected the blows. His agility and reflexes were uncanny, far surpassing what was expected of someone his age.

Growing frustrated, Blood Moon gritted his teeth. "Why won't you go down?!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with both anger and disbelief. "I'll make you pay for your insolence!"

The child remained undeterred, his expression calm and composed. He continued to defend himself flawlessly as if engaging in an intricate dance rather than a battle for survival.

As Blood Moon's attacks grew more desperate, his servant, observing the unfolding scene, couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and concern. "Young Master, perhaps we should retreat," he suggested, recognizing the futility of their efforts.

Blood Moon's pride refused to accept defeat. "No!" he snapped, his voice dripping with arrogance. "I will not be bested by a child!"

The child, unaware of the verbal exchange, focused solely on the task at hand—defending himself from the relentless assault. With a swift motion, he seized Blood Moon's arm mid-attack, immobilizing him effortlessly.

Blood Moon struggled against the child's grip, his face contorted with anger and humiliation. "Let go of me, you little monster!" he spat, his voice laced with venom.

The child's grip remained steady, his gaze locked onto Blood Moon's eyes, filled with innocence and curiosity. He couldn't comprehend the hatred and animosity directed towards him. To him, it was just another encounter, another moment to navigate.

Blood Moon, realizing the futility of his efforts, issued a command to his servant. "Kill him!" he bellowed, his voice laced with desperation.

The servant hesitated, torn between loyalty and reason. "But Young Master, we are outmatched," he reasoned, his voice tinged with concern.

Ignoring his servant's words, Blood Moon's anger intensified. "I command you to eliminate this insolent child!" he roared, his voice echoing through the air.

The child, still holding Blood Moon's arm, released his grip and watched as the fallen teen scrambled to his feet. The child's gaze held a mix of confusion and disinterest as if the entire encounter was a mere inconvenience.

As the child turned away, his footsteps fading into the distance, Blood Moon seethed with anger and humiliation. He vowed to surpass the child, to prove his superiority and dominance.

Yet, deep down, a nagging feeling gnawed at him—a realization that the child possessed a power beyond his comprehension, a power that stemmed from a purity of heart and a determination to follow his own path.

The child stood tall, his eyes filled with a cold, unyielding gaze. He had dodged the blood servant's attack with ease, his body moving like a graceful bird in flight. His fall to the ground did not deter him; instead, it fueled his determination to eliminate his enemies.

The child's intense killing intent permeated the air, his instincts recognizing the blood servant as a formidable threat.

In the child's mind, anyone who dared to attack him became an enemy, and the blood servant was no exception. The blood moon, who stood by his side, had unknowingly become entangled in the child's web of enmity.

In an instant, the child's blood-red Kagune burst forth from his body, two deadly tendrils swirling around him like phantoms. With blinding speed, he lunged at the blood servant, his movements fluid and precise.

"W-what?!" the blood servant exclaimed, taken aback by the child's sudden assault. Desperately, he activated his Kakuhou, generating Kagune to shield himself from the impending strike. But it was too late.


A sharp pain coursed through the blood servant's abdomen, and his futile attempt to defend himself met with failure. Darkness quickly engulfed his vision, and he fell into unconsciousness, unaware of his impending demise.

Blood Moon watched in horror as the child effortlessly dispatched the powerful A-level ghoul, an act that defied all expectations.

The child's Rinkaku Kagune had circumvented the blood servant's defences, like two agile serpents, and struck with lethal precision. It pierced the blood servant's abdomen and swiftly travelled upward, piercing his head with a final, fatal blow.


Blood Moon's eyes widened with fear and disbelief. Though he knew he was not as formidable as his parents and other high-ranking ghouls, he had believed the blood servant to be an unparalleled force within the A-level ranks. Yet, before this child, the blood servant had fallen without even putting up a fight.

Who was this child? How could he possess such unimaginable danger? Fear gripped Blood Moon's heart, causing his legs to involuntarily buckle as he knelt on the ground, backing away in embarrassment. Cold sweat trickled down his back, his face a mask of terror.

"No, please don't kill me! I was wrong, spare me!" Blood Moon pleaded desperately, abandoning any pretense of dignity. He frantically tried to reason with the child, promising that his father would seek vengeance if harm befell him. He offered anything to save his own life, resorting to empty words that the child couldn't comprehend.

But the child was unperturbed by Blood Moon's pleas. Without understanding the words being spoken, he saw only an enemy before him. And with a swift movement, he brought an end to Blood Moon's existence.


A flash of red light blurred before Blood Moon's eyes, and consciousness slipped away from him. The child's Rinkaku Kagune moved with such speed that it seemed impossible to follow.

After satisfying his hunger by feasting on the remains of his fallen foes, the child let out a contented hiccup. Oblivious to the consequences his actions would unleash, he leisurely returned to his new home, unaware of the storm that was about to descend upon him.

News of the Scarlet Group's son being slain, a seemingly audacious act committed by a solitary figure, quickly spread throughout the three districts. The tale of the child's swift and ruthless victory echoed through the underworld, capturing the attention of those who sought to uncover the truth behind this enigmatic newcomer.

Bloody Night seethed with fury as he sat in his headquarters, his mind consumed by thoughts of revenge. He pounded his fists on the table, shattering a nearby cup into pieces, his anger radiating from his every pore.

"Who dares to kill my son?!" he bellowed, his voice laced with venom. His piercing gaze swept across the room, demanding answers.

One of his loyal A-level ghouls knelt before him, his face filled with trepidation. "Lord Bloody Night, we have yet to uncover the identity of the murderer. It appears to be a newcomer who recently arrived in our district. We are diligently searching for information, but it will take some time," the ghoul explained, his voice quivering with fear.

Bloody Night's rage intensified at the lack of immediate answers. "Half a day!" he thundered, his voice filled with menace. "You have until tonight to find the whereabouts of the murderer. Fail me, and you won't live to see another day!"

The ghoul hastily bowed, his heart pounding in his chest. He cursed the child responsible for his predicament, cursing his audacity and the trouble he had brought upon him. With his life hanging by a thread, he knew he had to act swiftly.

"I swear to find the murderer, even if it costs me my life!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with desperation. With that, he fled from the room, knowing that his survival depended on fulfilling his mission.

Meanwhile, the child, unaware of the storm he had stirred, returned to his newfound home, his belly full from consuming the flesh of his fallen adversaries. Little did he know that the death of the two ghouls would send shockwaves through the underworld, drawing the attention of powerful enemies.

As news of the Scarlet Group's son's demise spread, speculation ran rampant throughout the three districts. Whispers of rival factions and deadly adversaries filled the air, as everyone sought to uncover the identity of the audacious killer.

Back in the headquarters of the Bloody Group, Bloody Night seethed with rage, his face turning an angry shade of blue. He vowed to avenge his son's death and make the perpetrator pay dearly.

"Whoever you are, you will regret crossing paths with me!" he snarled, his voice filled with venomous determination. The hunt for the child had begun, and the child's future was about to take a dangerous and unpredictable turn.

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