

On June 1st, 2222. the future of human history changes beyond recognition. There was no rule, only survival of the fittest. Monster, Demon Beast, animal that changes beyond the rule walk rampage in this new world. Humans already not in the top food chain but become one of the lowest in the food chain. The human population reduces until bellow fifty percent. there is no one that can predict what will happen to humanity in this new world. “Arghhh…arghhhhhh..rg….” “Help…hlppp…helllppppp” “Sorry, I can't help you,” said someone from somewhere. “awghh… where am I ?” “what??. “how… “wtff… “if god in there, pls help me…. “help…helllppp (sound from far away)” “……. …” “fck..if there was no god, I will become something like that” lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Cultivating using Qi Cultivation Technique

joining Heavenly tower is only bad for him, there are no benefits.

If Baco had only a Blue or Gold Aptitude, he would definitely choose to join the Heavenly tower, because the Heavenly tower is huge and has countless resources, and he can definitely get the best training resource there. But he can continue to improve his aptitude and talent. So, when he joining the heavenly tower, the heavenly tower certainly will test his aptitude and talent. If in the future his aptitude and talent continues to improve, how can this be explained?

Could it be that he would explaining that he has obtained a treasure that can improve his aptitude and talent? It's okay to lie once, but if it happens every time, no one will believe it. Even if Heavenly tower values him, they certainly still covet his secrets, and his copycat talent will be exposed.

Baco is very clear about his situation, he will not join any organization, otherwise troubles will continue to come. However, in the future, he could establish his own organization.

"You refused!" Su Mei was shocked, "Do you know how huge my Heavenly Tower is, Just sending out one of our high stage cultivators is enough to destroy the entire BlackMoon Base!"

She couldn't understand why Baco gave up such a great opportunity. You must know that even in the large base, there are countless geniuses who want to join the Heavenly Tower, but they have no chance.

"I really don't want to join any organization!" Baco said again.

"oohh,,its okey!!!"

Su Mei no longer insisted on letting Baco join the Heavenly tower.

After the two chatted for a few words, Baco left.

After Baco left, an old man came from the next room.

"Miss, why did you invite a martial artist from a small base? "No matter how young this person is, what kind of genius can a small blackmoon base have, at most,he just has a blue grade aptitude, and a genius with a blue grade aptitude is not a genius at all in a large base. , unless it is a blue grade aptitude genius with special talent, that is what our Heavenly tower needs." The old man asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing, I just thought it would be nice to meet such a young cultivator in such a small place as the blackmoon base, and I thought it would be good to recruit him. Originally, I planned to recruit him as a servant, but I didn't expect that he would not even join the Heavenly tower. Naturally, he didn't want to be a My servant." Su Mei said lightly.

To Su Mei and the old man, Baco was just an insignificant person.

But this time is no less than a small golden opportunity for Baco.

Baco was going to stay in the blackmoon base for sometime. He thought that he would not be able to copy the gold aptitude, but now he met the genius of the big base and successfully copied her aptitude.

Originally, Baco thought that it would take him a lot of time to be promoted to the level of martial master realm cultivator, but after having gold aptitude, he felt that he could step into martial master realm at most one or two years.


In Baco home.

Ye Yu went to school, and Baco was the only one at home, so he didn't care about anything, and started fusing Su Mei aptitude with himself directly.

boom! ! ! !

The long-lost severe pain came to his mind, and his whole body seemed to be torn apart.

Ten minutes passed.

Baco felt refreshed all over, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

With a thought, He check his aptitude.

Name : Baco

Aptitude : Gold Aptitude

Talent: Speed (low)

Talent: Sword (Medium)

Talent: Shadow (low)

"My gold aptitude is the combination of my blue grade aptitude and Su Mei gold aptitude."" "So, in terms of aptitude, my aptitude is stronger than Su Mei's!" Baco secretly thought

Afterwards, he took out the Qi Cultivation Technique, looked at it carefully, and read it again.

After a long time, Baco finally had a general understanding of Qi Cultivation Technique.

The Qi Cultivation Technique cultivate by martial artist realm is different from the body technique that martial apprentice realm cultivate. The body technique is to develop the potential of the body and temper the body, while the Qi Cultivation Technique is to absorb the Qi in the world and refine it and store it in the dantian.

In the early stage of martial artist realm, refining the skin, in the middle stage of the martial artist realm, refining the muscles, and in the late stage of the martial artist realm, cultivator must refining the bones inside their body. Once refining the skin , meat, and bone are all success, the cultivator has reached the peak state of the martial artist realm. At this time, the cultivator has the strength equivalent to ten thousand kilograms, and after using the qi power, the peak stage martial artist realm cultivator can exert twice the strength, which is equivalent to twenty thousand kilograms.

"According to the Qi Cultivation Technique, 10,000 kilograms is the limit of a martial artist realm, and 100,000 kilograms is the limit of martial master realm. "There is no mention of the limit of a grand master realm!" Baco thought it.

Only at this time did he truly realize how powerful a cultivator was, far stronger than he imagined.

He is still very weak now, only has a strength of more than a thousand kilograms, and he has not yet started to cultivate using the Qi Cultivation Technique, so he is not yet a true cultivator in the martial artist realm.

"Begin Cultivating!"

Baco followed the Qi Cultivation Technique, and began to absorb the Qi between the heaven and the earth.

boom! ! !

Streams of qi poured into the Baco body from all around along the pores, and under the effect of the Qi Cultivation Technique, the qi entered the Baco dantian. Afterwards, Qi rushed out from his dantian, spread to the skin, and began to refine his skin. Immediately, a numbing feeling came from the skin, and there was still a trace of pain.

Baco knew that this was the process of refining the skin, and only if the skin was refined would it be able to resist weapons with its body.

While refining his skin, Baco could also clearly sense that his strength was increasing, which was far more obvious than the increase in strength when he was in the martial apprentice realm.

"Even if a person with poor aptitude becomes a martial artist realm, it is still difficult to absorb qi when cultivating using Qi Cultivation Technique." For example, it takes a long time for a cultivator with an orange aptitude to absorb a wisp of qi from the world. Even if they use the medium grade blood potion, it is still difficult for them to improve their strength. However, I, who have a gold aptitude, can absorb so much qi. "The difference in aptitude is too obvious!" baco thought while cultivating.

After cultivating for a while, Baco uses a medium grade blood potion to assist his cultivation.

A medium grade blood potion contains powerful blood energy, which can better temper the skin of his body. Therefore, using medium grade blood potion to assist cultivation is much faster than cultivating with the Qi Cultivation Technique alone.

However, with a gold aptitude, his absorption effect on the medium grade blood potion is far superior. So, he checks it out.

"Three times the increase effect, it can increase the cultivating speed at the martial artist realm by three times, which is already very good!"

Baco was very satisfied.

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