

On June 1st, 2222. the future of human history changes beyond recognition. There was no rule, only survival of the fittest. Monster, Demon Beast, animal that changes beyond the rule walk rampage in this new world. Humans already not in the top food chain but become one of the lowest in the food chain. The human population reduces until bellow fifty percent. there is no one that can predict what will happen to humanity in this new world. “Arghhh…arghhhhhh..rg….” “Help…hlppp…helllppppp” “Sorry, I can't help you,” said someone from somewhere. “awghh… where am I ?” “what??. “how… “wtff… “if god in there, pls help me…. “help…helllppp (sound from far away)” “……. …” “fck..if there was no god, I will become something like that” lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Buy Qi Cultivation Technique

at the entrance to the black market.

Baco looked at the two gatekeepers in the martial artist realm guarding the door and walked straight over.

The two gatekeepers looked at Baco carefully, but they sensed the aura of martial artist realm on Baco, so they didn't stop Baco from entering Black Market.

The area of the black market is very large, at least as big as a large square. There are many shops here, and many martial artist realm cultivator are walking around.

Baco found a shop that bought the materials of the demon beasts, and sold the materials of the demon beasts he hunted for a total of 200,000 dollars, which is considered a small harvest.

"Heavenly Tower!"

Baco came to the door of this shop and looked at the shop carefully. From the perspective of area and scale, this store is undoubtedly the largest store in the black market.

Baco Walking into the shop and a female clerk rush over to meet Baco and said respectfully, "Master, is there anything you need to buy?" "We sell various items, you could find almost anything in our Heavenly Tower shop!"

"Do you have any cultivation techniques for martial artist realm cultivators in your Heavenly Tower shop?" Baco asked.

The female clerk smiled and said: "Master is talking about the Qi cultivation techniques?" "But we only have the low-level Qi cultivation techniques in our shop, and the higher Qi cultivation techniques can only be found in the large base!"

Qi cultivation techniques!

Baco heard this name for the first time, and it can't be blamed that he didn't know it. The main reason is that the high-level executives of the BlackMon base are too strict. They won't impart too much knowledge about the martial artist realm. Obviously, this is an unwritten rule among the high-level executives of the Blackmoon base.

"Do you have a list of items in your Heavenly Tower shop?" "I want to see it before buying!" Baco, ask it.

"Ok, wait for a second master!"

The female clerk nodded and quickly fetched a list of items.

There are many items recorded in this list of items, not only the Qi cultivation techniques, but also demon beast blood, healing potion, weapons, martial art techniques, and rare treasures, etc. Some precious treasures are worth more than ten million dollars.

Originally, Baco thought he was rich, but after seeing these items, he realized that he didn't have much money at all, at most, it was only enough for him to cultivate at the martial artist realm.

"A low-level Qi cultivation techniques, a martial artist realm beginner book, three medium grade demon beast blood potions, an encyclopedia about demon beasts, and three bottles of Qingyuan liquid!"

Baco said one by one.

The female clerk calculated: "The low-level Qi cultivation techniques are 50,000 dollars, the martial artist realm beginner book is 10,000 dollars, the three medium grade demon beast blood potions are 500,000 dollars, an encyclopedia about demon beasts is 20,000 dollars, and the three bottles of Qingyuan liquid are 1 million dollars!" "A total of 1.58 million dollars!"

After spending 1.58 million dollars in one fell swoop, Baco felt a little distressed. Fortunately, he got the property of Shadow assassin, which is quite a fortune, otherwise he really couldn't afford such a purchase.

After paying the money, baco took these things into his hands. Just when Baco was about to leave, the female clerk said: "Master, the director of our Heavenly tower shop wants to see you. I wonder if you have time?"

"The director of Heavenly tower shop wants to see me?"

Baco frowned slightly, he didn't want to go, but after thinking about it, it's better to meet him.

In fact, he was also curious about what the director of Heavenly tower shop wanted him to do?

Led by the female clerk, baco came to the second floor of Heavenly tower shop.

"A Girls!!"

Baco was a little surprised.

He originally thought that the director of Heavenly tower shop was a middle-aged man or an old man, but he didn't expect it to be a girl, and she was not very old, about eighteen or nineteen years old at most.

He subconsciously checked the director of the Heavenly Tower Shop aptitude and talent.

Seeing this, he was shocked in his heart.

Human: Su Mei

Aptitude: Gold

Talent: Sword {medium}

Talent: Speed {Inferior}

Really a genius!

This is the real genius Baco has seen since he traveled through time. Compared with Su Mei, Mo bei and others are simply scumbags.

"It turned out to be a gold grade aptitude, and she also has a medium grade sword talent and a inferior speed talent. Coupled with the age and background, I am afraid that she is already in the martial master realm!" Baco thought.

Immediately, he was excited.

He doesn't care about the medium grade sword talent, because he already has the medium grade sword talent, and even if he copies the medium grade sword talent, it will be difficult to increase his strength.

"Because my copycat talent can only copy one talent or one aptitude every thirty days." Although her inferior speed talent is useful when fusing it with my low speed talent, it is maybe only increase a little of my speed. So, it is better to copy her aptitude. "After all, after today, I may not have the opportunity to contact her again."

So, Baco showed a pure smile, and he stretched out his right hand: "Hello, my name is Baco!"

Su Mei hesitated a little, but still stretched out her left hand and shook baco hand lightly, and then retracted it instantly. But what Su Mei didn't know was that the moment Baco touched Su Mei left hand, Baco already copied Su Mei aptitude.

"Hahhahah....Finally, I have gold aptitude!"

Baco was overjoyed, his heart burst into laughter.

"Hello, I'm Su Mei, the director of Heavenly tower shop." Su Mei introduced herself, and immediately made the female shop assistant leave with a look.

"Director Su, what do you want from me?" Baco asked straight to the point.

Su Mei sat down, stared at Baco, and asked: "You must have just been advance to a martial artist realm? Do you know the origin of my Heavenly Tower Shop?"

"It is true that I have just been advance to martial artist realm. As for the origin of the Heavenly tower shop, I don't know, but it must be a powerful force in BlackMoon Base." Baco said.

"No!" Su Mei shook his head, "my Heavenly Tower is not a organization in the Black Moon Base." Although the Black Moon Base is only a small base and it is difficult to contact other bases, some large bases have established branches in the Black Moon Base, because the Black Moon Base geographical location is special, and those large bases are also worried about accidents at the blackmoon base. For those large bases, the blackmoon base is a gateway, so no matter how weak the blackmoon base is, they will send people to station here, and Hevenly tower is from the large base. "

"From the large base!"

Baco showed finally now, why heavenly tower can sell so many treasures.

It's just what is Su Mei doing at BlackMoon Base?

This is just a small base!

Baco even more puzzled.

"Are you willing to join the heavenly tower? I think you are only sixteen or seventeen years old at most, and you have already been advance to martial artist realm. More importantly, you are not from a big families at Black Moon Base, which makes you even more valuable. So I want to invite you to join my heavenly tower!" Su Mei said truthfully.

"Director Su, I don't want to join any organization for the time being!"

Baco refused without thinking.