

On June 1st, 2222. the future of human history changes beyond recognition. There was no rule, only survival of the fittest. Monster, Demon Beast, animal that changes beyond the rule walk rampage in this new world. Humans already not in the top food chain but become one of the lowest in the food chain. The human population reduces until bellow fifty percent. there is no one that can predict what will happen to humanity in this new world. “Arghhh…arghhhhhh..rg….” “Help…hlppp…helllppppp” “Sorry, I can't help you,” said someone from somewhere. “awghh… where am I ?” “what??. “how… “wtff… “if god in there, pls help me…. “help…helllppp (sound from far away)” “……. …” “fck..if there was no god, I will become something like that” lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Lake of the Dead

After only cultivating for a few days, Baco felt a little distressed.

It's not that his progress is slow, but his home is too small, and so when he cultivates in the house, something will be broken accidentally.

"It's time to move. The location here is originally on the edge of the base. Once a demon beast breaks into the base, it will be attacked first. Living here is too dangerous. "I'm not afraid, but my sister hasn't cultivating yet. and In the future, I will definitely enter wilderness frequently, I am afraid I will not be able to protect my sister. So I must move into the small villa in the center of the blackmoon base!" Baco decided.

The small villa in the center of the blackmoon base is very safe. Unless the base is breached, it will not be affected there, but the houses there are also super expensive. A small villa will cost 10 million dollars, which is simply unaffordable for ordinary families. .

Baco still has about 2 million dollars in his possession, plus he can get a loan as a martial artist realm, and the bank at the base can give him a loan that enough to buy a small villa.

after having a lunch, Baco discussed it with Ye Y.

"Ye Yu, we are going to move into the small villa in the center of the black moon base and the Central Garden area is not bad!"

Ye Yu's eyes widened, walked over, and touched baco forehead: "Brother, you don't have a fever, right? "The small villa in the Central Garden is at least 10 million dollars, that's not a place we can live in!"

"Where did you learn this, you little girl!" Baco flicked Ye Yu's head lightly, then smiled and said, "Your brother is rich now!"

With that said, Baco placed two gold cards on the table.

"Here is 2 million, plus your brother is now a martial artist realm cultivator. so, I can take out a loan in the bank!"Baco said proudly.

"whaaattt, bro, are you a martial artist realm cultivator now???"

Ye Yu was so shocked that she covered her mouth with a look of disbelief.

She remembered that her brother had only cultivating for half a year, so he became a martial artist realm cultivator so quickly, the speed is too fast!

"Well, I just made a breakthrough, but you can't tell others, after all, your brother is such a genius, what should we do if others are jealous, which is not good for our family!" said Baco.

"Yeah, brother, I promise not to tell others!" her eyes were full of joy, she felt very proud to have such a talented brother.


In the next few days, Baco went to go through the purchase procedures.

In this era, there are no troublesome procedures such as applying for a real estate certificate. You only need to sign a contract, and the small villas are all decorated, but the so-called decoration is very simple from Baco's perspective, similar to the ancient small courtyard. The style is not at all like the modern villa that Baco imagined.

Perhaps those large bases can produce modern villas, but the BlackMoon base does not have this ability, mainly because the cost is too high.

The only thing that makes Baco somewhat gratified is that the small villa has a large area, a small courtyard of 50 square meters, five rooms, two living rooms, and two toilets. The total area of the entire villa has reached 400 square meters.

This is still a small villa in the Blackmoon base, because the blackmoon base does not lack land area. When the blackmoon base was first built, the base was built very large, and in the end, the entire base only had hundreds of thousands of people living inside.

After buying the villa, Baco started to move his things to his new home. There were not many things in his previous house, and in just half a day, he and his sister officially settled in the small villa in the central garden.

However, this villa does not really belong to Baco.

Once Baco falls, or is unable to repay the loan, this small villa will be taken back.

Therefore, Baco wanted to repay the loan as soon as possible.

But the loan of 8 million dollars is not a small amount. If it is an ordinary martial artist realm cultivator, it may take ten years or even decades to repay it.

But Baco felt that he didn't need that much time. With the speed at which he hunting and killing the demon beasts, it would definitely not take too long to repay these debts.

For the next half month, Baco entered wilderness every day to hunting demon beasts. He chose demon beasts with small size, and brought them back to the base immediately after hunting. In just half a month, he earned a full 3 million dollars.

continously hunting demon beasts is something that other cultivator in the martial artist realm dare not to do. It's not because they are not strong enough, but because wilderness are too dangerous. Who can guarantee that he will be lucky every time and come back alive every time? Most cultivators wouldn't hunting demon beast like Baco, after all, once they encountered a powerful demon beast, it would be too late to escape.

But Baco speed is very fast, his speed in the early stage of the martial artis realm surpassed cultivator's in the late stages of the martial artist realm and coupled with the his shadow talent, this made him dare to hunt and kill demon beasts continuously.

After continuously hunting the demon beasts, Baco was going to rest for a period of time and not leaving the base, and only cultivating with all his strength to increase his cultivation.


Another half-month has passed in the blink of an eye.

With sufficient demon beast blood, coupled with the advantages of his gold aptitude, Baco strength has increased again, and he already has a strength of 2000 kilograms. His skin has been refining to be very tough, enough to block ordinary iron weapons.

In his previous life, it is enough to resist bullets!

It's a pity that there are no bullets in this era!

On this day, Baco came to the black market again. He didn't come to sell demon beast materials, but to buy things.

"I want to buy a map of the Lake of the Dead!" Baco said.

The Lake of Death is located in a lake thirty five kilometers away from the BlackMoon Base, and there are many demon beasts around it.

The reason why this lake is called the Lake of the Dead is because there are many terrifying aquatic demon beasts in the lake of death, even cultivator in martial master realm would find it difficult to survive. so, people name it the lake of death."

The reason why Baco wanted to go to the lake of death was because there are lighthouse jellyfish in lake of death!

Before the Qi Era, the lighthouse jellyfish was a tiny marine creature, but with the arrival of the Qi Era, the lighthouse jellyfish has undergone a metamorphosis, no longer living in the ocean, and no longer restricted by the environment. Its survivability has greatly increased, and they appeared in several lake. there are lighthouse jellyfish in the lake of death, and there are a lot of them.

It can be said that the lighthouse jellyfish is an Yan Huang Planet Native creature, not from the demon beast species that come from the cracks in space. but the lighthouse jellyfish is also extremely powerful, their size has grown many times larger than a human palm. They are very difficult to be killed, even the tentacles of the lighthouse jellyfish can penetrate the martial artist realm cultivator body.

It is said that even cultivators in the martial master realm must escape when they see a group of lighthouse jellyfish, otherwise they will die.

Baco paid more attention to the abilities of the lighthouse jellyfish. He felt that the lighthouse jellyfish must have the talent of healing and recovery. Once he copied it, his survivability would definitely improve several times.

Although it is a bit dangerous to go to the Lake of Death, the gains are definitely worth it!