
To love you better

As long as you love me. It was just,the life she lived was too mundane for her to experience the beauty of life. The rebirth not only brought another beginning but also the various colours of life with it. Jiang XueYue,the crown Princess of Pheonix Country,lived a life desired by many. She was the proud, elegant and cunning princess in the eyes of others. however, behind the tall, shining walls of the empire palace , what faced her was vicious cruelty, cutthroat plannings and hatred. Jiang XueYue failed to recieve the Basic love she longed for her whole life until she faced the end. At last,she lost everything. Her parents,her beloved family and the love she herself was the reason of death. Alas!! She, the crown Princess was reborn. To revenge the betrayal,to make her choices again and to live of love that she deserved.

Vrij_9 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 24:The clueless doctor.

The journey to the hospital was staid. No one spoke, each in contemplation of their own thoughts. The air in the car was awkwardly inharmonious.

At one side, Jiang Ying yue was deep in thought recollecting the past memories of the original owner of this body. And surely she did find memories which were more like nightmares.

At the other hand, Mo Sicheng ,too was finding the root of Jiang Ying Yue's innate fear. What could have caused this extent of fear in the girl? To the extent of causing paralysis of brief seconds. These brief seconds came out to be crucial as he was aware the the girl's vigilant nature.

To have caused her sharp senses to be paralysed, the fear was in no way simple. The more he thought,the more infuriated he became.

Mo Sicheng desperately wanted to ask the girl for the reason behind her irrational fear but he knew better. As curious as he was, he knew the trauma was not to be dug out. Not just yet when the situation was complicated enough for her.

Thus, the duo, each silent, continued to remain still till they reached the hospital.

As they parked in the hospital parking lot, much against to Jiang Ying Yue's protest, she was again carried by the man in his arms. She guessed her visits to hospitals were much often, to the point of negativity. The positive thing was the embrace of this man whenever she came here.

Jiang Ying Yue was directly carried to the third floor of the hospital before she was finally let down from Mo Sicheng's arms. As she settled herself on the hospital bed, a young man came out from behind the curtains.

The man was tall yet lean with his slender frame. His pale poreless skin along with his defined carved features added an androgynous beauty to his handsomeness. The man's bespectacled eyes and his doctor's white coat gave his a scholarly aura.

"What's the deal?"

The young doctor inquired in a laid back manner. The young man was named Xiu Huannan. The second master of the Xiu family,which greatly thrived in the real estate business and was known internationally.

The second master of the Xiu family was infamous for being a Casanova and a flirt. Fortunately or unfortunately,the notion was true and was actually the case. Xiu Huannan with his laid back personality was looked gentle and harmless.

However, as the case for humans, they each had multiple faces they showed varying from the person and situation.

Xiu Huannan, the Casanova as he appeared to be, was actually the behind the scenes CEO of a multinational corporation ranking within the top ten. Cutthroat competition and passion for power has rendered the Xiu family in shade and disharmony.

Thus, this humble but arrogant image of a second rich generation young master made it a lot more easier for him to make his move in the dark. The other party was not aware of his doings till now and shall not be unless he, Xiu Huannan decided otherwise.

"This kid here was scalded."

Mo Sicheng cold bloodedly answered, seemingly still in rage over the accident. Jiang Xueyue was almost sure, if this man was allowed to do so, he would have shredded the Zhou family in pieces.

"Let me check."

Xiu Huannan faced Jiang Xueyue with his right hand streched out. The man was probably excepting a scalded hand or leg.

" The burn is not severe." She solemnly informed.

"Well, We will see that after I'm done with the check up." The doctor added nonchalantly.

" The warm liquid was thrown from a higher angle..." The serene beauty flush at the mention.

Jiang Xueyue awkwardly tried her best to inform the doctor of his misunderstanding. She was not sure of the reason, but meeting man's confused and innocent eyes, she could just not bring herself to say that it was her chest area that was burnt. She inexplicably felt shameful.

"Yeah, i know. Now let me see if it's severe or not."

Seemingly oblivious of the girl's embarassment, the clueless man asked yet again.

"It's the lower area of the neck!"

Jiang Xueyue, cried out in one breadth. Both embarrassed and frustrated at this man's intelligence quotient. She was damn well sure if she was to say anything other the the direct answer , the man infront of her would have still insisted for her to show her burns.

"Stop flirting around. She is Jiang Xueyue."

Mo Sicheng snapped callously reminding the man who was deliberately joking around with his girl.

"Oh, so it's sister-in-law!"

Xiu Huannan's eyes flashed with enlightenment after the revelation. He was stupid enough to think Mo Sicheng would go around with any other woman.

"Don't worry, I'll get a nurse to check on you."

While Jiang XueYue was still getting checked up, the two males, who were actually close friend seriously discussed life.

"The girl's quite cute. Back then when you told me about your fiance , you surely did not tell me about her being such a beauty."

Xiu Huannan, the Casanova complained about his friend's misinformation. Had he known that he had such adorable sister-in-law, he would have flown back to attend the jiang's banquet.

"Speak properly."

A certain jealous man spat out.

"Okay, So for how long are you going to stay this time. "

Xiu Huannan, spoke lazily again , yet this time devoid of any flamboyant tone. The man's eyes turned solemn with his rimless glasses off.

"For about two months. The smuggling case still needs alot of attention here. I'll leave after the case is fully closed down. " At the end of his speech, his tone turned denser with his brows pinched slightly.

He would have to leave the girl behind after two months, not knowing when he will finally reunite again. The thought greatly disturbed the males young budding heart which has just recieved love.

"Then you should inform Xueyue about the matters regarding your departure. By the way, Old Wen is coming in two days. Let's go to Wei High for drinks then."