
To love you better

As long as you love me. It was just,the life she lived was too mundane for her to experience the beauty of life. The rebirth not only brought another beginning but also the various colours of life with it. Jiang XueYue,the crown Princess of Pheonix Country,lived a life desired by many. She was the proud, elegant and cunning princess in the eyes of others. however, behind the tall, shining walls of the empire palace , what faced her was vicious cruelty, cutthroat plannings and hatred. Jiang XueYue failed to recieve the Basic love she longed for her whole life until she faced the end. At last,she lost everything. Her parents,her beloved family and the love she herself was the reason of death. Alas!! She, the crown Princess was reborn. To revenge the betrayal,to make her choices again and to live of love that she deserved.

Vrij_9 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 23: Conflicting relations.

The crowd finally snapped out of their daze before looking at each other with rage clear in their eyes.

The newcomer group ,who had barged in such early morning was the Zhou family females. It was the Old Madam of Zhou family and her daughter,who were also Madam Jiang's Mother and sister.

This mother and daughter pair had practically barged in their house to ask for help for their doomed business.

"To barge in someone's house this early of a morning.The Zhou family surely does have some unique manners. Tsk!"

Jiang Xuesheng clicked his tongue at the end of his sarcastic praise ,those obsidian predatory eyes of hi scanning sharply over the Zhou family's women.

"You bast*ard!Watch your tongue.Is that how you speak to your elders! "

Old madam Jiang retorted with vile words, her entire being no different then of a shrew. The elderly woman was dressed lavishly in branded clothes. Her pink attire,however, looked too out of the place due to her all wrinkly face and vicious eyes.

"Sister. Our business has been going low recently. Quickly ask brother in law to help a little. Anyways, the small amount won't feel much to you guys."

Standing besides the old madam, Zhou jinlang, who was madam jiang's younger sister , spoke up with a pinched voice. As she spoke, the woman tried forcing her way towards madam Jiang, her eyes gleaming with a sly light .

"When did the Jiang manor started accepting beggars in,butler Li?

A cold voice sounded accompanied by the steady footsteps of Jiang Xuejing. He walked calmly towards the trio before stopping a meter away from them. He, alongside with Jiang Xuesheng formed a barrier, stopping the upcoming woman in her another disgusting attempts.

" Big Brother jing, How can you talk to Aunt Zhou like that? She is your elder and aunt."

A meek soft voice of a young girl was heard, making the males of the Jiang family frown in repulsion.The speaking girl was Zhou jinlang's niece from her in laws side.

Bai Shilin was the daughter of the Bai families first master. The second son, Bai Haoming was married into Zhou family. He was the husband of Jiang Ying Yue's aunt, Zhou Jinlang.

Bai Shilin was 21 this year and was the Bai families first miss. Though the Bai families estate business was not considered to be the top tiered ones, it was definitely one of the second tier businesses.

She had accompanied her aunt in Jiang Ying Yue's welcoming ceremony three years ago. The intention behind her joining was clearly to mock Jiang Ying Yue. Her father had asked to to be kind to this country bumpkin and befriend her due the the Jiang family's background.

However, when she had seen the three young masters of the Jiang main family,she was immediately interested and had liked Jiang Xuejing since then.

His charismatic appearance was secondary, what intrigued her was his high background and Jiang family's financial standing.

Thus,she had discreetly started paying attention to the matters related to jiang's.She has had even expressed her interest indirectly to the man previously. Yet surprisingly, the man had turned away without uttering a single word, as if she was not visible to him.

"Jiang manor is not a place for outsiders to intervene in."

Jiang Xuesheng sheng was heard grunting in utter distaste towards this disgusting trio pack of women.

The women in his house were so much better. So better that the face of another woman had no appeal at all. Comparison was brutal.....

Jiang Xuesheng internally exclaimed in his mind.

"If you are here for that doomed company of yours. Leave. We are not helping."

Jiang Xuewei nonchalantly spoke. The tall, upright man stood besides his mother, in an covert protective stance. He was as calm as ever, his demeanor tranquil, devoid of any imbalance. Yet only the Jiang family knew of the great ripples brewing in his heart. There was no way for him to leave these women any leniency ,when they had yet again inflicted another scar to his sister.

Time shall show them of their doom.

"Jinling, i shall forgive you of your rudeness this time. However, you must help your sister this time. You are the elder sister and it's only right of you to help the younger one."

Old madam Zhou never failed to show her elder position. This woman was not only thick skinned to the bones but also irrational. Her twisted face was far from being that of a mother's caring behaviour.

"We, the Jiang family have nothing to do with the matters of the Zhou family. We will no longer help with any of your issues. Butler Li, escort the guests out."

Mother Jiang assertively put forth her stance. She has had enough and learnt enough from the past years. This woman, who ironically was her biological mother had not left a single opportunity to exploit her both physically and mentally.

In the process, the damage was inflicted on every single person in their family. Her emotions had made the Jiang family suffer to great lengths. Now, however, she must not yield to this hypocritical close relatives of her's.

"How dare you speak to your mother like that! You wr*ched piece of sh*t! Is it too much for you to do when all you have to do is lend some money to your sister? If should have i know that you would become so promiscuous after marrying rich, i would have rather married jinlang in your place."

Old madam Zhou cursed and shouted obnoxiously , finally loosing the phoney stance she had accepted before coming here. If not for the Shortage of breaths, the woman would have continued to spew insults with no care of the world.

" If not for you being my mother's biological mother, it would have not been just the business alone that went down the trash."

Jiang Xuejing coldly asserted, too tired to keep up with the courtesy infront of these so called relatives of his. Those foxy sharp eyes of his advocated his rage fairly well enough to scare the trio of the women to shut up.

"Butler Li, see them out."

Was the final thing the Zhou family heard in response from the jiang's before they were practically dragged out by the security personnels.