
To love you better

As long as you love me. It was just,the life she lived was too mundane for her to experience the beauty of life. The rebirth not only brought another beginning but also the various colours of life with it. Jiang XueYue,the crown Princess of Pheonix Country,lived a life desired by many. She was the proud, elegant and cunning princess in the eyes of others. however, behind the tall, shining walls of the empire palace , what faced her was vicious cruelty, cutthroat plannings and hatred. Jiang XueYue failed to recieve the Basic love she longed for her whole life until she faced the end. At last,she lost everything. Her parents,her beloved family and the love she herself was the reason of death. Alas!! She, the crown Princess was reborn. To revenge the betrayal,to make her choices again and to live of love that she deserved.

Vrij_9 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 25: Distressed Xiu Huannan.

Despite running out of topics to discuss between the men, they did not cease to tease around back and forth. Each came up with old stories and memories to pull the other person's legs. No one besides the two knew who started it, but it surely wouldn't fair well, that was for sure.

"Do you want me to remind you of the terrible hobby you got back in the high school? Of course,i should share with sister in law about how you would sneak away from the school's back wall to go for singing lessons." Xiu Huannan revealed his brother's sour, to say, dark history.

" How about i tell Aunt Xiu about you drunk calling our university professor to confess to her? I reckon if she would be proud and amused of her good son's deeds." Mo Sicheng was not the one to back down either.He was not short of stories of this young masters shenanigans, which were enough for himself to feel second hand embarassment.

"I dare you! Would you believe me if I say I'm going to tell Grandpa Mo about you stealing his rare wine to plant a tree back in kindergarten. I guess the old man still doesn't know about it." The former snapped back. His face fuming in astonishment. Actually,he too didn't remember much about his confession to his teacher.

Offense was the best defence. That was exactly what these two fellows were doing right now. Coming up with a darker history of the other party to cover their owns.

" Let me tell Xiu Huanran that you stole her latest dress to gift it to one of your exes." As a man of action, Mo sicheng was already ready with his phone in his hands. All well prepared to call this man's sister to spill his evil doings.

"Hey, you were not this cruel back then. Let's forget about this measly argument and continue to be friends, alright. Let's not forget be are peace loving people of our country."

The young elegant doctor practically begged. To keep up with his dignity, what was that? He was damn sure if his sister knew about his secret,he would wake up with a finger or two missing the next morning.

"I'm done. Let's go have breakfast, I'm famished." The young maiden spoke eliciting an immediate response from her sweet man,who ceased threatening Xiu Huannan and quickly helped her out of the office.

This was when the poor grieving peasants saviour came with a silver armour to save him from the demons.


Letting out a relieved sigh, Xiu Huannan thus decided not to tease this angel of a sister in law of his. He was assured this knight would save his poor soul from her cruel hearted partner.

"Send her medicines to me later."

Mo Sicheng cynically ordered with looking back at his childhood buddy with his arm around the little girl's shoulder.

"Hey! Go get it yourself! Who do you think you are for me to comply to you?" An indignant man still in his young years stressed in anger.

"Where do you want to go for breakfast?"

"You choose. I'm not sure. "

"How about i cook something for you?"

Lover's prattles, Oh how romantically lovely they sounded. Well, not so for Xiu Huannan,who was left behind alone with a mouthful of dog food.


When Mo sicheng said he would cook, the man was honestly not kidding. Jiang Xueyue was instantly thrilled at the thought of having a meal cooked by her little crush. Thus faced with a golden invitation, she gladly accepted it with a grateful smile blooming on her small face.

It was Jiang XueYue's first time coming to mo mansion. The mansion was built like an ancient Greek castle with vines wrapping the walls of the pavilion and a pond with koi fishes besides the garden. Rows of trees planted each sides of the road pavement led to the main gate of the house.

What was more eye catching were the uncountable swarm of butterflies flying all over and around the garden, surrounding the house in enthralling energy. They swirled and whirled, hovered and flew with every ounce of beauty one could witness.

The leaves of the oak tree painted with a golden brown hue , were the safe homes of some unknown insects and birds. The early morning sun shone brightly on all its subjects, with a pearly shine in every water surface and the playful koi fish underneath.

"Let's go." Mo Sicheng uttered, opening the passenger seats door for the girl.His other hand shielding her head lest she knocked against the car roof.

"Yue'er, you are here. Come in quickly. "

"Good morning Aunt Mo. I'm sorry to have troubled you this early in the morning."

"Don't say that. I would love for you to come by more often."

Madam No, who was informed earlier of the girl's visit was waiting at the porch. As soon as the duo exited the car, the lady warmly welcomed them. Cuff! Cuff! welcomed the girl.

"It is your first time here, tell aunty if you are not used to anything, i shall get A cheng to change it. Oh, it's still early, did you have your breakfast? How about having aunty make soup dumplings for you?'

Jiang Xueyue halted in her steps, stopping the enthusiastic lady in her march too.

"Soup dumplings?" She had asked aunt liu to make it just yesterday yet unfortunately couldn't have it. Now, here Aunt Mo was asking something she craved. Was it a coincidence?

" About the soul dumplings. Mom and Aunt Jiang were exchanging recipes yesterday after dinner when aunt talked about your sudden craving. She was asking mom about the recipe."

Mo Sicheng, having deciphered the meaning behind the girl's confusion answered curtly. Rubbing his nose in the process. How was he to tell the girl about these two women fighting over to prepare food for her. To see whose cooking she liked better.

Aunt Jiang, who had appeared to have gained an upper hand, boasted about how she was going to cook soup dumplings for her darling daughter today.