
To Love You Again

Author: Avalondra
Contemporary Romance
Completed · 7.4M Views
  • 872 Chs
  • 4.8
    550 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is To Love You Again

Read ‘To Love You Again’ Online for Free, written by the author Avalondra, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering REINCARNATION Fiction, R18 Light Novel, COMEDY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Xiong Zhi ran away from her unwanted marriage.That day, Linfeng, her aide, died while protecting her. The man who she he...


Xiong Zhi ran away from her unwanted marriage. That day, Linfeng, her aide, died while protecting her. The man who she held dearly in her heart died in her arms. In her last breath, she uttered, "Never again to be weak...Never again wasted our precious time...I'll promise...In the next lifetime... I will protect you...and..love you..." Full of regrets, she closed her eyes, wanting to be united with the man in the underworld. However, when she opened her eyes, she found herself in her sixteen-year-old body. Realizing she had a second chance, the cold, indifferent, obedient, and meek young miss of the Xiong family was reborn as a strong, sharp, vengeful, bold, and confident woman. In this lifetime, she will fulfill her promise with no regrets. Of course, including seducing Linfeng again. ----------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and my original. English is not my first language. So please pardon me for any gramatical errors. All characters, name, place and plots are from my own world. Thank you! Happy Reading (*^▽^*) https://discord.gg/Btpq6P4 This is the permanent link for my novel server. Other upcoming novels will be there as well. please join and grace us with your presence hehe p ^^ And thanks to my new editor, who work like a sloth but very amazing, my sis, Letmesleep,. And the kind hearted Rei who help me edit the earlier chaps for free. I can't thank you enough! Though, not all chaps had been edited yet, they makes my novel so incredible. Thank you guys!

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Jennifer Andrew

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Nycromantic Hex

Because of an unseemly and immoral conspiracy, the whole Kazemi clan got wiped out in a massacre. Unaware of her true identity; Shui, the the only heir of Kazemi clan lives the humiliating life of an orphan whom the Daichi clan had taken in. She befriends the leader's son, Ken Daichi. He was a powerful and intelligent kid who was abused by his father most of the time. Unlike her other friends, Shui couldn't control any of the four elements and had always felt inferior to them. Her life changed when one day, she encountered a cat who was infamous to follow around people who were about to die in a day or two. From that day, the cat began to follow her. At first Shui thought that she's also about to die but even after a month nothing happened to her. After a couple of days she understood that she isn't the cat's victim, she's her mistress. She's death. After 20 years of indignity, Shui's life was starting again but the fate never plays fair. On the other hand, after inheriting the position of the Clan leader, Ken along with his friends brought various changes and reforms in their respective clans which, in result gave birth to a huge conspiracy against them. The day her true identity got revealed, all hell broke loose. Ken Daichi, her first and true love suddenly became thirsty for her blood. Necromantic Hex; is an adventurous and magical story about the five legendary clans residing in a hidden island, who are able to control all the five elements- Earth, water, fire, Wind and magic respectively. It is a story about the revival and revenge of a clan, a strong friendship and triumph over the malignant. An epic beginning of another mythical legend.

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When the supreme harem god reincarnated, a portion of his will was split off into a discord user named Zrave#7593 Watch as this autistic indian sleeps with all the women he can see in his life, but will zrave be able to have sex with every woman in sight before the will of the supreme harem god awakens. [pedophilia,dickgirl on dickgirl,dickgirl on boy,maggots,ntr,dick impregnation, dick birth, genderbending, guro, rape, incest, unbirth, vore, necrophilia, beastiality, pokephilia, big black gay dick, loli, shota, vomit, piss, scat, reverserape, ugly basted, indian, skill issue, 13 and under only, rumu is a bl lover, filipino hatred, moonless is underage, gay filipino, spam is a sub, zrave loves kaf, zrave x kaf, yuri, yaoi, croc is a dude, cali follower, Sg moment, Aryan the indian hater, cp, ccp,, (china comunist party), Racist, HitlerXstalin, Zrave and Silver are fainted's little femboys, Lord of the moms, zoophilia, Beware the spectator he watched u jerk off, mental retardation, autism, crack, naruto x sasuke, naruto x minato, amon gus sys, adam knows u, spam loves cock, zrave is a monkey, support me, spam submissive and breedable, moonless is a dom, farting, Armpit khaduhara, your fucking hot mate, random human and purification relm mfs, Nero is indian, Indian cespit, aryan loves indians, Mafia moment, YUNO ISNT BLACK, Yuno is feet licker, https://youtu.be/tVwVOj2rCPk , fuck the jews, love nazis #hitlerforlife, moonlacis lied, hitler mommie stalin daddy, racistfriendly, No moonless is a switch - yuno, how about i giggle and shit for you-zrave, time to get raped by 3 diffrent people- spam, you love getting gangbanged- purification relm mf, neonazi ganbanbg best, i hate gays, cail is the god of the new world-corc, croc is 15, peak indian moment, moonless loves bean oshi, bulgarian bean-oshi, silvie is the cum toy of sg, silvie is the yuri incest smut expert, spam says he is not a femboy (we know its a lie) real-fainted, zrave, moonless, yuno, indians aint real, if you join because of this web novel please mention fainted._ for free nitro https://discord.gg/W6PV4KVcDm

Fainted_ · Fantasy
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6 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1
Volume 2 :Volume 2


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I've reviewed it before, now gonna post another review again: this novel is awesome!!!!! I thought before it was promising, but i can say now that it's a gem. Some people may think it's a bit of a slowburn (for those who love whirlwind romance), but for me this is perfect. I was just getting tired of all those overbearing CEOs, and this is very refreshing! An ML that's like a loyal and gentlemanly knight, gentle and caring, inwardly loving but unable to express it into words, like a knight willing to stay in the shadows to sacrifice himself for his treasured princess! Reminds me of my favorite Knight Tsuzaku in Lelouch of the *********.... And the FL, very independent and assertive, i love how she eats tofu without detection, flirting with and teasing the gentlemanly knight. The plot progression is quite smooth, the newbie author (i think she mentioned before that it's her first novel, was it? But it was already really good) so far is able tow write almost like a genuine chinese web author, i think the editor greatly contributed to that as well, thanks to the author and editor for their hardwork. The novel makes me want for more, so I'm glad that it's very steady in it's daily updates, and that each chapter is not too short. Absolutely supporting this novel til the end!!! I can't wait for the mystery of her rebirth to unravel!!!


After reading about 215 chapters and who, without fail, is religiously one of the first readers to read it as soon as it gets updated, let me give this novel a proper review that it deserves. I stumbled upon TLYA by accident and boy was that the best accident I've ever made! My 2 daily ** will never be wasted here that's for sure. It's full of angst on the get go but only in the first few chapters. The FL from the past life was weak, naive and very trusting. Because of that, she got betrayed over and over again by people around her especially that disgusting piece of scum beast bastard and a bunch of her scheming relatives who is after her position and wealth. In the end, she tragically died together with the man she loves. In her present life though, she decided to change her outcome for the better not only for her sake but also for her beloved. And boooy I tell you did she really change! She's stronger, smarter, wittier with her comebacks, although still stoic and has face paralysis lol but at least now she's making friends which she lacked from her past life. You're gonna love her friends too. They all differ in personalities but somehow their dynamic works so very well. I am partial to that one specific friend of hers who is like an earth angel. You'll know who and why when you read past chapter 10 kekeke As for the ML. Sigh. Nothing much to say other than that I want someone as handsome, capable, strong, smart, sexy, pure, loyal, and on top of all that, he's a total gentleman as well. Ah Linfeng, too bad you're a fictional character 😂 Romance is slow buuut it's definitely there. Especially since our dear FL is so bent on getting her man which is why she's using some tricks up on her sleeve to seduce him in every chance she gets with the help of a legendary how to seduce a man book hahahaha! Also, there are so many mysteries to reveal thus, every chapter is like a cliffhanger. I also love the fact that there's a reason why she was reborn, unlike in other novels where there's no explanation whatsoever. A strong plot with lovable characters plus a consistent update EVERY.SINGLE.DAY! What's not to love? It's definitely one of my Top 5 Original novels to read. ❤❤❤


Hi ^^ I'm the author. I am shamelessly supporting my own novel. Gotta support yourself right? Haha. Well, I am stable in updating. Everyday one chapter and two chapter for Friday. So total of 8 chap per week. Hope you like it and don't be shy to put reviews in my novel. It is well appreciated. Hope you tag along with me until I finished my novel. P. S I make sure that I don't spoil anything in this review. Everything is inside the book. Enjoy reading! ;)


This is like one of the best original book I’ve ever read. It’s so different and captivating that you will read the whole thing without stoping. Good job


Haha I keep pestering my friends to read this novel although I finished reading only few chapters.I really felt like I have found a hidden gem stone when I am reading. This is awesome u can say it as must read love story.I was so captivated when I am reading this novel.I hope the author keeps updating.💝💝💝💖💖💖💖❤❤❤


This novel is beautiful🥰🥰. When I read the first chapter, I thought this is another reincarnated female lead who falls in love with a domineering male lead but I'm wrong. The plot twist is soooo good and the love story is the best. Thanks for the recommendations I found this story 🤣🤣🤣. Thank you author for the beautiful story😍😍😍.


I have been enjoying this novel for a while and here I would like to express it out sharing some experience on the art of reading. The story is very well written especially the steady developing relationship between Xiong Zhi and Lin Feng sweetshooting and beautiful moments; it could truly lighten up my day. If you are looking for something to read, this book is certainly the one, and it might become your favourite story.




Congratulations on ending volume 1 our dear author...... Can't wait for more and more interesting , mysterious and exciting plots .... TIME FOR REVENGE 😀😀😀😀


I really love this one but does this novel have a connection to the ********* comic "The comic changed my destiny"?? Because the characters looks the same, the difference are just the hair color of the girl, the names, and the plot i guess.


Wow wow 😍😍😍😍 this the best novel I have read so far I like the main character Lifing and Zhi they are so cute 😍😍😍 Its emotional rollercoaster when you read this you feel agitated you feel cry sometimes you laugh and when their romance shown in novel you smile like fool ... people around you feel you have gone mad they didn't kiss till the date but still we love their inexperienced romance 😁😁😁😁😁


WHY AUTHOR WHY?? Why are you playing with this single dog's heart... But please play more.... I wanna eat more dog food... A lot of fog food.... I just can't stop reading it.... I am in love with my favourite love line.... I think even more than I loved TANGNING and MO TING (Trial Marriage) or JI NUAN and MO JINGSHEN (young master mo are you done kissing) or (YE WANWAN and SI YEHAN). What have you done to me.... I am becoming more and more a Love Sick..... SOMEONE HELP ME!!! I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR WRITING AUTHOR 😘😘😍😘and with my ZHI'ER AND FENG...😍😍😘😘... PLEASE WE ARE BECOMING GREADY we want more chapters.... First you get well soon... my heart ache to hear you not doing well, take care of yourself..... and then give us a mass release...😁🤩😁🤩 At last I LOVE YOU I LOVE ZHI'ER I LOVE FENG and I LOVE TO LOVE YOU AGAIN 😍😘😍😘


Try reading this novel and you won't dump it and will always look forward to reading it ... I have never got addicted to any novel as I got addicted to this one It's one of the best!!!! Try it you won't regret.


Thanks for writing this interesting novel ,author..... The plot is fresh and every chapter is getting more and more exciting and I never got bored reading it... Can't wait for her to get her revenge and the end of all her enemies.....


Author pls i am just suggesting that u should also let linfeng remember their past life, I think that that will make their journey/path more smoother than rougher. Thank u


I just wanna say I love u author for writing such a great story. This story and everything . Strong female lead, love , scheme, power struggle, and mystery. I love how author just doesn't rush and take slowly explaining everything, ❤❤


Okay so I just started reading this gem of a novel and I must say that spending my powerstones to you is not a waste! Will do it everyday if it means mass release! Hahaha Btw, how many chapters will this novel have?


I am really enjoying your book. It's good the plot is amazing, with everything, there is action, comedy, drama, smut, romance, plotting, and last but not the least seducing the ML 🤭🤭🤭🤭 definitely not to forget. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it's amazing. please try this book I'm sure you would get hooked. 💖💖💖


It's such an a interesting story . So good , main leads and their legendary families are sofisticating . The other supporting leads are also good




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