
To Kill a Monarch

A story about a princess seeking vengeance and a Grand Prince with an ample curse. 《MATURE CONTENT》 Princess Cordelia had only one GOAL, one MISSION, one PLAN and one INTENT. And that is to kill the Monarch that destroyed her home; her father's kingdom. "...I will stop at nothing until he is six feet underground", she vowed. She travelled down from the north to the south of the Continent on a vengeful quest to kill the Grand Prince of Melan, through blistering colds and scorching deserts. Seeking different ways to enter the Ivory Palace and have her revenge. But her destiny was already interwoven with the Monarch she vowed to kill. Grand Prince Sylvester, the ruling Monarch of Melan was told about a prophesy of a woman who will put an end to his curse. He waited day and night for to show up and she did, little did he know that she was on a vengeful mission to kill him. What would possibly go wrong? Will Cordelia complete her quest and kill the man she most despised in the whole world? Or will she be his salvation? ... Excerpt "Why did you stop shooting?", he asked, his gruff voice hardened. His green eyes shot down a glare at her. She lowered the gun in her already aching hands. It had been three days marathon of gun shooting. "There are no more targets", she replied in her most rudest tone. Returning the glare back to him even though her svelte body was so weak and she looked weary. Hatred was visible all over her facial features.Her hatred for him ran deeper than a well. "Oh, is that so? There is one more", he told her before going to stand in front of her, stretching his arms sideways like the Messiah. Exposing his wide chest. "What are you doing", she asked, her eyes narrowing at his actions, "Fulfilling your mission! Isn't that what you've always wanted to do? Kill me!" Cover source is from Pinterest.

P_Treasure · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The night to carry out her mission

The time was fourteen minutes past the fifteenth hour. Sylvester and Cordelia were sitting under a small canopy in one of the balconies overseeing the east side of the Ivory Palace. Cordelia had been in the Grand Prince's sight she arrived except for the time she excused herself to use the bathroom. She did not like his presence around her but she was getting use to it. She'll get uses to it until she have her revenge.

"Delia", Sylvester called out.

Cordelia's mouth squeezed at the Nickname he called her. This was the second time he was calling her by the new Nickname given by him. She didn't like the way her name rolled on the tip of his tongue. Or maybe she did but she hated it because her name sounded so good to her ears.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness", she answered,

"I just want to tell you that you will be staying in the Palace from on", Sylvester spoke,

"Why is that, Your Royal Highness", Cordelia probed, looking at him.

"I like you", he revealed.

Cordelia scoffed inwardly and subconsciously rolled her eyes. She knew he liked her. The encounter from the ball proved it. He was drawn to her. She felt sort of elated about his feelings for her. It gave her a higher advantage to her goal because what he felt towards her, she would have him within her reach. She would not have to force herself to gain his attention and please him. His feelings for her will serve as a trait of ingorance to what she wanted to do to him.

After his little reveal, silence took over. Cordelia did not say a word and stared blankly at him as if what he just said was of no regard. Sylvester placed his hand on her own.

"I don't know what to say", she finally spoke,

" You don't have to say anything. You don't have to tell me about what you feel. I know it is a bit early but that was what I felt about you ",

"Don't you think it is a little odd to let me know about your feelings when we just met last night?", Cordelia asked.

Sylvester smiled at her words. She was the woman he waited night and day for. She would never understand if he he told her that he already liked her long before he even met her.

"I wished that I could tell you about it not now is not the time", He could tell her what her sole purpose was but with Shannon been not ready to show up in front of her, made it very hard for him to let know.

"Soon", he answered.

'I hope you are already dead by then', she said in her mind.


It was nightfall.

Cordelia already had dinner and this time, she, Sylvester and Ethan ate together. They ate a hour before sunset.

Cordelia was now in her chamber assigned to her to sleep in. She already had her bath and now, dressed in her nightdress. She laid on her large bed and stared at the night sky through the window. She couldn't sleep. She mustn't sleep. She rolled to and from on her large bed and huffed a breath when she stopped. She removed the blanket from her body before getting out of bed. Cordelia moved to a set of drawers in her room. Her feet making tiny taps on the cold hard floor. Her hand pulled out the third drawer from the set of drawers and brought out a small knife.

Earlier in the day, Cordelia excused herself from the Grand Prince, telling him she had to use the bathroom. When Sylvester gave her his permission to leave. she trotted away from there and asked for directions of where the kitchen was from a servant passing by. When she got to the kitchen, she met the chef busy stirring a pot of soup on the fire but the chef did not see her talk less of knowing that someone entered the kitchen. The kitchen door was opened and the chef was engrossed in his cooking to the point that he was even humming.

Cordelia raised her gown with her hands and sneaked carefully into the kitchen. She went to one side of the kitchen where the kitchen utensils and equipments were neatly arranged on the shelf and wall. She saw the knives arranged neatly on the knife stand. Cordelia first took out a butcher's knife but it was too big and heavy in her hand. Even though the butcher's knife looked very sharp and seemed to be a good weapon, she can't use it because of it heaviness and size. She wanted something light and easy to use.She returned the butcher's knife and took out a small knife which was also sharp. It was a knife used for cutting vegetables and fruits which was light and flexible to use. It was an ideal weapon of death for her.

Cordelia's lips pulled up as she assessed the weapon on her hand before putting it inside the pocket of her gown.

Cordelia sneaked out of the kitchen while stealing glances at the chef who never moved away from the food he was cooking. Cordelia sprinted to her chamber and carefully placed the knife she stole in one of the drawers.

Presently, she wore her dressing robe and hid the knife underneath her dressing robe and tied the rope around her body securely and proceeded to the door, opening it as quiet as she could, making sure the hinges did not make a sound.

The hallway was illuminated with firelamps hanging on the walls which were lit to burn all night. Cordelia looked back and forth, watching out for night watchmen and standby guards before moving ahead. She walked barefooted in the hallway. make sure her feet made no sounds. Cordelia looked back and forth again when she was about to ascend the stairs but she saw on one in the hallway. No sound was heard except the faint hoot of an owl faraway. Cordelia ascended the steps one after the other till she got to the upper floor where the Grand Prince's chamber were.

The upper floor was more luminous than the lower floor because of the candelabras and chandeliers. Cordelia walked as slithery as she could like a thief in the night. Moving close to the double doors of the Grand Prince's chamber which was at the end of the hallway. Cordelia kept looking over her shoulders for night watchmen and guards while moving to the double doors.

Cordelia finally got to the doors. She opened one of them silently but carefully and entered.