
Titan shifter in Bnha

A boy born in the world of Boku no hero academia gained powers from another world, watch as he learns to use them and how to control them, will he lose his sanity as a Titan and become the greatest villain or will he keep his humanity and save countless people?

Justsomedude · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 11: Izuku Midoriya

After that little slime incident, both the other guy and I decided to hang out a little.

I cleared my throat before I started speaking, "I never got to introduce myself, I'm Mori Ryu nice to meet you," as I said this I smiled kindly at the 20 cm shorter boy than me.

"Nice to meet you too! I'm Izuku Midoriya!" screamed out Midoriya before quickly clasping his mouth shut.

I chuckled at this and told him not to worry about it, "So about that villain are you going to be okay? You look pretty shaken up,"

He looked down sadly and said: "W-well, I'm not much of a fighter but I did expect my self to at least hit him once, but my flames, they were too weak,"

"OI Midoriya! You shouldn't let yourself feel down after a single defeat, it doesn't matter how many times you get thrown on the ground, it doesn't matter how weak you are, as long as you get back up there will always be a chance!" as I said this a new fire of determination lit up in both of our eyes.

It was different for both of them, it gave Midoriya determination to improve, and for Mori well his was a very different reason.

Both of us went out to chat a little, but not before picking up the suits that fell on the ground, while we were at a cafe we discussed many things such as our quirks.

Midoriya's quirk was called devil flames, they were extremely strong to the point where they could melt things instantly, but Midoriya couldn't use them to that extent, the power depended on how much fuel he could get, fuel could either be a gas or flammable material or even flames themselves, controlling other flames was also an option but he said that it required too much concentration and energy to do it, he also had a higher resistance to heat and flames.

A large downside to his quirk was that he needed a lot of energy to use, so using it for prolonged periods was extremely tasking, this was also why he couldn't continue fighting the slime villain and that was just a minute of fighting.

We were also coincidentally the same age, he was shocked when he saw my ID, he was also shocked by the amount of food I ate while fearing the price, I just told him that I would pay and then h eased up a little more.

We discussed some of our plans for the future and turns out that he's planning to be a hero, just like I am from now on at least.

We also headed out to a beach but sadly the closest one was riddled with trash that got put there, it was more of an illegal dumping ground rather than a beach, but I was also a little pleased by this because this meant a place where you could use a quirk without being seen.

"So Midoriya wanna have a spar?" as we walked towards Dagobah municipal beach

Midoriya looked surprised at this, "Don't you think that its dangerous?"

I just smirked at him and said "Who cares about danger, as long as you fight its worth it."

Midoriya then gulped as he looked at my slightly crazed grin, "Y-you really must like fighting huh?" as Midoriya said that he forced a small smile on to his face.

"Heh, of course I do! Who doesn't?" as I said this Midoriya just shook his head at me and agreed to fight me.


Midoriya and I stood about ten meters away from each other, he also had a new lighter as the old one ran out of gas.

We both moved towards each other at the same time, he was surprised that I didn't transform like last time, but I used that to my advantage, in just 3 steps I covered the previous 10 meters and engaged in close combat.

His body wasn't made for close-range fighting but his reaction was pretty good, as he immediately covered himself with fire, the horns on his head seemed a lot bigger and darker than the previous light green.

He sent a small ball of fire towards my upper body, I quickly ducked and tried to sweep him off his feet, I succeeded in doing so.

Midoriya fell onto his side while slightly injuring his left hand, but he quickly stood back up sending an arc of flames towards me almost hitting me.

luckily I did a backflip just on time to dodge it, while hallway in the air I twisted my body so that I was above the arch of flames.

I then used crystallization on my hand, this was something I found out while messing around with my quirk, I could use crystallization in human form too, not just in Titan form, sadly I could only cover my hand and legs, but that was more than enough to block some flames.

Midoriya summoned more and more flames, the flames covered him yet again but this time he had a tail and two smaller wings on his back not big enough to fly but definitely useful to send out waves of flame.

A dark green glow appeared in Midoriya's eyes, and my instincts screamed at me that this person in front of me was extremely dangerous and before I could even react a wave of flames a lot larger than before hit me full power.

I gritted my teeth enduring the pain, while this happened the dark green glow that was previously in Midoriya's eyes disappeared and his normal light green eyes appeared, he panicked and quickly put out the fire that was already burning my muscles.

Midoriya ran towards me but he noticed that I was steaming a lot more than I should be, and right before his eyes I started regenerating, at first it was the muscles that got burned, then the skin.

A thing that I noticed was that my regeneration got a lot better after going through the curse of Ymir and I didn't get any more scars, but the old ones stayed for some reason so I had about 15 small and medium-sized scars on my body.

But right now what would've been a scar that covered my whole body was reduced to slightly red skin that would go away in an hour or two.

Midoriya's eyes widened and he quickly started apologizing to me.

I chuckled at this and told him not to worry about it, "So Midoriya care to explain what that glow just was and that increase in power?"

"I-i, sigh, I can't really explain it, it's like something takes over my body and attacks whatever it deems dangerous, I can't really control it though" Midoriya looked quite hurt as he said this so I decided not to peer any further.

"I think it's fine if we stop here, but if you want to continue then I'm ok with it," I said with a small smirk, sadly Midoriya decided to go home, so I went to deliver All Might's suit.

New chapter, small fight scene and some human interaction and making characters talk with each other is hard...

Justsomedudecreators' thoughts