
Titan shifter in Bnha

A boy born in the world of Boku no hero academia gained powers from another world, watch as he learns to use them and how to control them, will he lose his sanity as a Titan and become the greatest villain or will he keep his humanity and save countless people?

Justsomedude · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: slimey suit

After the whole ordeal with the curse of Ymir was over, I was very relieved, I was happy that I survived but more importantly I had even more fun on my birthday.

When I visited my mother she was very happy to see me on my birthday, but she also told me that I should make more friends, because the only friends I had, were All Might and Edgeshot, who were more like masters to me.

And recently my training with Edgeshot was finished, I could walk completely silently, and I mastered the art of knives, so I was good at assassination but there were certainly some disadvantages because of my naturally larger body, I created a lot more sound than others and I was heavier than others, so controlling my weight was certainly hard.

Currently, I was in the neighboring city, Musutafu I was here running an errand for All Might, or more like groceries, he requested me to buy two suits for both of us because he was planning on bringing me to some Bigg ass party with too many influential people, I originally wanted to go in sweatpants and a hoodie but All Might immediately denied it.

All Might requested a yellow suit, while I would get a red/black one, and I was going to one of the most expensive shops in Japan, The Bakugo Fashion Shop, they originally started out as a small family of fashion designers and were now one of the biggest in the country, although not much was known of the family, one thing was for sure, they were very rich, not like my family though.

My family consisted of many branches and side families, mine just happened to be the main family, although not pure-blooded I was the closest one to our ancient ancestors.

One of the branch families was the Takeyama family, they only had a single daughter who recently entered U.A. with a gigantification quirk, very similar to mine yet different at the same time.

Anyway back to the current topic, as I was going through the suits that were on sale, a young blonde male approached me, he looked to be around the same age as me.

"So, what you looking for?" Asked the blonde

"Well I can't seem to find a suit in the right size," I said while smirking a little bit

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and said: "I'm sure we have a good size for someone of your stature sir,"

I looked at him a little surprised and said "Well, the suit isn't for me but for one of my friends, He's a lot larger than I am,"

We then discussed the sizes of All Might, I, of course, didn't tell him about the person it was for but he seemed quite surprised with the sizes I said as All Might was very big, but I wasn't that small either, right now I was about 1.80 meters at the age of thirteen while the blonde who I learned was Katsuki Bakugo the son of the owner and an aspiring young man who wanted to be a hero.

Anyway, I made a custom order for both my and All Mights suit, All Mights was yellow with black lines while mine was black with red on the inside and a red pocket square (A/N: A pocket square is a handkerchief that you often see in a formal suit usually colored in any way you want).

The suit was created very quickly with the help of a quirk, and in just two hours I was out the door but not before telling Bakugo that I was thirteen just like him while showing him my ID.

His mouth opened to an impossible length just then, I just ran away while laughing out loud.

I quickly headed home, I was going by train so I decided to take a little shortcut going under an under passage, another boy with dark green hair bordering on black was also entering the passage a little earlier than me though.

But I guess I could be said as quite lucky because before the boy could even do anything the sewer lid conveniently placed next to him blasted up with a gooey and green mud-like creature flowed out while muttering something about a suitable body.

The boy also noticed this and jumped back with remarkable speed, then the next thing I noticed was that the villain was a lot faster than him, almost twice as fast, so I was getting ready to help out if I was needed.

Fortunately, the boy seemed to have a suitable quirk for this situation, he took out a lighter from his pocket and lighted it.

The boy stretched out his hand and the flame seemed to react instantly, it gathered around his body forming green colored ominous-looking armor with horns of fire coming out on top of his head, the flames all over his body gathered in his palm and went flying towards the Slime who unluckily jumped out of harm's way just at the last second.

The boy widened his eyes while looking at the slime, by now the flames seemed to go out completely, so the boy once again tried activating his lighter, sadly the lighter didn't seem to give of any flame or gas that he could use, so he was left defenseless against the slime.

So this was when I decided to act, orange lightning gathered around my body, and not a moment later bright orange lighting hit my body.

A skeletal structure of around 5 meters formed around my body, muscle fibers formed around my cheeks and all over my body connecting me to the titan, long white hair sprouted from the top of my titan's head, pointed ears and cheeks without any flesh revealed shiny white teeth, the titan looked extremely buffed up from before.

This all happened in less than three seconds and before the slime could react I was behind it with steam blowing off my body, I punched with full power blasting most of the slime on to the wall of the passage and some even on the boy.

Then I started releasing an insane amount of steam, landing back on the ground with my two normal feet.

"Yo! Daijōbudesuka?"

Shut up and let me live out my inner weebness with that last line.

Anyway, Mori met both Katsuki and a green-haired boy on the same day, I hope you liked it.

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