
Your choice to make

Eric's POV

The continuous ringing of my phone woke me up from sleep, I groaned angrily and reached for the phone. I picked up the call without checking who the caller was.

"Hello ". I spoke in a deep, rough voice.

"Baby, I've been trying to reach you throughout last night ".

I hissed softy and open my eyes when I realized it was Sofie calling me.

"I was asleep ". I murmured in a sleepy voice.

"Are you still asleep by this time of the day? ".she asked in a surprised tune.

I hissed softy and checked the table clock and realized it was past 1pm.

I stood up from the bed and walk to the kitchen.

"I had a rough night".  I muttered out those words and open the fridge before bringing out a bottle of water.

"Rough night?". Sofie asked, 

I hissed and poured the water into a glass 

"Yeah, rough night with a lot of paperwork ".  I lied, I haven't told Sofie about the clubhouse because I wasn't ready to batter words with her.

"Are you sure it's paperwork? ".she asked in disbelief.

"Are you doubting me?". I asked in an angry tune 

"Of course not, but".  I did not let her finish her words before I cut her off, 

"Drop this topic". I ordered.

She kept silent for a moment before she spoke up, 

"I'm sorry "

"You should be ". I murmured and took a sip of the water.

This was one thing love about Sofie, always obedient and controllable, both in bed and in her life.

"I woke up this morning and couldn't find you, ".she whispered, 

I whispered when I remembered I left her and ran away because of dad.

"I had work to finish at home and decided not to wake you "

"You should have ".she murmured

"Next time I will ".

"Did you see dad when you woke up this morning?". I asked, in curiosity.

"Yeah, we had breakfast together"

I hissed and ran my fingers through my hair 

"Did he say anything to you? "

"No, we just discussed random topics". She replied.

I signed in relief and walk back to my room.

"Are you having a fight with your dad? ". She asked, 

"Not really ". I responded and pull off my night wear.

"I need to take my bath and be at the office, I'll call you for dinner "

"Okay, have a nice day "

I hissed and ended the call.

I step into the bathroom and turn on the warm shower and closed my eyes to feel the warmth of the water.

“Mate”. My wolf howl angrily, 

I groaned and angrily open my eyes and rush the bath before leaving the bathroom.

I walk back to my room and put on my clothes before leaving my room.

"Good day alpha". My driver greeted when I step into the sitting room, 

"You are free today, I will drive myself". I brought forth my hand to him

"The keys". I asked 

"But alpha, you shouldn't be driving yourself". He murmured those words and hand over the keys to me.

"Come tomorrow and pick me by 7am"

"Yes alpha "

I stare one more time at him before leaving the sitting room.

I got to the garage and decided to drive with the Mercedes.

I open the car and drove off.

In a few minutes, I parked my car in my private parking lot and walk into the office.

"Good day sir"

I heard my workers greeting as I walk in.

"Welcome sir". My secretary rush to me and walk beside me.

"What are my schedules ".  I asked as he open my office door for me.

"You have already missed two meetings, and you just have one meeting left ". 

I hissed softly and sat on my chair, 

"What time do I have the last meeting? ". I inquired while switching on my computer.

"4pm sir". he replied. I raise a bow and stared at him, 

"You kept a meeting by 4pm for me?".  I asked, 

"Yes sir". He murmured in a shaking voice.

"You know I will be tired by then, how on Earth will I explain to you that except it's a casual meeting no business meeting should exceed 3pm". I muttered out in anger

"I'm sorry sir, ". he whispered, 

I hissed softly and click on a file.

"Cancel it ".  I ordered

"Yes sir ". He rush out from the room.

It was obvious he was holding his breath from me in fear.

I hissed and pick up a document and was about opening it when my phone started ringing, I checked it and saw that it was from dad.

"Shit".  I murmured and stared at the call until it ended.

I sign in relief when I noticed he wasn't calling back and went back to the file when I noticed there was a text on my phone.

I went for my phone on the table and unlock my phone only to see a threat from dad ordering me to pick up his call, 

I groaned in frustration and kept back the phone but then his call came in again.

I hissed softly and pick up the phone, 

"Hello Dad". I muttered out 

“Eric”. he yelled my name

"Dad ". I murmured

"Because you are a powerful alpha that doesn't mean you are bigger than your father Eric, am your father, and you should respect that ". He yelled in anger.

I hissed and roughly ran my fingers through my hair.

"What do you want, dad? ". I murmured

"What I want, are you asking me such a question". Dad asked in annoyance.

I hissed softly and lean on my chair while dad kept blabbering words I did not pay attention to.

"Eric". he screams out my name, 

"I can hear you dad ". I murmured in frustration.

"I have called a concile of meeting".he spoke firmly.

"You did what? ".  I asked in anger 

"I've called a meeting, but I haven't told them the reason for the meeting".he spoke calmly

"Now listen, it's either you go look for your mate and accept her like every responsible alpha will do, or I tell everyone in the meeting the kind of alpha you are, it's your choice to make ".he uttered those words as a threat and ended the call on me.

I groaned angrily and stood up from my chair.

I was in deep trouble and I knew it.