
Meeting again

Victoria's POV

"Where did you say you are going again"? Sonia asked in a sleepy voice.

"I've told you countless times, I'm going to the hospital doctor Francis called and said I should come to the hospital". I said those words and pick up my bag.

"Is everything okay".she asked, sounding worried.

"I think so, I will just have to go and check, see you later".

I left the apartment and took a taxi to the hospital.

Few minutes I was already at the hospital waiting for doctor Francis.

"Doctor Francis is busy right now, but you can go in and see your aunt ".a nurse walk up to me and muttured those words.

"Thank you ". I stood up from the chair and walked to aunt's room.

I took in a deep breath and composed myself before opening the door.

I walk into the room and saw aunt lying on the bed the same way I saw her a week ago.

I hissed softly and sat on the chair beside her.

"Hello aunt ". I took her hand and noticed it was cold and lifeless.

I stared around the room and saw series of wires connected to her. I hissed in pain and stared back at her, 

"It's been three years, aunt, and am still waiting for you to wake up ". I whispered in tears, and just then the door open and doctor Francis walked in with a smile on his face.

"How are you Vicky".he asked 

"Very well doctor". I replied.

He smiled at me before sitting at the other side of aunt. 

"I know you are anxious and eager to hear what am about to say "

"Yes doctor". I replied

He nods his head and stared at aunt before staring at me.

"There is a machine and some drugs that can wake her up and permanently cure you ".he spoke softly.

"Really ". I asked in excitement 

"Yeah, the machine, and drugs have been proven and tested few months ago "

"Thank you gracious Lord ". I whispered 

"Yeah, it's good news but ".he stopped talking and stared at me with pity.

"What's the matter ". I asked, 

"It's very expressive ".he whispered and shakes his head.

"Very expensive, like how much are we talking about here". I asked, 

He stares at me then back to aunt before replying.

"Fifty thousand dollars ".he whispered

“What”. I exclaim in shock 

"That's fucking expensive "

"Yeah, it's a new machine that why it's this expensive ,Vicky you know your aunt is dying gradually as the day goes back.

I hissed softly and closed my eyes, trying to suppress the tears threatening to fall down from my eyes.

"If we don't use this machine and drugs in her within the next three months, then we are going to actually lose her ".he spoke firmly.

Hearing those words from him, I couldn't hold the tears any longer.

How on Earth will I be able to raise fifty thousand dollars in three months.

"Vicky ".he calls out my name, 

I open my eyes and met his worried face.

"You've done your best, and I know your aunt will be proud of you even if she doesn't make it ".he stood up from the chair and came closer to me while tapping me by the shoulder.

"If she doesn't make it, don't ever blame yourself ".he said those words and was about leaving when I called him.

I stood up from the chair and wipe off the tears from my eyes.

"You said three months, right ?". I asked, 

He stared at me confused before replying


"I will get you the money in three months times". I said those words confidently to him.

He stares at in shock and disbelief but did not say a word.

"I'll take my leave now ". I said those words and left the room.

I left the hospital and took a taxi back home,, but I decided to stop at a coffee shop to clear my head.

I got to the coffee shop and ordered for a cup of coffee, I no time it was brought to me.

I was about taking a sip of my coffee when a young man took the seat in front of me

I stared at him and noticed he has a familiar set of sea blue eyes. Green eyes and brown eyes were common among people, but sea blue eyes were very rare to see anyone having.

"You look like you've seen a ghost ".he spoke up with a familiar voice, I knew I've heard .

He can't be him, I whispered to myself 

He chuckled softly and I realized he must have I heard me.

"DOM Eli?". I asked in shock

"In the outside world my real is Elliot ".he spoke calmly.

I stared at him and realized it was indeed DOM Eli, his kind of Eyes were too rare to be seen.

"Aren't you supposed to be hiding your identity". I spoke up

"I only hide them to those who I want to hide it from ".he spoke sharply.

I nod my head and took a sip of my coffee and was about saying something when a man dressed in a black jean and black jacket came over and whisper something into his ear.

He stares at me for a while before nodding his head to the man.

"I'll be out in few minutes". He said those words as an order.

The man nods his head and walk away.

"Is everything okay ". I asked as soon as the man left.

"Yeah, that was one of my men, he came to inform that I have a minute in less than an hour ".he spoke firmly.

I nod my head and look away.

"Normally, when I saw you the moment I Walk into the coffee shop I would have avoided you like I do to other submissive and workers at the bar but when I saw that you look sad and lost in thought I just couldn't ignore you".he said those words while staring directly into my eyes like he was trying to pierce into my soul.

I swallowed nervously and took a sip of my coffee.

"Are you okay ".he asked while staring at me with so much curiosity.

"I'm fine ". I whispered slowly.

He stared at me for a while before getting up from the chair.

"You would make a good submissive, but unfortunately, I don't do newbie ".he smiled at me before walking away.

"Fuck you ". I murmured 

He turns around and stared at me with a big grin on his face.

"I know you wish to fuck me, but it won't be anything soon.".he said those words with a devilish smile on his face and walk out of the coffee shop.

I froze on my seat in disbelief.

How on earth can he hear me from such distance.