
Do what is right

Eric's POV

A council meeting for me ". I Groaned out in anger.

Council meeting involves different alphas from different pack gathering to discuss issues.

Since I became an alpha I have never brought an issue or be discussed about and here is dad setting up a meeting against me when he knew how much I hated those meetings.

I groaned angrily and took out a whiskey from my bar.

I have to do something, and I need to do it really fast before things get out of hand.

"Sorry sir ,lieutenant general Michael is here to see you "

“Michael”.  I murmured 

"Yes, sir ".

"Let him in ".

My secretary left my office and Michael walked in, all dressed in his uniform with two of his men besides him.

"What are you doing here? ". I asked in anger, 

"You may leave ". he signaled his men to stay outside by the door.

"Calm down Eric". He muttered out those words with a big grin on his face.

I ignored him and poured out a drink for myself.

"I went to an event not far from here, then decided to pay you a visit ". He said those words and took a seat on the couch.

"Why are you here? "

"Can't I see a friend? ". he chuckled softly.

"You and I know you are here for something,  just spill it out ".

He hissed and stood up from the couch, went to the bar,brought out a wine before pouring it in a glass and took a sip of it.

"So she's your mate ". he muttered out those words while staring at me.

"None of your fucking business". I responded with anger.

He laughed softly and took a sip of his drink, 

"It's obvious you don't want her.". he said those words like he was so sure of it.

"Michael, I have a very busy day., if you have nothing to say, then I think you should leave with your men ". I yelled in irritation.

He laughed softly and took a sip of his drink 

"Calm down Eric, we are not quarrelling, I'm just here to make a deal with you "

"Which is?".  I asked in annoyance.

You don't want her,, but I want her, so I was thinking, why don't you let me have her and make her my submissive". He muttered out those words with a big grin on his face.

"Mine ". My wolf whispered in anger and I couldn't control it.

"Get out! ".  I yelled angrily, 

"Calm down man, we both know your wolf is the one reacting this way and not you, ". He declared.

I feel my muscles cracking, and my breath became unsteady, indicating my wolf was furious and wanted me to shift to it,, but I manage to control it.

"Leave now Michael". I groaned in anger 

"I see your wolf is already ready to fight with me ". he expressed in a rough voice and I could notice his wolf was already furious himself and I can't let both of us fight in my office when hundreds of people are downstairs.

"This discussion isn't over ". he kept the glass back on the table, I walk out of my office.

I groaned angrily and closed my eyes, so I could cool down my wolf

I managed to calm down my wolf and went back to my seat.

I hissed softly and roughly ran my fingers through my hair.

Since the day my wolf found his mate he has been getting more angry and powerful by the day and I find it hard to control it especially when it involves that girl.

I need to do something really fast about this girl, I need to take her off from my life and go back to my normal life.

A call on my phone caught my attention, I went for my phone and saw that it was from aunt.

"Hello aunt ". 

"Your father called, ". she muttered out those words slowly.

"And?".  I asked, 

"He said you've seen. Your mate but has refused to accept her". She murmured

I hissed softly and lean on the table.

"Aunt, you shouldn't bother about that, I will handle it on my own, everything is under my control". I muttered out.

Aunt hissed softly before speaking up, 

"You know your dad had already called out a meeting ".she explained.

"I know ". I murmured

"You know it's a disgrace and a bad thing for an alpha who rules a big pack as yours should reject his mate".she warned.

"Make peace with your father and do what is right ". She spoke almost like a pled

I hissed softly and ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

"I've heard you, I need to go now ". I muttered out those words and ended the call.

I groaned angrily and hit the table with anger and frustration.

I pick up my phone and dialed dad's number., it rang few times before he pick up.


He did not say a word,, but I knew he heard me.

"Why would you tell aunt about me not wanting my mate? ". I muttered out in anger 

"This is just the beginning Eric, one month I give you, after one month if you don't do anything about your claiming your mate then the council will have to discuss your matter ".he expressed those words as a threat.

I clench my fist and grit my teeth in anger.

"You won't tell me what to do, father ". I shouted angrily.

"Of course I won't tell you, maybe the council will ".he threatened 

"Stop this, ".  I demanded in anger, 

"Do what is right, and you won't be hearing from me ". He spoke firmly.

I signed in frustration before speaking up 

"Fine, if you really want me to have a mate,, then I can mark Sofie and make her my mate".

"You won't no such thing". dad uttered those words in anger, 

"I won't let you waste the life of that girl by making her your mate and making your wolf weak, ".he barked with anger.

"Listen Eric, I give you one month, one month to do what is right, all you will hear from me ". He expressed those words as a threat, and I knew he wasn't joking.