
What you wanted

Victoria's POV



Hearing those words from me, he grinned at me before yanking me to himself and carried me bridal style while he lay me on the couch. 

He gently lay me on the couch while we lock eyes with each other. 

Staring at him, I realized he has beautiful sets of green eyes, and it intoxicated me. 

He lay in-between my legs while he gently pulls off the dress from my waist and threw it on the floor, making me naked with just my panties on. 

I swallowed nervously and tried covering myself with my hands  

"Hands off ".he commanded coldly 

I swallowed nervously and put away my hands from my body and gulped in shame. 

"Beautiful".he muttered, while running his fingers on my exposed thighs before going for my exposed stomach. 

I moan softly and tried touching his body but then again I remembered he hated being touched, so I slowly kept back my hand, but he brought back my hand and placed it on his shoulders. 

"You can touch me ".he muttered out while kissing my exposed thighs. 

I moan loudly and grab his hair from the pleasure I was receiving. 

He ran his fingers through the entrance of my pussy and the feeling felt so familiar, his touch and moans were too familiar that it reminds me of a certain someone and I hated myself for thinking about him in a blissful moment like this. 

"Ahh". I moan out in pain and pleasure when I felt a finger in me, this was my second time having sex, and it was a bit painful 

He placed kisses on my neck for a while before inserting another finger in me. 

He kissed me softly on the lips preventing me from moaning before inserting another finger in me 

"Ahh". I gasped out in pain as I felt my pussy expand to his fingers. 

Gently he strokes his fingers in me while he kissed me so passionately and hot  

He left my lips and took my left breast in his mouth and started sucking it so roughly and hungrily. 

I moan out in pleasure as I squirt with his fingers in me  

"You are so ready for me ".he whispered those words seductively into my ear before pulling out his fingers from me. 

He stood up from the couch and pull off just his throusa and underwear, leaving his shirt on, before he knelt between my legs. 

"Condoms??". I asked while locking eyes with him,  

He stared at me for a while like he was thinking about something before he spoke up  

"I'm clean, if that is what you worry about ".he muttered out firmly 

"I'm not bothered about that ". I murmured  

He chuckled softly and shake his head  

"Don't worry I won’t cum in you ".he muttered those words firmly before kissing my neck 

I moan in pleasure and ran my fingers on his back and wondered why his shirt was still on  

"Are you ready ?".he asked with so much care in his voice  

"Yes". I moan out softly  

He kissed my neck before he positions himself between my legs. 

"I'll go gentle okay?".he assured me while placing kisses all over my body as I felt his dick on the entrance of my pussy, I close my eyes and moan out in pain and pleasure when I felt his dick going inside me  

"Open your eyes".his word came as a command. 

I moan softly and open my eyes while we lock eyes with each other as he fully inserts his dick in me  

"Ahhh". I gasped, when I felt his full dick in me,  

He kissed me softly on the lips before he slowly thrust in me with so much care and love like he wasn't a dominate. 

I moan loudly as I felt a familiar sensation in my body as he thrust slowly in me. 

He moans softly and began kissing my neck before he fastened his speed and started fucking me. 

I moan in lust and pleasure as I felt his big dick going in and out of me. 

I deepen my fingers in his back and was sure I must have spoiled the shirt with my constant squeeze. 

He fastened his speed on me and kept on fucking me harder before he pulls out of me and stood up from the couch 

I stared at him and wondered if he was already done with me ,or maybe I couldn't make him cum. 

"Come".he took my hand and made we stood up from the couch with shaking legs. 

He sat on the couch I couldn't help but stare at his erect Dick and gulped nervously  

"Sit on me ".he muttered those words as a command and pulled me to himself 

"I should sit ?". I asked nervously 

"Yes ".he nods his head and made me sit on his laps with my legs on each side of his leg  

"Now sit on me ". Hearing those words from him, I understood what he says and slowly stood up and began taking his dick in me  

"Ahh". I scream in pains  

He held my ass and roughly squeeze it as I slowly sit on his dick  

"Ahh". I exclaim in pleasure as I took his dick in me and rest my head on his shoulder. 

He kissed my neck before he whispered seductively into my ear  

"Move in me ".his voice was cold and full of lust  

I took in a deep breath and moved my head from his shoulder while placing my hands on his shoulders and started moving on him 

"That's it ".he moans in pleasure and grab my ass roughly 

"Keep on going baby ".he moans loudly and took my breast in his mouth  

I move on him in circle and with shaking legs while he sucks my other breast and squeezed the other. 

We lock eyes with each other as I slowly fuck him. 

I stared into his eyes and could see the color of his eyes changing, I gasped in fear and look away. 

He tightens his grip on my Ass and started fucking me faster and roughly. 

I moan out loud in pure bliss as I deepen my fingers on his shoulders and enjoyed the pleasure 

He kept on thrusting in and out of me in a high speed that I found it difficult to hold my breath.

He moans out loudly and tightly held my ass then and there I knew he released his cum in me.

He slowly fucked me and released his tight grip on my ass before he stopped fucking me 

I took in a deep breath and Open my eyes, only to see his eyes were darker and full of lust.

I felt a bit scared and rest my head on his shoulders, so I could avoid his gaze.

We stayed like that for a while and none of us said a thing until he stood up and carried me with so much ease like I was a baby in his arms.

I closed my arms in shame until I notice he was keeping me down, I open my eyes and realized we were in a bathroom 

He made me sit on the bath tub before he walks away and put on the shower.

"Come ".he took my hands and led me to the shower 

"I'll bath you ".

"No, no". I can bathe myself I replied quickly. 

"I told you I will bathe you ".he muttered those words as an order and moved closer to me, but I move away in shame 

"I told you I will bathe myself". I muttered out firmly.

He stared at me for a while before walking away.

I hissed in relief and stood in the shower as I slowly and shamefully soap myself.

Yes, I was in love with him, but he was a total stranger, a stranger I knew nothing about, a stranger I haven't seen his face or know his name, and I had the guts to have sex with this stranger and to worsen it all he fucked me and released his cum in me

In just the space of four days I have had sex with two different men, one was a man who hated me with everything in him and just want me to fulfill his desires while the other was a total stranger who couldn't even tell me his name.

I shake my head in regrets as I scrub my body in anger and pain.

To me, what we did was love making, but what if he sees me as another whore he slept with.






Eric's POV 

I closed the bathroom door and walk back to the hall 

I pick up my underwear and put it before putting on my throusa

I walk up to the bar and took out a bottle of whiskey and poured some in a glass before taking all in my mouth in anger.

I groan softly and poured another drink in the glass and drank all before taking a deep breath.

What was wrong with me, what is fucking wrong with me 

I had sex with her, no not sex, I just made love to her.

I was supposed to stay away from this girl, I was supposed to hate her and everything about her, but here I am ,masked up, pretending to be someone else just to be with her.


I groan in frustration and took another sip of my drink before leaving the bar, I went back to the couch and noticed her panties and dress were on the floor.

I picked it up and inhale her fascinating scent from the dress before taking the dress back to the bathroom and kept them on the door.

I was about leaving when I noticed a soft sob coming from the bathroom, everything in me was pulling me to open the bathroom door and hug her in my arms while I whisper soft words to her, but I couldn't, I just couldn't.

I left the bathroom and walk back to the hall while I wait for her.

I check the time and saw that it was few minutes pass 4pm.

I heard footsteps and realized she was walking in with her dress on.

She walks up to me and pick up her shoes from the floor and slowly out on the shoes.

I took a glimpse of her and noticed shame and regrets written all over her face,, and I was expecting this from her.

She put on her shoes and sat beside me, making sure she gave me enough space.

We sat there in silence for a while until she spoke up, 

"I think I should go home ".she did not let those words finish from her mouth before she stood up from the couch and pick up her purse while avoiding my gaze.

"Sit". I ordered 

"No".she replied, quickly, and firmly

I smiled and stood up from the couch before standing before her so that we were just an inch apart.

She swallowed nervously and look away from me in shame, 

"Look at me ". I ordered 

She gulped and slowly met my gaze with fear and regret

I stare at her two sets of brown eyes and felt my wolf howling in pleasure, I took in a deep breath before speaking up 

"Do you regret everything?". I asked while locking eyes with her 

"I dunno".she muttered while trying to look away from me 

"Look at me ". I muttered those words not in anger but in frustration.

She looked away for a while before meeting my gaze.

"You wanted this, you asked for this, why do you regret now". I muttered, while staring at her in anger, 

All these wouldn't have happened if only she was able to stay away from me.

All this wouldn't have happened if she didn't include her name on that list, all this was all her fault and here she was, angry about it.

"I need to go ".she murmured softly, 

I nod my head in anger and pick up my jacket before leaving her at the club.

I walk up to my car and got in while I waited for her.

Slowly she came out of the club and stood at the door for a while, staring at me before she started walking away.

"Shit". I murmured angrily and came out of the car,, but I couldn't walk after her because she was walking faster, and I was putting on a mask.

I groan in anger and quickly got into my car and drove after her,

I drove to the direction I saw her walking toward to, but I couldn't find her, she just disappeared from my sight.

I hit the wheel of the car in anger and kept on driving until I got to her flat.

I came out of my car and quickly knock on the door of her flat but got no response from anyone, and knocked again and noticed no one was home.

I roughly ran my fingers through my hair and kept on calling her number, but she wasn't picking up, 

I went back to the car and pull off my mask before I drove off.

I drove back home, went to my room and kept on calling her number, but she wasn't picking up, I threw the phone on the bed with anger and walk into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and came out of the bathroom, I was about putting on my clothes when I saw aunt's call coming in.

Seeing her call, I remembered I was supposed to ask Victoria to follow me to aunt's place for dinner, but I totally forgot.

I pick up the call and aunt did not let me say a word before she started speaking up, 

"When are you guys coming ?".she asked impatiently.

I kept quiet and didn't know what to say to her 

"Eric".she called out to me 

"I can hear you aunt". I murmured in frustration

"Don't tell me you forgot to tell her about it ".she muttered angrily, 

I roughly ran my fingers through my hair before speaking up 

"I'll call her now ".

"You better do that, and make sure she agrees because I will be expecting you guys ".she muttered those words before ending the call.

I groan in frustration and dialed Victoria's line, but she wasn't picking up 

I dialed the second time and this time it rang a few time before she picks up 

"Hello ". I spoke up

She kept quiet for a while before speaking up 

"What is it ?".she spoke in irritation, 

I brought out the phone and took a better look at it to make sure I was calling her with my main line.

"If you are not saying anything Eric I will have to end this call ".she muttered out angrily

I hissed in relief when I realized I was using the right number.

"Can I talk to you ?". I asked almost like a plead

"Listen Eric, I'm in no time for your talk and blabbering, just say what you have to say ".she muttered out with so much anger and hatred in her.