
Meeting his family

Victoria's POV



I murmured in pain as I took another sip of my coffee, I pick up the phone and noticed it was DOM Tim still calling, I groan softly and kept back the phone and took another coffee. 

As I took the coffee, all that DOM Tim said earlier rang in my head. 

I was the one who wanted this, I was the one clinging to him, and yet, I felt so sad and disappointed at myself. 

I wipe off the tears drop from my eyes and stared around making sure no one was looking my way. 

Another call from DOM Tim came in, and I cut off the call in anger. 

I was angry, not at anyone but at myself. 

I was angry at myself for falling in love with a man I don't even know his name 

I was angry with myself for loving a man I haven't even seen a glimpse of his face  

I was angry with myself for falling in love with a total stranger and to worsen it all, I had sex with him. 

I shake my head in regrets and finished the coffee before I stood up from the chair and walk over to the door, when I noticed my phone was ringing. 

Furthermore, I went for the phone and was about switching off the phone when I noticed it was Eric calling. 

I stared at the phone with anger and allowed the call to end without picking it, I was about putting the phone back in my purse when I saw his call coming in, I groaned in anger before picking up the call. 

Hello “. He spoke up 

I kept quiet for a while before speaking up  

"What is it ?". I spoke in irritation  

He kept quiet and didn't say a word. 

"If you are not saying anything Eric, I will have to end this call ". I muttered out angrily. 

He kept quiet for a while before he spoke up  

"My aunt wants me to bring you for dinner tonight, so I was wondering if you could join us".he muttered those words so softly and gently that I have to remove the phone from my ear to make sure it was Eric talking because this was a different Eric. 

"Hello ".he called out when he noticed I wasn't saying anything 

"I won't come ". I muttered out quickly without thinking about it  

"Can you just listen to me ".he declared in a serious tune, but there was no anger in it,  

I took in a deep breath to calm myself before speaking up  

"Say what you have to say ". I murmured angrily  

He kept quiet for a while before he spoke up  

"Aunt just want to meet you and nothing else " 

"I don't want to meet her or any member of your family, stop acting like there is anything between us". I declared firmly  

"Listen ".his voice came out rough  

"It's either you come with me willing or I will have to do it my own way, and you know what I can do ".he threatened with a cold rough voice, different from the one he used earlier on me  

"Are you threatening me ?". I asked in anger  

He kept quiet and did not say a word for a while before he spoke up  

"One hour ".he muttered out firmly 

"I'll be at your place in one hour time and don't make me find you ".he muttered those words as an order before cutting the call on me  

"Fuck you ". I yelled angrily and tap my foot on the floor with anger before walking away. 

The distance between my apartment and the coffee shop was a close one, so there was no no need for me to take a taxi. 

In a few minutes, I was in my apartment. 

I pulled off my shoes and sat on the bed while I remove my earrings and dress, making me naked with just my underwear on. 

I stood up from the bed and stared at my body on the mirror  

My neck consist of red marks I must have gotten from the constant kissing I got from DOM Tim. 

I took a better look at myself and discovered they were also scratches on my stomach and red marks left by DOM Tim. 

I stared at the mark on my neck given by Eric and felt disgusted by it each day that passes by. 

I left the mirror and went to my closets and was about bringing out some casual wear when Eric's words rang in my head  

"One hour, I'll give you one hour ". I could still hear his cold, rough voice in my head. 

I mumble in pain and kept back the clothes I wanted to wear and brought out a simple black dress and kept it on the bed. 

I checked the time, I noticed I have just few minutes left. 

Quickly I put on the dress and packed my hair in two places and was about putting on my sandal when I heard a knock on my door, without been told I knew it was Eric. 

Quickly I stood up from the bed and went for the door, I open the door and met eyes with Eric. 

His two sets of green eyes were on me, and it just reminds me of DOM Tim, I could swear that they both have exactly the same eyes. 

"Are you done staring".he muttered those words while staring at me, and it feels like DOM Tim was the one staring at me and not Eric  

"Stop thinking about him ". I whispered while leaving Eric at the door. 

He walked in with his two hands in his pocket as he stared around my room  

"Let's go, I'm through ". I muttered those words in a hurry and was about moving away when my legs slips band I was falling down when I noticed strong arms around my waist. 

I swallowed nervously when I realized it was Eric holding me, I tried moving away from him, but he tightens his grip on me and refused to let me go  

"What are you doing ?". I asked with shaking voice  

He ignored me and kept on staring into my eyes like he was trying to pierce through my soul. 

I swallowed nervously when I realized he must have sensed it, after all we were mates, he must have known I just had sex with another man. 

I gulped in fear, and avoided his gaze while I said a silent prayer in fear, hoping he doesn't see anything through me. 

Gently, he lifted me up and let go of my waist before he turns around and left my room. 

I took in a deep breath and calm myself before leaving my room. 

I got outside and noticed he was already in the car waiting for me. 

I frown and started walking to him when I remembered how DOM Tim was here and how he treated me with so much care and respect and Eric was the exact opposite of him  

I walk up to the car and opened the passenger door before going in. 

He stared at me one more time before he drove off. 

The drive to his aunt's place was quite apart from the music coming from the radio. 

He drove for a few minutes before he stopped in front of a beautiful building surrounded by big three and beautiful flowers. 

He put off the car, and I was about to come down when his words stopped me  

"Don't say anything just let me do the talking".he muttered those words as an order  

I ignored him and came out of the car  

"Welcome ". I heard a female voice. 

I turn and saw a lady in her late forties staring at me with a big smile on her face, without been told I knew she was Eric's aunt.  

"Welcome beautiful Victoria, no one told me you were this beautiful ".she moved closer to me and smiled at me warmly before giving me a quick hug and pulled away from me  

"Come in ".she smiled at me and led the way  

"At least can't you see me, I'm also here ". Eric murmured like a child  

I stared at him and I had the urge to laugh at his behavior, but I cleared my throat and held back my laugh. 

"Please come in ".she smiled at me while she totally ignored Eric 

Sensing she was friendly and different from Eric I smiled back at her and followed her in. 

We went in, and I noticed the house was well decorated and furnished, indeed his family were sitting on money. 

"Please sit ".his aunt smiled at me while showing me to the couch  

"Thank you ". I muttered those words and was about taking a seat when I noticed a familiar voice behind me  

"Victoria". I heard a voice behind me,  

I turn around and noticed Eric's dad smiling at me with a big smile on his face  

"Welcome ".he muttered those words with a big smile on his face  

"Good day sir ". I muttered out awkwardly 

He chuckled softly and stared at me for a while like he was trying to read through me  

"Welcome ". I heard a soft female voice beside me,  

I turn around and noticed a girl staring at me with curiosity in her eyes  

"You must be Victoria right ?".she asked, staring at me with wild eyes. 

"Yes, and you are ?". I asked in curiosity because I knew Eric didn't have siblings.

I'm Jessica, Eric's little cousin "

She smiled at me before hitting Eric in the arms playfully. 

Eric chuckled softly and raffles her hair 

staring at them, I realized they both have a close relationship. 

"Don't mind them, please have a sit". Eric aunt smiled and took the seat opposite me, 

I smiled at her and took the seat opposite her 

Eric's dad and cousin took their seat, but Eric just stood there with folded arms like he was forced to be here with us. 

"Thank you for coming".she smiled at me while staring at me with curiosity 

I smiled at her but didn't say a word, I was uncomfortable really uncomfortable 

"So you are Victoria ". Jessica spoke up while she stared at me with curious eyes, 

"That's right ". I nod my head at her 

"So what do you do ".she asked while staring at me ,waiting for an answer 

"I'm a bartender". I replied quickly with a smile on my face, 

"A bartender". Saying those words, I could notice the frown on her face. 

She stared at me with a frown on her face before staring at Eric who has no expression on his face, 

"Eric, how could you let her work as a bartender”. Jessica spoke in annoyance ,still staring at me 

Eric stared at her before moving his gaze to me while we lock eyes with each other, but he did not say a word 

"You went to school right ?".she asked with curious eyes 

I swallowed nervously and in shame before speaking up 

“No, I finished high school, but I didn't go to university because of some circumstances". I spoke firmly while smiling at her, 

"No wonder, you work as a bartender ".she murmured to herself, but I heard her .

I stared at her and noticed she was a spoiled brat and there was no need paying attention to her talks 

"You know the way uncle presented you to us, one would think you were a lady of high class but ". Those words did not finish from her mouth before Eric loud voice stopped her. 







Eric's POV


"Enough ". I muttered out in anger 

For the past few minutes I have been trying to endure what was going on, but I couldn't anymore 

I felt anger rush through my blood as I kept on hearing all Jessica was saying to Victoria and how those words might have hurt her. 

"Enough, no more questions ". I declared those words firmly while staring at Jessica who stared at me with wild eyes before looking away. 

"I'm so sorry for her behavior and attitude towards you, you know she is just a little kid".aunt muttered those words to Victoria with guilt 

"I'm not a kid mum". Jessica murmured angrily 

"Keep quiet, one more word from you and I will make sure you go upstairs ".aunt muttered those words as a threat and I knew she was serious 

"But mum " 

"Jessica I said enough ". Aunt and Jessica kept on exchanging words, but I wasn't bothered about them, my worries were on Victoria and I noticed she was lost in thought probably from all the things Jessica said, and it pains me to see her this way 

"We will be back aunt, let's go for a walk ". I muttered those words and gave Victoria a look which tells her she should get up 

She stood up and flashed aunt a weak smile before leaving with me. 

We left the house and walked side by side with each other and none of us said a word for a while until I decided to speak up 

"You shouldn't take to heart whatever Jessica said back there, she's just a spoiled kid who has everything she wanted in life and thinks everyone should be like her ". 

I believed she heard me, but she kept quiet and didn't say a word to me and I hated it. 

"Victoria". I called out her name, but she ignored me and kept on walking while she runs her hands on her arms 

I stared at her and noticed she was cold, and luckily, I was putting on a jacket 

 I pull off my jacket and gave it to her, but she stared at it and look away. 

She kept on walking while she shivers in cold, I groan angrily and frustrated as I watch her walk away from me. 

I walk after her with no direction in mind until she stopped and turned at me with no expression on her face. 

"Where are we heading to ?".she asked with folded arms 

I stared at her but didn't say a word 

She stared at me for a while before speaking up 

"I had a really rough day today and I will appreciate it if you take me back to your aunt's house, or you take me back home".she muttered out angrily 

Hearing those words from her, I realized she was talking about what happened earlier in my club. 

She stared at me one more time before walking away. 

I followed her, and we kept on walking until we got to aunt's place 

We entered the house and noticed all eyes were on us, 

She flash aunt a weak smile before taking her seat 

"We are so sorry, she will apologize immediately".  Aunt muttered those words while staring at Jessica with looks that could kill, 

Jessica swallowed nervously and stood before us with a different look on her face and I wondered what they must tell said to her.