
Make love to me

Victoria's POV



He grabbed me close to him, so that we were just an inch apart  

"I'm not okay ".he muttered those words and lock eyes with me, 

I glanced at him with wild eyes and struggled to move away from him, but he tightens his grip on my waist, and move me closer to himself. 

"What are you doing ?". I asked with a trembling voice  

"What I should have done the minute we came here". he did not let those words finish from his mouth before he pulls me closer to him and made me sit on his laps  

I gasped nervously and tried to move away, but he tightens his grip on my waist and lock eyes with him, staring into his eyes I realized he reminds me of a certain someone. 

"I'm not ready for things like this ". I muttered out while avoiding his gaze. 

He stares at me for a while like he was trying to piece through my soul before he pulls me away from him  

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone this far ".he grumbled, while getting up from the seat. 

I bite my lips in pains and regrets as I watch him leave  

I grumbled angrily as I tap my foot angrily on the floor. 

Everything in me was yelling for his touch, I wanted to feel his touch, but I was scared, really scared.he was a total stranger and I know nothing about him, not even his face or his real name, but I was so drowned to him and it feels like I knew him for a long time 

I stared around and noticed he was nowhere around, 

maybe he was angry and left me here. 

I stood up from the couch and was on my way out when I notice him coming in with no expression on his face  

"Are you going somewhere ".he asked while raising his eyebrows at me  

"I thought you got angry and left ". I murmured while avoiding his gaze  

He Chuckled softly and moved closer to me before turning my face to him  

"I always keep my promises and it just 2pm, I can't leave you just like that ".he muttered out and moves away from me  

"I went out to answer a business call ". 

He moved away from me and sat on the couch in front of the big screen and focus his gaze on the TV  

I walk over to him and stood beside him while I nervously twist my fingers  

"Are you okay ?".he asked, with his gaze still at the TV  

I swallowed nervously before speaking up  

"I'm so sorry for earlier" he did not let me to finish my word when he brought forth his hand to me indicating I should stop talking  

"It's okay, stop apologizing ".he muttered those words coldly then and I knew I have lost him for good. 

"Come sit, another movie is about to start".he muttered , with his gaze still at the TV  

I tried to focus my attention to the TV, but I couldn't, I was so drowned to him that I constantly stare at him. 

He met eyes with me and I felt my body quivers when I felt his two sets of green eyes on me. 

"Do you have something to say to me ?".he asked with his gaze still at the TV  

"No, no ". I replied quickly and look away  

He Chuckled and shakes his head before speaking up  

"Are you scared of me ?".he asked with his two sets of green eyes on me  

"No, why should I ". I chuckled nervously and look away  

I could feel his gaze on me, but I dare not look at him  

"Very good ".he blink me a weak before looking away. 

We sat there in silence and none of us a word for a while until I spoke up  

"Can we play a game ". I asked, while avoiding his gaze  

"Sure'.he replied quickly without asking questions  

"What kind of game should we play ?". I asked  

He kept quiet and thought for a while before he spoke up  

"Truth and dare ".he suggested 

"Truth or dare ?". I asked a bit anxious 

"Yeah, are you scared?".he asked while staring at me with his two sets of green eyes that brought shivers to my body  

"No no ". I beamed at him and quickly look away. 

"Very well, let's start I'll go first " 

I nod my head  

"Truth or dare ?".he asked while pulling off his shoes  

"Truth". I replied while pulling of my shoes  

"Have you ever fallen in love ?".he asked so quickly like the question has been in his head for a long time  

hearing those questions from him, I bite my lips nervously and didn't know what to say  

"I'll go get the drink".he stood up from the couch and went for a drink in the bar. 

"What should I say to him ". I murmured to myself  

I was in love, I was in love with him but if I tell him I have fallen in Love he will think it someone else, and I don't want him to have such thought. 

He came back and kept the drink on the floor 

"If you can't do your dare or answer your question you will have to fill up this glass and drink all the drink inside ".he spoke firmly 

I stared at the glass and gulped, I knew if I drink at least four glasses from this glass ,I was sure to be drunk 

"So are you ready to answer truthfully ?".he asked while staring at me like he wants to Pierce through my soul  

"Yes". I murmured  

He raised his eyebrows and stared at me with curiosity 

"Yes what ?" 

I bite my lips and whispered slowly 

"I have fallen in love with someone ".he stared at me for a while before nodding his head  

"Your turn ". 

I chew my lips and thought for a while  

"Truth or dare ?". I asked  

"Truth".he spoke calmly 

"What's your real name ?". I asked a question that has been in my mind since last night.









Eric's POV



"What's your real name ?".she asked while staring at me curiosity  

I lock eyes with her and could see how eager and anxious she was to know my name, but the funny thing was that I could never tell her. 

I pick up the bottle and filled up the glass before taking all in my mouth. 

I kept back the glass and could notice she was frowning at what I did  

"If I tell you my real name that is to say I have told you my identity ". I spoke up  

"But why are you scared of telling me, it not that it's a big deal".she murmured while looking away 

I stared at her but didn't say a word. 

"I've seen some faces of some doms and I have never told on them or do anything stupid so why can't you at least show me your face ".she muttered out those words a plead . 

I roughly ran my fingers through my hair before getting up, I knew a day will come when she will start saying things like this,but I never knew it was this early. 

I stood up from the couch and switch off the TV and kept back the controller  

"I think it's time to go home, let me take you home ". I muttered those words firmly and sat back to put on my shoes.  

"I'm so sorry ".she apologized  

"There is nothing to Apologize for, you did nothing wrong ". I stated those words firmly and stood up from the couch.  

"Let's go ". I ordered in a tune that has no room for argument.  

"I'm so sorry, I won't ever ask you questions about your identity, please don't end this ".she apologized, her eyebrows lowered in fear and pain  

I stared at her as she kept on biting her lips in fear while she twists her fingers. 

I wasn't ending the date because of the questions she was asking, I was ending the date because I was finding it difficult to stay each minute with her without touching her. 

It took everything in me to hold myself to this moment, and I knew I might not be able to hold myself any longer. 

I move closer to her and stood before her with my two hands in my pocket before speaking up  

"Look at me ". I commanded  

She bites her lips, and slowly she raised her head but couldn't meet my gaze. 

"Look at me ". I ordered coldly.  

I watch her swallow nervously as she locks eyes with me. 

I felt my head spin around, and my whole body became numb as I stared into her eyes, I tried looking away, but I couldn't, it felt Ike I was intoxicated by her gaze. 

Quickly I tried and blink my eyes before looking away, I turn my back at her before speaking up  

"You know the kind of man I am “.I muttered out coldly.  

"Yes".she whispered  

"Then why are you still here with me ". I asked while turning around to face her. 

She swallowed nervously but didn't say a word  

"Let's go ". I muttered those words almost like a plead because I knew I was losing it,  

I move away from her and walk over to the door, but I noticed she wasn't walking behind me.

I turn and saw her still sited on the couch while her gaze was on the floor, it was obvious she was nervous, but nervous about what is what I don't get.

I left the door and walk up to her, 

"What are you still doing here ?". I asked while staring at her with curiosity

"I don't wanna go, I wanna stay with you ".she begged while meeting my gaze 

I groan in frustration and roughly ran my fingers through my hair, this woman was making things difficult for me.

I have to do something, something that will make I leave quickly 

"You know I can't stay with a woman without touching her, and since you don't wanna be touched I don't wanna force you, so stand up and let me take you home as a gentle man ". I spoke coldly and firmly, hoping she would get scared and want to leave,, but I was wrong.

She sat on the couch and didn't move an inch, 

"What are you doing ?". I asked frustrated 

She bites her lips nervously before she stood up from the couch 

Finally, I hissed in relief and was about moving away when she slams her body to mine and kissed me softly on the lips before pulling away.

"What did you just do ". I asked while trying to calm my nerve

"Please make love to me ".she pleaded while trying to move closer to me 

"Stop ". I ordered 

She stood at the spot and nervously lowered her head to the floor in shame 

Hearing those words from her, everything in me begged for me to pulled her to myself and do with her the way I wanted since we walk in here, but I have to control myself, I can't let her know I was Eric and I can't take advantage of her innocence.

I hissed and moved away from her before speaking up

"You are not my type, I can't do what you ask from me ".she did not let those words finish from my mouth before she quickly cut me off 

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking straight ".she muttered out those words quickly and went for her purse before she quickly rush to the door, but I rushed after her and grab her waist while I yank her to the wall.

I stared into her eyes and realized her eyes were soaked in tears, and it breaks my heart that my words and rejection might have hurt her.

I brought forth my hand and ran my fingers through her cheek, she stared at me with wild eyes but didn't move an inch, 

"Were you about to cry ?".I asked while I ran my fingers through her cheek, 

She swallowed nervously but didn't say a word, 

"I hate weakness ". I muttered out, 

"I hate weak girls ". I declared firmly and ran my fingers through her exposed shoulders.

She closed her eyes to my touch and didn't say a word.

I place smooches on her shoulder and neck before placing them on her face

I stared at her lips before pulling her more closely to me and kissed her softly 

She placed her hands on my shoulders and was about to remove them when she remembered I hate being touch, but I took her hands and kept them back and roughly kiss her lips 

She deepens the kiss and moans in-between the kiss while she roughly took hold of my hair.

I carried her and made her wrap her legs around my waist while her back was still at the wall 

I kissed her lips one more time before moving to her neck and shoulders, I was forced to kiss my mark, but I couldn't, I don't want her to have any suspicion.

Her dress was a small hand dress, so it was easy for me to pull off the dress from her shoulders exposing her perfect shaped breast to me, and to think that she wasn't putting on a bra made my dick rise in anticipation.

I moan softly and took hold of her Left breast while I suck the other one in my mouth.

I moan in pure bliss as I take her breast in my mouth, it was just the way I first tasted her.

She moans loudly, and I could feel her shivers under me as I continued sucking her breast while I roughly squeeze the other breast, bringing pain and pleasure to her.

She moans loudly as I remove my hand from her breast and gently and slowly ran my fingers through her exposed thighs.

She took her head backward and moan loudly, not minding she was making out with a stranger as she thought.

I remove my mouth from her breast and started placing kisses on her exposed neck and shoulders while I ran my fingers through the entrance of her pussy.

Slowly I tried inserting a finger in her and I realized she was already wet for me.

I smiled and move away my fingers from me.

She grumbles and stared at me with lust in her eyes, 

I grinned at her before speaking, 

"You are so wet and ready for me, huh?". I asked with a mischievous smile on my face 

"Yes ".she whispered while biting her lips, 

I smiled at her and placed kissed on her neck 

"Say it". I muttered out while placing kisses on her shoulder, 

"Tell me what you want ". I muttered out seductively while running my fingers at the entrance of her already soaked pussy 

She shakes in pleasure and moan out loudly before whispering those words to me, words that made me lost control of myself

"Make love to me, I want you to please make love to me".