
Meeting Clinton

Eric's POV 

I sat on the couch as I waited Victoria to come downstairs,

I checked the time and noticed it was almost twenty minutes and I wondered what was keeping her this long.

I stood up the couch and was about making my way to her when I noticed her walking downstairs.

I took a good look at her and noticed she was putting on a short jean shirt and a red crop dress. Seeing her dress this way, I realized she was dressed like a teen.

I moved my gaze to her exposed legs and thighs and couldn't help but groaned as my dick shift uncomfortably.

Quickly, I Looked away and picked up my phone before leaving the sitting room to the garage.

I started the car and waited for a while before she came out with a small smile on her face.

I smiled at her and opened the door for her to go in.

We both entered the car, and drove off, the drive was silent until she spoke up

''Where are we going.''

''A meeting.''

She turned, and stared at me with wild eyes.

''You should have told me.''she murmured

I chuckled softly.

''Are you scared, shy or nervous.'' I asked in a teasing voice, 

She ignored me and murmured words I couldn't hear.

We drove for a while before we got to the restaurant where Clinton and I will be meeting.

''Are we going in.'' she asked as we got out of the car, 

''Yes.'' I replied, took her hand and led her in.

''Welcome, let me take you to your table.'' the server smiled before leading the way.

We waked past a few tables before we got to the table where Clinton was already sited waiting for us.

''Typical Eric, always coming late.'' he muttered with a ridiculous smile on his face.

I ignored him and took out a chair for Victoria to sit.

''Don't you think I should wait for you in another table.'' she suggested nervously.

''That won't be necessary.'' I held her arms and made her sit before I took the seat beside her.

''Where are your body guards.'' he asked while looking around.

I ignored him and took the file that was already on the table and went through it.

''Hello beautiful.'' he directed to words to Victoria with a big grin on his face

''Stay away from her.'' I said those words to him through telepath.

He moved his gaze from her and stared at me with a curious look.

''She is your mate.'' he did not express those words as a question.

I ignored him and continued checking what was written on the file.

I noticed him placed an order for us before moving his gaze back to victoria.

''I never knew Eric's mate could be this beautiful.'' he muttered those words while staring at Victoria.

''Just shut up and let's deal with this.'' I murmured angrily

''How can I work, when a beautiful lady is sitting before me, mehn your mate is beautiful.'' he did not finish those words before Victoria cut him off.

''What is a mate?'' she asked while staring at both of us with a confused and curious look.