

Victoria's POV 

I rolled on the bed and grumbled loudly as I couldn't sleep, I checked the time and saw that it was few minutes pass 1pm.

I sat on the bed and thought of a way to erase his naked image from my head, but it wasn't working.

I noticed a soft knock on the door before the door opened and Eric walked in.

He was dressed in a black tight jean, White shirt and a black jacket, seeing him always dressed this way I realized black must be his favorite color.

I met eyes with him, and realized he was comfortable like nothing happens few hours ago.

I mean, I just saw him naked, but the look on his face showed that he didn't care.

''What…do you want.'' I shattered nervously

He left the door and walked up to me, 

I took in a deep breath and inhaled the fascinating scent coming from his body.

''Don't tell me you decided to lock yourself here because you saw me naked in my room.'' he asked while he lowered his face to my face since I was sitting on the bed.

I gulped shamefully and looked away.

He chuckled softly and cupped my face with his hands, making me stared directly into his green sparkling eyes.

''This is not the first time you are seeing me naked, you just can't remember it, so stop thinking about it.'' he flashed me a big smile before placing a kiss on my forehead.

He let go of my face, while I grumbled as his warm hands left my face.

''I have to meet with someone.'' I did not let those words leave his mouth before I cut in

''Can I join you.'' I did not know when that left my mouth.

He gave me a quizzical look before he nodded his head to me, indicating I could join him.

''Thank you.'' I stood up from the bed, rushed to the closet and took out a proper dress for an outing.

I was about taking off my clothes when I noticed Eric was still standing there with his gaze on me.

''I want to change my clothes.'' I murmured shyly

''So?'' he asked sarcastically

I bite my lips and moves closer to him

''You should leave.''

''This is not the first time I'm seeing you naked.'' he spoke with a big grin on his face

''But.'' he did not let me finish before he cut me off 

''You saw me naked this morning, don't you think it's fair I do the same.'' he asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

Hearing those words from him, I felt my legs became weak, and I swallowed nervously.

I can't remember being naked in front of a man, we might have done things in the past, but I couldn't remember any of it, to me, all this was new.

Slowly I was about taking the big shirt off when he moved closer to me and placed kisses on my face and cheek

''I was just teasing you, I'll be waiting for you downstairs.'' he flashed me a weak smile before leaving the room

I sighed and sat on the bed, for strange reasons I was angry and hurt.

Author's note

I will be going on a two days break,will start updating new chapters by the beginning of March.

Thanks for reading,

Love, author Blessings ❤️