
Building thoughts

Victoria's POV 

I angrily entered the room and shut the door behind me.

I sat on the bed while so many thoughts ran through my head.

Eric was handsome, strong, and rich, definitely he would have so many girls in his life.

I shook off the thoughts from my head, pulled off my clothes and stepped into the shower.

I took a warm bath, put on a simple outfit of Short and a T-shirt before climbing on the bed.

I tried getting so sleep, but I was troubled, and I knew the reason.

Who ever Eric was chatting with must really be an important lady, maybe she might be a daughter of a rich man or probably an actress or a model.

I released a soft sigh and was still in thought when I noticed a click on my door.

In order to avoid him, so he wouldn't notice I was jealous or hurt, I decided to act like I was already asleep.

With my eyes closed, I could hear footsteps before I noticed him climbing on the bed.

''Oh no.'' I murmured to myself

I thought he would just leave when he noticed I was asleep, but I did not know he would still climb on the bed.

He laid on the bed and pulled me to himself, while making my head lay on his chest.

''I know you are awake.'' he whispered into my ear

I shivered nervously but still shut my eyes.

The warmth coming from his body was so comfortable that I wish to be in his arms forever.

''That was my little cousin, more like a sister to me.'' He expressed those words in a serious tune.

Hearing those words from him, it felt like a great burden left my shoulders.

''Open your eyes or I'll help you do so.'' He threatened

Knowing the kind of man he was, I quickly opened my eyes but make sure not to meet his gaze.

''Look here.'' he raised my chin and made me met eyes with him.

''Whenever you are curious about something, you come to me and ask about it, don't go around building thoughts in your head okay?'' he spoke seriously

I nodded my head but did not say a word.

He placed kisses on my cheek and forehead before pulling me closer to him.

''I love you so much, don't you forget that.'' he expressed those words with sincerity.

Hearing those words from him, I felt my body shivered, and a sudden cold ran through my body.

Eric just told me he loves me, but I didn't know what to say to him

''Stop thinking and go to sleep.'' He ran his fingers gently through my hair.

I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep.

The next morning I was awoken up by the sunlight coming from the glass window.

I murmured and moved to the other side of the bed only for me to hit something hard or more like someone's chest.

Curiously, I opened my eyes only to meet eyes with the most beautiful sets of green sparkling eyes.

''Good morning.'' he flashed me a big smile and pulled me to himself.