

Victoria's POV 

''I didn't… lie to him.'' I shattered

I knew all I said to him was the truth, but I don't know why I was nervous, maybe it's his gaze on me.

''I hope so.''. He smiled at me before leaving the door 

I sighed in relief and stood up from the bed

''You should get yourself ready, we will be leaving by tomorrow afternoon.''

''Okay, you've already booked the tickets.'' I asked

He moved his gaze and stared at me with a confused look

''What tickets.'' he asked

''Ticket for the flight.'' I responded

''Oh that won't be necessary, we are going through my private jet '' he replied and went back to his computer.

''Private jet.'' I murmured to myself

''You have a private jet.'' I asked with wild eyes.

''Yeah.'' he replied nonchalantly and kept on working.

I stood there at the spot while staring at him with wild eyes.

If someone had told me that my boyfriend would be so rich to the extent of having a private jet, I wouldn't have believed it.

''Cool.'' I muttered those words and left the room.

I walked downstairs with so many thoughts in my head.

I was wondering how I was able to get such a man as Eric in my life, who was I during the past six years and what did I do to make Eric get attracted to me.

I left the sitting room and walked to the backyard of the house, only to see a small garden decorated with different flowers.

I lay on the grass, with my back, while staring at the blue sky.

I can't wait to finally see aunt, there are so many questions I have, and only she can give me the answers.

I closed my eyes and endeavored to remember any of my lost memory, but nothing was coming into my head.

I groaned angrily and rolled on the grass with frustration while forcing my brain to remember something, but nothing was working.

''Dinner is served.'' Without looking, I knew who it was.

''Thanks.'' I thanked her, slowly stood up from the grass and followed her in. 

I got to the dinning table, and realized Eric was already seated there while busy with his phone.

I pulled out the chair opposite him and sat on it.

The food was already served, so I picked up a plate and put a little quantity before eating.

We ate in total silence like Eric was always busy with his phone, it felt like he was chatting with someone and I became jealous and curious, wondering who he was chatting with.

I noticed a big smile on his face, while he chuckled softly and shook his head with excitement while typing on his phone.

Seeing him behaving this way I knew he was chatting with a lady and for strange reasons I became jealous.

Seeing that I couldn't endure it anymore, I Kept down the spoon and stood up from the chair.

''Are you done '' he asked With his gaze still on his phone.

''Yes, I'm tired, goodnight.'' I grumbled and walked upstairs to my room.