
Clever sophie

Eric's POV 

''Good morning.''she replied shyly

I pulled her more closely and placed kisses on her face.

''I've been waiting for you, meanwhile you were sleeping like a kid.'' 

I noticed her smiled shyly and tried to move away from me, but I tightened my grip on her.

''I thought you went back to your room last night.'' 

''I see no need going back.'' I muttered those words and placed kisses on her neck.

''Staying with you is more comfortable than any bed.'' I murmured and softly kissed her lips before letting go of her.

''Wash up and come downstairs breakfast is already made.'' she nodded her head to me before standing up from the bed.

I stared at her one more time before leaving the room.

I went back to my room, took a quick bath and went downstairs.

I sat on the dinning table waiting for Victoria to join to me.

Few minutes, she came walking in with a shy smile on her face.

''Sorry for keeping you waiting.''

''Its alright.'' I smiled at her before I started eating.

We eat in total silence until we were both through.

''Are your things ready.'' I asked

''Yes.'' she replied happily.

Seeing how Happy she was to go back home brought a sharp pain to my heart.

I still don't know how she would react when she realizes her aunt has been hospitalized for five years.

''When are we leaving.'' she asked excited

''3pm,go get some rest.''

''I'm tired of sleeping.'' she grumbled, 

I smiled at her childish behavior before leaving the chair.

''I'll be in my room In case you need anything.''

She nodded her head at me before I left.

I walked back to my room and wandered around aimlessly with so many thoughts in my head. Things were getting more complicated by the day.

I picked up my phone from my working table and called a number, it rang a few times before it was picked.

''Greetings sir.'' he greeted

''Any news yet.'' I asked anxiously

''Nothing meaningful to your request sir.'' 

I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair.

''Who has she been talking to.'' I asked

''Some couple of friends, her boutique manager and her delivery man.''

I released an heavy sigh and thought of what to do, but nothing meaningful came to my head.

''Keep monitoring her call and make sure you pick every detail of her calls.'' 

''Yes sir.''

''Thanks.'' I muttered those words and ended the call.

I dialed another number, it rang a few times before it was picked.

''Any update.'' I asked as soon as the call was picked 

''We've been following her for days but nothing new sir, I'm sorry.'' he apologized

I groaned angrily and ended the call.

I sat on the bed and began to wonder, how can a mother stay away from her child for two weeks now without calling or seeing her child.

I knew Sophie and I know how strong will she is. she knew she would be followed, and her call will be traced, that's why you cut all connection and contract with the boy until she gets what she wants from me.