
Avoiding him.

Victoria's POV

It felt so good to be in water again, it felt like it's been ages since I've entered the swimming pool.

I kept swimming but noticed Eric wasn't swimming, but rather his gaze were fixed on me.

I kept swinging until I was exhausted and decided to leave the pool.

I climbed the stairs out of the water, and the moment I left the pool, I felt cold all over my body.

''How is this possible.'' I murmured to myself as I stared at the pool.

When I was still in the pool I was comfortable there and did not feel cold or any discomfort, but the moment I left the pool it felt like I was being put in a freezer.

Quickly I rubbed my two palms together to generate heat before rubbing my arms

I Noticed Eric staring at me as he came out of the pool without using the stairs.

''It's okay.'' he said those words to me and pulled me in a tight hug.

I exclaimed in relief as I felt the warmth from his body.

Relaxing in his arms, I wondered how someone could generate such heat from his body despite how freezing the weather was.

I stayed in his arm for a while until I realized the cold was gone.

''Thank you.'' I murmured and pulled away from him.

''I'll go in and change.'' I gulped nervously, picked up my top shirt and left the swimming pool side.

I climbed the stairs to my room, got into my room and went to the bathroom.

I pulled off the short jean I was putting on and stepped into the warm shower.

I took a quick bath, wrapped a towel around my chest and walked into the room.

I dried my body with the towel, put on a simple loose dress and lay on the bed.

With my eyes closed, the images of his shirtless body in the pool kept flashing in my head.

Excitedly, I turned on the bed as so many stupid thoughts came to my mind.

I wipe off those thoughts in my head and forced myself for sleep.

A soft knock on the door woke me up from my sleep.

''Who is that.'' I asked in a sleepy voice.

'' It's me.'' the familiar voice replied.

Without calling his name, I knew who it was.

''Dinner is served.'' 

''I'm not hungry.'' I lied

''Why.'' he asked from the door.

''Because my stomach is filled.'' I murmured

I noticed he was silent for a while before he spoke up

''Alright, goodnight.''he replied and left the door.

I lay back on the bed and tried going back to sleep. I was hungry, but going to the dinning table means I would have to see Eric again, even though I was trying to get him off my head.

I was almost asleep when I noticed the door opened, slowly I opened my eyes and saw that it was Eric walking in with a tray of food in his hands.

''I told you I'm not hungry.'' I murmured,