
Home alone

Victoria's POV

He ignored me and sat on the bed beside me, he open the plate and took out a spoon out of it.

''Have it.'' he placed the spoon in front of me.

''I told you I'm not hungry.'' I murmured and looked away.

''You Only had breakfast you didn't even eat lunch then how can you say you are not hungry, now eat.'' he brought the spoon of food to my mouth.

I frowned my face and tried looking away, but he held my face and gave me a serious look.

''Eat.'' his word came as an order

I grumbled silently before I opened my mouth and took the food in the spoon while I chewed slowly.

He kept forcing me to eat until I eat everything in the plate.

''Thank you.'' I murmured and looked away.

He stood up from the bed and placed the tray of plate on the table before he stood before me like he has something to say.

''Are you okay.'' he asked while staring at me.

''Yes, I'm okay.'' I replied

He nodded his head, moved closed to me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

''I'm in my room, In case you will need anything.'' he smiled at me before picking up the tray from the table and left.

I smiled widely at myself while I massaged my forehead, the feeling of being loved by someone was really great.

I lay back on the bed and forced myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning, stared around and noticed sunset was reflecting through my mirror.

Slowly I stood up from the bed, checked the table clock and realized it was pass 10am.

''What the hell.'' I muttered out shock.

How was I able to sleep up to this time without waking up.

I took a quick bath, wore a short and a big pullover hoodie before going downstairs.

''You are finally awake.'' I heard the cook voice from the kitchen and wondered how he was able to tell that I was the one without even seeing me or hearing my voice.

I walked into the kitchen and stood by the door with folded arms.

''Good morning.'' I greeted

''Morning, what would you like for breakfast.'' he asked with a smile

I left the door and walked into the kitchen and stood beside him.

''Can I make my breakfast.'' I asked

''Sure, I have no problem with that, Eric is already out.'' his last word got my attention.

''Where did he go.'' I asked curiously.

''I don't know, but he said he will be back.'' I nodded my head to his word 

''The kitchen is all yours, call me If you need anything.'' he smiled at me before leaving the kitchen.

I stared around and noticed everything I needed was in the Kitchen, I opened the fridge and saw different type of seafood, meat, fish, and chicken.

I finished preparing and put some in the fridge.

I eat a little, went back to my room, picked up the phone and opened it.

I went through the phone and noticed Eric number was already stored on it.