
In the pool

Eric's POV

''I'm not going anywhere.'' she muttered out angrily and relaxed on the couch.

I stared at her and a small smile cripes my face, she hasn't gotten her memory yet, and she still behaves like the old Victoria.

I released an heavy sigh and sat on the couch beside her.

''I'm sorry for what I did.'' I found myself apologizing.

''What are you sorry for.'' she asked while leaving the couch.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I did not know of a way to Begin the conversation.

''You don't even know what you are sorry about.'' she muttered out angrily, went for the door and left the sitting room.

I stood up from the chair and left the quarters, but I didn't go after her.

I went to the swimming pool side, took off my jean and shirt, leaving me with just my underwear.

I dived into the swimming pool and exclaimed in relief when I felt the coldness of the water.

My heart was screaming for me to go after Victoria and settle things with her, but I decided it was best I let her be.

I kept swimming for a while until I noticed Victoria coming my way by her scent.

She walked up to myself, stared at the water before staring at me.

''The weather is freezing, how can you still swim.'' she asked almost like a murmuring.

I chuckled softly and moved closer to her so that my head was before her feet while I was still in the water.

''Why don't you come in and see if it's freezing.'' without letting those words finished from my mouth, I pulled her into the water.

''Shit, what did you do.'' she yelled, but I ignored her and pulled her to myself.

Her hair was soaked with water, her brown eyes were filled with fear, but she was also trilled.

''I'm soaked.'' she murmured

''I'll dry you.'' I replied with a big grin on my face.

She rolled her eyes and moved away from me while she swims to the other side of the pool.

I placed my back on the wall of the pool and placed my shoulders on the tiles floor while I stared at her.

She took off her top and was left with just her bra, I felt my dick shift uncomfortably and my wolf whispered in pleasure.

She met eyes with me and nervously licked her lower lip before looking away.

She dived into the water and swims for a while before she came out.

Watching her swim, I could tell she was just not a good swimmer, but she was a professional.

'' you do swim'' I asked curiously.

''A lot.'' she replied and went back inside the water.

She came out if the water and flashed me a big smile which flutter my heart before going in again.

Seeing her this way I couldn't swing anymore, rather I just watched her go in and out of the water with so much excitement.