
A threat from elliot

Eric's POV

I grabbed his collar and wanted to hit him, but then I remember Victoria was there, staring at us with wild eyes.

Angrily, I took my hands off his collar and stared at him with so much anger boiling inside me.

''What are you doing here.'' I said those words through telepath

He ignored me and moved his gaze to Victoria who was still staring at me with a confused look.

''I have to go, but I will see you around.'' he said those words and stared at me one more time before trying to go away, but Victoria held him back.

''You were about saying something to me.'' She muttered those words and stared at me with an angry look.

''The thing is.'' I did not let him finish before I cut him off, 

''He has nothing to say to you.'' I muttered out in fear and took her hand away from Elliot's

''Stop it.'' she half yelled 

''You can't keep on treating me this way.'' she muttered out angrily and moved away

''I and Elliot was having an important discussion before you came in and all you could do was to ask him to leave.'' she spoke angrily while staring at me with curious eyes.

She walked up to me and stood in front of me so that we were just an inch apart.

''What are you hiding.'' she expressed those words like she was so sure of it.

Hearing those words from her, my heart beat faster than I could explain.

''If I'm to trust anyone, then it's definitely Elliot because I ran away from you just to be with him, he is a true friend and all he wants is to keep me away from you and I know he has a good reason for that.'' she said those words while she stared at me with her piercing brown eyes.

''So tell me what are you hiding from me.'' she asked those questions angrily

I sighed heavily but did not say a word

''You don't want to talk about it, what did you do to me?'' she asked while she shook my arms 

''Listen, I will tell you when everything is right.'' I pleaded, but she shook her head with anger 

''I want answers and I want them now.'' she half yelled 

I wanted to speak, but I lost my voice, I did not know what to say to her, I just got her now and I can't lose her again.

''Vicky.'' Elliot called her and made her move her gaze to him

''Don't stress yourself over it, I promise to tell you everything when the time is right.''he whispered those words so gently do her that I became jealous but couldn't say or do a thing.

She stared at Elliot for a while, deliberating whether she should listen to him or not.

''You promise?'' she asked again

Elliot flashed her a big smile which brought a sharp pain to my chest.

''I always keep to my promises.'' he caressed her cheek before leaving.

''Please leave.'' she murmured those words to herself, but I knew she was talking to me.

I turned and met eyes with her, she stared at me with anger boiling in her eyes.

''Leave.'' she muttered out again when she noticed I wasn't moving an inch.

Seeing her in such a mood, I decided it was best I let her be for the time been.

''I'll be outside.'' I said those words and left the room.

I left the hospital and went to where my car was parked, only to see Elliot standing there with his hands on his pocket.

''I knew you were coming.'' he murmured with a victorious smile on his face

''What the hell is your problem.'' I spoke angrily, trying to suppress the anger in me.

He chuckled softly and nodes his head

''I have no problem with you Eric, I just want to keep Victoria away from you.'' he muttered out angrily

Hearing those words from him and moved closer to him so that our eyes were fixed on each other.

''She is my mate and no one can take her away from me.'' I yelled

He chuckled evilly and shook his head, 

''She is just with you because she hasn't gotten her memory, once I tell her everything she will hate you liked she always does.'' I did not let those words finished from his mouth before I grabbed his shirt collar with my two hands.

''Come an inch closer to her and I will kill you and face the consequences.'' I muttered those words as a threat and let go of his collar.

He chuckled angrily before he spoke up, 

''You think I'm weak like alpha Michael or other alphas in California?'' he asked angrily.

''Don't you dare me Eric, you may be a powerful alpha, but that doesn't mean you can go around threatening everyone.'' he took out his hands from his pocket and moved a bit closer to me

''I will take Victoria away from you and that's a promise.'' he expressed those words in a serious tune and walked away.

Where I stood, I could move an inch, but rather his words kept ringing in my head.

I knew Elliot and I knew he meant what he said, Eliot doesn't give empty threat or promises.

When he says he will do a particular thing, then he was gonna do it at any cost.

I groaned angrily and frustratingly ran my fingers through my hair as I thought of how to get myself out of this mess.

I can't tell Victoria about our past, it will destroy whatever she feels for me now.

I entered my car and wanted to drive off her, but I thought it would be better I see her before leaving.

I came out of the car, walked back to the hospital and stood by the door contemplating if I should go in or just go back home.

I thought for a while and decided to just go in and face whatever anger she has in her.