
Leaving the hospital

Victoria's POV 

I sighed and sat on the bed

Things were becoming more complicated by the day, I knew Eric was hiding something from Me, and I was curious to know what he was hiding from me.

I sat back on the bed trying to remember any of my lost memory but nothing was coming forth.

I noticed the door opened and Eric walked in with a pale face.

He sat on the chair with his gaze away from me 

''I know you have many questions to ask, but I can't tell you, at least not now.'' he murmured those words to himself, but I knew he was taking to me.

''I promise to tell you everything when we get back to California, but right now, I can't risk your health for anything.'' he spoke those words in a serious tune and stood up from the chair.

He walked up to me and stood before me with his piercing gaze on me, 

''I'll come pick you up tomorrow, have a nice day.'' he placed a kiss on my forehead and left the room.

I sighed softly and lay back on the bed with his words ringing in my head, 

Maybe I just have to be patience and wait for him to tell me himself.

Few hours later some test was conducted on me, while I was given some drugs to take back home.

The rest of the day was uneventful, with I and nurse Agnes watching movies until I went to bed.

I woke up really early the next morning with excitement, I can't wait to leave this place, it feels like this room was suffocating me and I can't wait to leave.

I took my bath, changed my clothes and eat a light breakfast before arranging my things.

By 12 pm, I was already through and waited for Eric to come pick me, but he was nowhere to be found.

I forced myself and watched a movie while I waited for him to come.

I checked the time and saw that it was already pass 3pm, and he wasn't here.

Furthermore, I became restless and anxious, he was supposed to pick me up this morning, and it's almost pass noon, and he is not here.

I was deliberating on what to do when the door opened, and he walked in with no expression on his face.

''Are you ready.'' he spoke like everything was alright.

''Yeah.'' I murmured, stood up from the bed, and took my bag with me.

We left the hospital, got into his car and he drove off

We drove in total silence, he was too quiet, and I didn't like it.

He drove for a while until he drove into a familiar building.

He parked in the garage and we both came out of the car.

''Welcome.'' his housekeeper greeted with a warm smile on her face

''Thank you.'' I smiled back at her as she took my bag from my hand.

We walked into the house, and the house was just the same way I saw it the last time I visited.