

Victoria's POV 

''Make sure you don't stress your brain.'' nurse Agnes warned

I rolled my eyes and took a bit of the burger

''You've been saying this for almost an hour.'' I grumbled

She laughed softly and sat on the chair

''I just want you to be careful, your memories will come on their own you shouldn't force it.'' she advised

''I've heard you.'' I grumbled and continued eating.

I was still eating when I noticed the door opened, thinking it was Eric I turned around only to met eyes with sea blue eyes man.

He met eyes with me and flashed me a big smile, which I returned.

''How are you.'' he asked while entering the room, 

''I'm fine.'' I flashed him an assuring smile.

He sat beside me on the bed and stared directly into my eyes like he was trying to read through me.

''Heard you will be leaving tomorrow.'' 


He smiled at me and kept quiet for a while before he spoke up 

''You can still change your mind it's not too late.'' he muttered those words as a plead

I stared at him but didn't know what to say.

Something in me tells me this man really cares for me and wants the best for me, but I was so attached to Eric that I can't stay away from him even when I knew he might have hurt me in the past.

''Listen.'' he placed his two hands on my shoulders and stared directly into my eyes

''I promise to keep you away from him, please let me fulfill my promise.'' he sounded almost like a plead.

I met eyes with him and could see the sincerity in his eyes, he was sincere with his words, I knew he meant what he was saying, yet I couldn't just go with him.

''I'm sorry.'' I apologized for nothing in particular, 

He shook his head and cupped my face with his two hands while he stared directly into my eyes.

''I know why you are saying this, you are so attached and draw to him that's why you don't wanna leave him even though you know I'm saying the truth.'' he said those words like he was reading through me.

''This man caused you pains, pains that made you ran away from him, and now you want to go back with him?'' he asked 

''I don't know, I'm really confused.'' I murmured

Indeed I was actually confused, Eric has been showing me nothing but love and care, and it was hard for me to believe that he could actually hurt me.

''I can tell you everything, if you want to listen.'' he held my face with his two hands and stared at me with a pleading look.

I was curious, really curious about what happened between Eric and I

''I wanna know, tell me what happened.'' those words did not finish from my mouth before I noticed the door opened and Eric banged in

''Get away from her.'' he yelled, and before I knew what was going on, he yanked Elliot away from me.