
Time-limited F-Class Housewife

“CONGRATS, Miss Baek— you’re pregnant with South Korea’s #1 Hunter’s baby!” Baek Gyubin, the leader of a flopped Kpop girl group, is beyond shocked after hearing that she's carrying Hunter Han Wooju’s baby. And to be informed that she's pregnant as a twenty-five-year-old virgin? That's crazy! It's even crazier that her ‘baby daddy’ is the Guildmaster of Blue Dragon— the strongest guild at the moment. Plus, Hunter Han Wooju is the CEO of a luxury shopping mall and a known member of Korea’s W1 Trillion Club. In short, Hunter Han Wooju is way out of Gyubin's league! “How did I get pregnant with your baby, Hunter Han Wooju?” Gyubin asked awkwardly. And then she remembered THAT incident, causing her to gasp out loud. “Is it because I ate your dragon ball?!” Wooju let out a long sigh. “Miss Baek, it was an egg and not a ‘dragon ball.’”

sola_cola · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs



Gyubin smiled and welcomed her younger members with open arms.

Just like that, the girls hugged her.

Chaehyun, Yunha, Minha, and Fuko.

"I've missed you, girls," Gyubin said, her voice cracking a bit. "Have you been well?"

They broke the hug in order to talk to each other properly.

That was how Gyubin ended up sitting on the sofa while the four girls sat on the carpeted floor— looking up at her like the children that they were.

"Unnie, we were so worried about you," Chaehyun, the second oldest member, scolded her. "We met Hunter Park when we escaped the Facility and were looking for help. But when we returned for you, you weren't there. The Hunters who brought us here said Hunter Han Wooju-nim saved Unnie. Is that true?"

"I mean, we know that this is the Blue Dragon Guild," Fuko added worriedly. "But we can't trust anyone after our bad company almost sold us off to those filthy Facility Hunters."

It broke Gyubin's heart that these kids had experienced the dark side of the idol world.

Those perverted bastards… I'll ask Wooju-ssi to punish them heavily!

"We also heard that our bad CEO is in the hospital," Minha said. "Unnie, what's happening?"

"Please tell us— we're not that young to understand what's going on," Yunha pleaded. "We signed an NDA, so we'll keep it secret. But even if we didn't, Unnie knows that we won't talk, right?"

The other girls nodded in agreement.


They want me to trust them and treat them like her group members and not just her dongsaengs.

These kids were young, but they were also professional idols like her.

"I stabbed our shitty CEO with a poisonous flower."

As expected, the girls gasped in shock.

"After that, I went to the Facility to rescue you," Gyubin continued with the story. "I used an Item to overpower the Hunters, but the captain was strong. He almost killed me."

Again, the girls gasped.

This time, they looked horrified.

"But Hunter Han Wooju-ssi came to my rescue, so nothing bad happened," Gyubin assured her younger members. "I had to stay in the hospital, though. But I'm okay now."

The girls finally looked relieved.

"And you have a new agency now."

Of course, the girls looked confused.

"Wooju-ssi took care of everything," Gyubin said cheerfully. "We're free from our former agency, and you'll be signing with PEAK Entertainment soon."

"The PEAK Entertainment?"

"As in the home of ASTRA sunbae-nim?" Fuko asked in disbelief. "The current #1 girl group in the country?"


The Kim Twins squealed, and then the two hugged Fuko who looked shocked but happy.

But there was one person who wasn't thrilled, though.

"Unnie, the way you said it…" Chaehyun paused, biting her lower lip. "Are you not going to re-debut with us?"

The other girls fell silent while looking at Gyubin with nervous eyes.

"I won't re-debut with you," Gyubin said, smiling sadly at the girls who looked like they were about to cry because of what she said. "But I've always told you that I'll retire from the industry as soon as our contract ends, right? I have to take care of my grandma— I want to be with her until her last breath."

Her younger members didn't know about her Bloom Disease, but they knew about her sick and dying grandmother.

Hence, no one had the courage to ask her to stay with the group.

And I appreciate them respecting my decision.

"Don't worry, girls. You're all young— you still have a bright future ahead of you even without me," Gyubin said to cheer up the girls. "Wooju-ssi will help you re-debut in a better company. He also promised me that he'll help the staff members who took care of us."

The girls looked relieved to hear that their kind staff wouldn't lose their jobs.

"Unnie, I know that Hunter Han Wooju-nim is one of the least problematic Hunters in the country. But why is he helping us this much?" Chaehyun asked skeptically after a while. "What's going on between Unnie and Hunter Han Wooju-nim?"

So, it has come to this.

Gyubin couldn't lie to the girls since they knew she wasn't dating Wooju.

Hence, she had no choice but to tell them half-lie and half-truth.

I trust the girls, and Wooju-ssi said my members signed an NDA already.

"Girls, don't be surprised," Gyubin said carefully. "I'm going to marry Wooju-ssi."

Of course, the girls were shocked.

But she wasn't done yet.

"And I'm pregnant with his child."


"Remember my virtual husband?" Gyubin explained right away. "It turned out to be Wooju-ssi. I won't share the details. But we met once and now I'm pregnant."


Her revelation left the girls speechless.

Only for a moment, though.

"Unnie, are you saying you're pregnant while you were saving us?" Chaehyun asked, clearly horrified. "You put your life and your baby at risk for us, Unnie?"


"Unnie, why did you do that?"

"Unnie always makes sacrifices for us…"

"Unnie, you're making me cry."

This wasn't the reaction she expected.

"Are you not upset with me?" Gyubin asked worriedly. "You will re-debut with a new agency without me. But once the news about my pregnancy comes out, your new group will be affected. I already feel bad about that."

"Unnie, you literally raised me," Fuko said, her voice cracking a bit. "I was only thirteen years old when we debuted. Even though we've only met each other during the audition program, you still took good care of me."

"Unnie always protects us from the perverts in the industry," Yunha said between sobs. "Unnie always fights with the company for our sake so our mental health won't suffer."

Minha nodded in agreement. "Plus, Unnie makes good songs! The only hit songs we had were songs you wrote. Thanks to Unnie's hard work, we gained a bit of fame. So, Unnie didn't only help us with our mental health. Unnie saved our career, too. Why would we be upset just because you have a private life?"

"That's right, Unnie," Chaehyun said, already on the verge of crying. "We don't care about anything else as long as Unnie is happy and living well. You've worked hard all this time, Unnie. You deserve to put yourself first."


They care more about my happiness than their own career.

Gyubin tried hard not to cry in front of her members, but she couldn't. "Thank you, my dear dongsaengs. It seems like I raised you well."

Chaehyun, Yunha, Minha, and Fuko burst into tears, too. "Unnie…!"



"WOOJU-ssi, these are my members: Chaehyun, Minha, Yunha, Fuko," Gyubin said. She could barely open her eyes, and her voice was still hoarse from crying, but she had to introduce her fake fiancé to the girls properly. "Girls, this is my fiancé: Hunter Han Wooju-ssi."

Chaehyun, Minha, Yunha, and Fuko all bowed to the prominent Hunter.

Wooju said a short greeting before he went straight to the point. "My people will drive you to your new dorm," he said indifferently. "Then a representative from your new agency will come and meet you soon to discuss your career. Just wait patiently for now."

The girls looked awkward, but they still managed to thank Wooju.

Why can't they look at Wooju-ssi properly?

Well, to be fair, Wooju towered over them because he was 190cm tall so the girls would have to look up just to meet his gaze.

And Wooju-ssi is kinda hard to approach because of his aloof aura.

Oh, well.

"Wooju-ssi, what happened to our manager?" Gyubin asked because even the girls were worried about Oh Sungjae. "Is he alright?"

"Ah, your manager?" Wooju said, tilting his head to one side. "He's in jail."

Excuse me???


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sola_cola's thoughts: Wooju dropping bombs casually~

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