
Time-limited F-Class Housewife

“CONGRATS, Miss Baek— you’re pregnant with South Korea’s #1 Hunter’s baby!” Baek Gyubin, the leader of a flopped Kpop girl group, is beyond shocked after hearing that she's carrying Hunter Han Wooju’s baby. And to be informed that she's pregnant as a twenty-five-year-old virgin? That's crazy! It's even crazier that her ‘baby daddy’ is the Guildmaster of Blue Dragon— the strongest guild at the moment. Plus, Hunter Han Wooju is the CEO of a luxury shopping mall and a known member of Korea’s W1 Trillion Club. In short, Hunter Han Wooju is way out of Gyubin's league! “How did I get pregnant with your baby, Hunter Han Wooju?” Gyubin asked awkwardly. And then she remembered THAT incident, causing her to gasp out loud. “Is it because I ate your dragon ball?!” Wooju let out a long sigh. “Miss Baek, it was an egg and not a ‘dragon ball.’”

sola_cola · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


GYUBIN was working with competent professionals, so she wasn't surprised when the meeting was almost over before she could finish her strawberry matcha smoothie.

When the meeting started, Kang Jaemoo ordered drinks for everyone.

They all got iced coffee except me.

"So, let me summarize it," Go Nara said while looking at the notebook in her hand. "Guildmaster Han Wooju and Miss Baek Gyubin have known each other for years through the mobile game Solaville. And your relationship developed from there."

"We need physical evidence that the two of you have met before the incident in the Facility," Go Nahoon added. "We won't announce that Miss Baek is pregnant yet, but I'm sure people will think that's the case seeing how rushed the wedding is. However, we won't give a comment on the issue and let them speculate. We can't hide Miss Baek's pregnancy forever anyway. The important part is to make the public believe that the baby is a normal baby. We can't let the public know that Miss Baek is pregnant with an S-Grade Beast."

Yep, they needed the PR Team for that.

We need to make the public believe that Wooju-ssi and I have a normal relationship to hide the fact that I'm carrying an S-Grade Beast in my womb.

"Nahoon-ssi, you said we need physical evidence that Wooju-ssi and I have been meeting each other secretly," Gyubin said worriedly. "But Wooju-ssi and I only met in the Facility. I did attend some of his public appearances, though."

"I know, Miss Baek," Go Nahoon said, smirking. "I've already checked your Photogram account. Fortunately, you had public schedules in the past that we can connect to Guildmaster Han Wooju's private schedule. So, please don't worry about it. We'll take care of everything."


Nahoon-ssi is going to fabricate evidence for my and Wooju-ssi's fake love story.

Gyubin nodded because she liked the Go Twins' competency. "Thank you, Nahoon-ssi, Nara-ssi."

The Go Twins answered at the same time. "You're welcome, Miss Baek."

"Now let's talk about the wedding preparations," Wooju said, and then he turned to Gyubin. "Can you show them the wedding mood board that you've shown me before?"

"Oh, sure," Gyubin said, and then she opened her Interest account before handing her phone to Go Nara. "This is my dream wedding. I have a clear vision of how I want my wedding to be, so I made a collage. Will that help?"

"This is a huge help, Miss Baek," Go Nara said, smiling as if she was relieved. "Now we know where to start. Can we call you if we have questions?"

"Of course. I'd love to hear from you," Gyubin said, scratching her cheek. "I feel bad that you were only given two weeks to prepare for everything, so I'd like to help as much as I can. You'll probably have a hard time looking for a venue who'd agree to do the wedding on such short notice."

"Ah, you don't have to worry about the venue, Miss Baek," Go Nahoon said. "The wedding will take place in the hotel Guildmaster Han Wooju owns."

Gyubin almost choked on her strawberry matcha smoothie, and then she turned to Wooju. "You have a hotel?"

Wooju nodded casually. "We own The Grand Dynasty Hotel. It's not entirely mine, though. My cousin runs the hotel. Luckily, he adores me. He'll lend the wedding hall to us even if it's already booked by another couple, so we can set any date we want."

Oh, wow.

The Grand Dynasty Hotel was in the heart of Seoul.

Seoul = expensive.

Is this why people say Hansung Group is the backbone of our country's economy?

"Gyubin and I will personally shop for her wedding dress, so just work on matching my clothes with what she'll wear during the ceremony."

"Yes, sir."

Gyubin really liked how although Wooju talked politely, his tone was always commanding.

It's obvious that he grew up giving orders.

First, Wooju was born a chaebol.

And now he was the #1 Hunter in Korea.

It's kinda scary that I'm marrying such a man.

"Binnie, it's not yet too late to back out," Hunter Park Dong-min, who probably noticed Gyubin's nervousness, "whispered." "You don't have to marry Han Wooju."

"Hunter Park Dong-min," Wooju called the older Hunter in a slightly cold voice as if he didn't appreciate Ahjussi playing devil's advocate. "Why are you here again?"


Why is Wooju-ssi acting like he wants to marry me so badly?

Gyubin was really close to misunderstanding her fake fiancé if she didn't know better.

I hope Wooju-ssi gets over his guilt soon.



"THE PROCESS of taking Mrs. Kim Miran out of the shelter is quite meticulous, so I have to go there myself to make sure I'll be able to bring your grandma to your wedding ceremony on time."

"Oh," Gyubin said, a bit sad when the realization hit her. "Are you here to say goodbye to me, Ahjussi?"

After the Go Twins left to start preparing for the PR story and the wedding, Wooju excused himself and gave Gyubin some privacy with Hunter Park Dong-min.

So here we are now, alone in the conference room.

Hunter Park Dong-min nodded. "Don't worry. I'll make sure your grandma will see you walk down the aisle in a pretty wedding dress."

To be honest, she already expected that the process wouldn't be easy.

My grandma's Bloom Disease is already in its last stage, so it's difficult to move her out of the shelter where all her needs are met. If Grandma is leaving the shelter for a few weeks, then all the things that keep her alive should be brought along.

"Thank you, Ahjussi," Gyubin said sincerely. "And I'm sorry for giving you more work. I promise to make it up to you."

Hunter Park Dong-min laughed while shaking his head. "If you want to make it up to me, then buy me a new Hawaiian shirt."



"SO, HUNTER Park Dong-min already left?"

"Yep," Gyubin said while walking in the hallway with Wooju. This time, only the two of them were together. "By the way, where are we going?"

"The top two floors of the Blue Dragon Guild HQ are penthouses," Wooju explained. "The top floor is mine, and the floor below it is used by the core members of my guild. Currently, your group members are residing there."

She gasped, already excited. "Are we headed there now?"

"Yes. This will be their last day here since their new company has already found a new dorm for them."

Oh, right.

They were no longer connected to Hit Entertainment.

And that reminds me…

"How about me, Wooju-ssi?" Gyubin asked, slightly worried. "Where do I live now?"

Wooju tilted his head to one side as if he didn't understand her question. "My house, of course."

"But we're not married yet."

I mean, I'm old-fashioned that way…

"Then should we do it today?"

Her eyes widened a bit. "Do what?"

"Register our marriage," Wooju said, and then he glanced down at his (obviously expensive) watch. "The office is still open at this hour, so we can make it in time if we leave now."

Gyubin covered her mouth with her hands when she gasped in an exaggerated manner. "Wooju-ssi, that's not how you pop the question!"


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sola_cola's thoughts: Wooju really looks desperate to marry Gyubin. LOL

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