
Time-limited F-Class Housewife

“CONGRATS, Miss Baek— you’re pregnant with South Korea’s #1 Hunter’s baby!” Baek Gyubin, the leader of a flopped Kpop girl group, is beyond shocked after hearing that she's carrying Hunter Han Wooju’s baby. And to be informed that she's pregnant as a twenty-five-year-old virgin? That's crazy! It's even crazier that her ‘baby daddy’ is the Guildmaster of Blue Dragon— the strongest guild at the moment. Plus, Hunter Han Wooju is the CEO of a luxury shopping mall and a known member of Korea’s W1 Trillion Club. In short, Hunter Han Wooju is way out of Gyubin's league! “How did I get pregnant with your baby, Hunter Han Wooju?” Gyubin asked awkwardly. And then she remembered THAT incident, causing her to gasp out loud. “Is it because I ate your dragon ball?!” Wooju let out a long sigh. “Miss Baek, it was an egg and not a ‘dragon ball.’”

sola_cola · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs



Gyubin waved at the girls who were waving back at her.

Chaehyun, Yunha, Minha, and Fuko were picked up by a luxurious black mini-van mostly used by celebrities.

It was much more luxurious than the old car their old agency provided for them.

I can already see the girls' bright future ahead.

"Unnie, call us!"

"I will," Gyubin said, laughing softly. "Take care, girls!"

She remained waving until the minivan disappeared.

Right now, Gyubin was in the underground parking lot of the Blue Dragon Guild HQ.

The girls used the secret exit of the building to avoid the reporters who were always keeping an eye on the guild just to gather scoop.


"Are you tired?" Wooju, who was standing next to her like a (beautiful) statue, asked. "Do you want to go home now?"

"By home, you mean your house?"


"But I haven't packed my things yet…"

"The staff members who helped your group members pack their things also packed yours. Then they sent your luggage to my house."

"And you're only telling me now?"

"I didn't think it was important."


Gyubin crossed her arms over her chest, giving Wooju an irritated look.

She knew that the man was older and had a higher social status than a dirt-poor young woman like her.

But if I'm upset, then I'm upset!

Wooju avoided Gyubin's gaze as if he was guilty. "Your manager beat up Captain Kim Cheol when the captain woke up while demanding your location. According to the witnesses, your manager thought Kim Cheol sold you off somewhere."


That sounds like Oh Sungjae, alright.

"Since other Hunters from the Facility saw Oh Sungjae beating up their Captain Kim Cheol, my staff had no choice but to arrest the kid," Wooju explained, panic evident in his voice, when Gyubin continued to remain silent. "But the Hunters in charge of Oh Sungjae are my people, so don't worry. Your manager is living well. It's just like a house arrest."

"Thank you for the explanation, albeit late. But you still haven't said what I want to hear, Wooju-ssi."


"Should I call a taxi and leave?"

Wooju whipped his head in Gyubin's direction so fast. "I'm sorry, Gyubin. This won't happen again."

"Good," Gyubin said, nodding. "When will you set Oh Sungjae free?"

"Tomorrow. I'll send him to your group member's new dorm."

"Oh Sungjae will stay as my members' manager, right?"

"If that's what you want."

"Yes, that's exactly what I want," Gyubin said, letting out a sigh of relief. "Oh Sungjae is a good kid. He worked as a manager in our old agency because his younger sister used to be a trainee before taking her own life. Actually, he was about to leave the company when Hit Entertainment took us in. He saw his deceased dongsaeng in my members, so he decided to stay and protect them the way he couldn't protect his sister. That's how he became our manager."

"I understand," Wooju said, nodding. "I'll make sure Oh Sungjae will have the power to protect your younger members in their new agency. Of course, I'll discuss it with you in more depth once things are finalized."

"Wooju-ssi, you learn fast."

"You look scary when you're upset."


"How can I scare the #1 Hunter in Korea? Wooju-ssi is being silly," Gyubin said, waving her hand. "Anyway, where should we go next?"

"To the local district office," Wooju said bluntly. "Let's register our marriage before we go home."



"KIDS, just fill up the form and I'll take care of the rest."

Gyubin smiled and nodded at what Kang Jaemoo said. "Yes, Oppa."

For your information, it was Jaemoo Oppa who asked me to call him 'oppa' and not me.

Anyways, right now, Gyubin was in a luxury custom van that she would only see A-List celebrities use before.

But here she was now, with a bonus.

The bonus would be Wooju, the #1 Hunter in Korea, sitting comfortably next to Gyubin.

I really feel like the main character every time he's next to me.

"Why are you calling Hyung 'oppa?'" Wooju asked Gyubin, obviously confused. "Hyung is old enough to be called 'ahjussi.'"


"Yah," Kang Jaemoo complained. "Wooju-ya, I'm not that old."

"Forty is old, Hyung. You should feel guilty for making Gyubin call you 'oppa' instead of 'ahjussi.'"

"Aigoo. This old man is being bullied, so I'll leave you for a moment," Kang Jaemoo said. "There are a few good restaurants here. What do you want for dinner?"

"I want meat, Oppa," Gyubin said right away. "Beef, please."

"Just buy me whatever you'll buy for Gyubin, Hyung."

"Alright," Kang Jaemoo said while opening the van's sliding door. "You better be done with the marriage registration form before I return."

"Yes, Oppa."

"Alright, Hyung."

And, just like that, Kang Jaemoo was gone.

"Are you ready to sign our marriage registration form, Gyubin?"

"I am, but are you?" Gyubin asked worriedly. "Wooju-ssi, are you sure about not making me sign a prenuptial agreement first? Or a contract that lets me know my place in this marriage."

"We're going to get married, and our marriage will be valid," Wooju said casually. "You'll be my legal wife, so you're entitled to everything I own. As I said before, you deserve that for carrying an S-Grade Beast in your womb and accepting it as your child."

"I only decided to carry on with the pregnancy to live a luxurious life."

"And I thank you for that decision."


Gyubin felt bad, so she decided to make a promise to Wooju in return for his generosity. "Wooju-ssi, I promise not to be a burden to you. I will do my best to fulfill my role as your wife and the mother of the child who will save the world in the future."

"I promise to be a good husband and provider to you, Gyubin," Wooju said in a sincere voice. "And I will do my best to raise the future hero with you."

She smiled because she was satisfied with their little exchange of vows.

Gyubin and Wooju signed their marriage registration forms…

… and then…!



A shared Status Window appeared before Gyubin and Wooju.


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sola_cola's thoughts: Congratulations to the newlyweds! <3

Reviews, comments, and power stones are badly needed and highly appreciated. Please let me know your thoughts if you enjoyed the story. Thank you. T_T <3

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