
Time-limited F-Class Housewife

“CONGRATS, Miss Baek— you’re pregnant with South Korea’s #1 Hunter’s baby!” Baek Gyubin, the leader of a flopped Kpop girl group, is beyond shocked after hearing that she's carrying Hunter Han Wooju’s baby. And to be informed that she's pregnant as a twenty-five-year-old virgin? That's crazy! It's even crazier that her ‘baby daddy’ is the Guildmaster of Blue Dragon— the strongest guild at the moment. Plus, Hunter Han Wooju is the CEO of a luxury shopping mall and a known member of Korea’s W1 Trillion Club. In short, Hunter Han Wooju is way out of Gyubin's league! “How did I get pregnant with your baby, Hunter Han Wooju?” Gyubin asked awkwardly. And then she remembered THAT incident, causing her to gasp out loud. “Is it because I ate your dragon ball?!” Wooju let out a long sigh. “Miss Baek, it was an egg and not a ‘dragon ball.’”

sola_cola · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


"BINNIE, they didn't force you to marry Han Wooju, did they?"

"It's the other way around, Ahjussi," Gyubin said while snacking on the strawberry croissant that Hunter Park Dong-min brought for her. She was in the passenger seat while the ahjussi was driving his old yet tough car. "I asked Wooju-ssi to marry me since I need a husband to activate my skills as a Hunter."

Or as a 'housewife,' to be more precise.

"My skills—"

"You don't have to explain your skills to me, Binnie," Hunter Park Dong-min said while shaking his head. "It's something you should keep to yourself and only reveal if you absolutely must. Many Hunters survived that way."

"Alright, Ahjussi. I'll keep that in mind," she said, pausing for a moment. "To be honest, I decided I wanted to marry Wooju-ssi after talking to Grandma. She said she can't wait to see me in a wedding dress."

"Right. You said your grandmother had a conception dream in your place."

"Grandma may not be in her sound mind, but I still want to fulfill her wish— I want Grandma to see me walk down the aisle in a pretty wedding dress."

Hunter Park Dong-min let out a long sigh. "Well, you're already an adult so I won't meddle with your decision. And it's Hunter Han Wooju-ssi we're talking about here. He won't take advantage of you."

"Wooju-ssi is kind to me— too kind."

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"He suspects I'm Kim Gyuri."

Ahjussi was so shocked that he needed to pull over. "Binnie—"

"I know, Ahjussi," Gyubin said, cutting of the old man who was about to scold her. "Han Wooju-ssi by marked by the crazy Hunter who gave me the Bloom Disease. That's why Wooju-ssi should never know that Kim Gyuri is still alive."

"The crazy Hunter who did those horrible experiments on you is already presumed dead, but we can never be too sure since we didn't find the body," Hunter Park Dong-min said firmly. "Nothing happened for the past five years— but don't let your guard down, Kim Gyuri."



KIM GYURI is probably still alive.

Wooju was told he was dense, but he was not stupid.

There must be a reason why President Lim Hojin was paying this much attention to Baek Gyubin.

It couldn't just be because he's "kind."

"President Han, are you listening?"

Wooju turned to Kang Jaemoo who was driving the car while he sat in the backseat.

If this hyung called him 'President Han,' then it meant he was talking as his secretary and not his manager.

"I wasn't listening, Secretary Kang."

"Ah, I thought so," Kang Jaemoo said, sighing. "As I was saying earlier, Summer Square's new attraction— the Sky Garden— is about to be completed. It's the most coveted space for stores who want a spot there. Just a reminder, President Han. Chairman Han wanted you to secure a spot for Chocroffle."

"What's that?"

"President Han, it's the trendy bakery that went viral last year. They specialize in chocolate 'croffle.' Croffle is a mixture of croissant and waffle."

"Chocolate croissant?"

"Of course, they're not ordinary chocolate croissants. The bakery became viral because the chocolate they fill the croissants with is mixed with a special health potion that instantly boosts a Hunter's stamina. Usually, health potions still taste like grass even if you mix them with tasty drinks. But this store has successfully managed to create a snack that is both delicious and healthy. That's how they became the #1 bakery in Korea."

"Ah. I think I've heard the Hunters in our guild talk about that famous bakery."

"Pinnacle Department Store, the #2 luxury shopping mall in our country and our Summit Square's rival, is vying to secure a spot for Chocroffle in their store," Kang Jaemoo explained. "But the owner of Chocroffle is leaning towards our Summit Square. He just has one request, though— he wants you to go on a date with his daughter. Chairman Han said the deal isn't bad."

"I'm getting married."

"It's just a date, President Han."


"President Han—"

"If they don't want to do business with us, then just forget it," Wooju said firmly. "I think strawberry croissant is better than chocolate croissant anyway."


"The spot that we reserved for that store, take it back."

"But why, President Han? We can increase Summit Square's sales if we secure a spot for Chocroffle."

"I don't care," Wooju said firmly. "Reserve the best spot in the Sky Garden for the bakery I'll put there later— a bakery that specializes in strawberry croissant."

That I will continue funding even if it doesn't earn profits.

"Why are you smiling?" Kang Jaemoo asked while shaking his head. "Chairman Han will definitely kill you for this."

"I'm not scared of Noona," Wooju said, and then he unconsciously touched his cheeks. "And when did I smile?"



JUST two people?

Gyubin expected more people to be in the Blue Dragon Guild's PR Team, so she was surprised that the PR Team was actually composed of only two people— a man and a woman in their early thirties.

Well, as long as they do their job well.

Plus, it made her comfortable to be with a small group in which all faces were familiar to her. Aside from the PR Team, Hunter Park Dong-min and Kang Jaemoo were there.

Of course, Wooju, too.

"Gyubin, these are the Go Twins," Wooju said, pointing at the twins politely. "The older brother is Go Nahoon-ssi, and the younger sister is Go Nara-ssi. They're in charge of maintaining my image and the reputation of the Blue Dragon Guild."

Gyubin bowed politely. "Hello. I'm Baek Gyubin. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The Go Twins also bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Miss Baek."

Then, after a small talk…

"How much do Nahoon-ssi and Nara-ssi know?" Gyubin asked curiously, turning to Wooju. "Except for my secret, of course."

"They know that we're going to have a contract marriage, and that you got pregnant because you swallowed the funny-looking brown egg that I took care of before," Wooju explained. "We have to tell them the important parts so that they can help us."

Oh, that made sense.

"The first thing we need to establish is how the two of you met and "fell in love,"" Go Nahoon said, looking a bit excited as his eyes were shining. "We can't tell the public how you two really met, so we have to make a story that the public would accept."

"In short, we're going to write your love story here," Go Nara added, smiling while writing something in what seemed to be a journal. "Any suggestions?"

To be honest, Gyubi already thought about that ever since Wooju said they were going to work with the PR Team.

Hence, she raised her hand.

The Go Twins spoke at the same time. "Please go ahead, Miss Baek."

"Wooju-ssi and I both play Solaville," Gyubin said, smiling. "It's a game where players are allowed to date and get married through the characters they play."


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sola_cola's thoughts: It all started with a mobile game. <3

Reviews, comments, and power stones are badly needed and highly appreciated. Please let me know your thoughts if you enjoyed the story. Thank you. T_T <3

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