
Tied to a Mafia Boss

A young woman's biggest dream is to explore the world and Italy turns out to be one of her dream countries. Having granted her wish coincidentally by her company, she leaves for Italy for a business trip and everything comes crumbling upon her as she steps her foot for the first time in a strange country where somehow she gets involved with the biggest mobster in the country and her life makes a drastic change.

Preshytreenah · Urban
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6 Chs


🖤Antonio's P.o.v🖤

"Benvenuto, signor Antonio De Luca". (Welcome, Mr Antonio De Luca). One of the hotel staff greeted me when I arrived at the hall.

The rest became aware of my presence and they chorused a greeting which I ignored.

I was frustrated from the day's job and all I needed was a full rest...and of course, fun.

"Mi hai portato la persona?".

(Did you bring me the person?) I asked one of my men who walked me to the hotel.

"Ti ho preso una donna giovane e fresca, ti piacerà, capo."

(I got you a fresh, young woman, you'll like her, boss). He replied.

I nodded my head and dismissed him.

"Goodnight Capo". 

"Goodnight". I murmured in reply and headed for the room he told me about.

Room 487

I checked the number on the door and tried the handle....it was unlocked.

I got in to a warm atmosphere and I was satisfied..

Only that the bimbo stared at me like she'd seen a ghost.

I took off my hat and hung my coat close to the door.

"Wh...wh...who" She stammered, then her voice faltered when I finally faced her.

"Strip". I ordered...

I didn't want to waste time on her as I had other unfinished business to attend to.

I began to unbutton my shirt.

"Who are you?". She asked, making me roll my eyes.

I didn't pay for her to come interrogate me.

"I don't think it's necessary, let's just get to business". I replied.

She didn't look bad...

She was the perfect toy for the night.

I was already lusting over her...seeing her in a bathrobe.

"Take off your robe". I said hastily as I had already unbuttoned my shirt and taken it off.

She gasped and grabbed something...

Is that an hair dryer? 

I stared at what she grasped and scoffed as she held it out in defense.

"I get to f*ck a lunatic?". I murmured in disappointment.

Didn't expect what happened next, but she came glaring at me and hit me right on the face.

I tried to register what happened and then she yelled..

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here you fuckin' pervert?!".

The slap left some ringing sounds in my ear and I touched where she hit in disbelief....

No man on earth had hit me on the face, talk less of a crazy whore.

I grabbed her by the neck angrily and pushed her against the wall roughly, she let out a cry of pain which didn't bother me.

"How dare you lowly whore lay your hand on me?". I was furious and wasn't planning on letting her go scot free.

She tried wriggling free from my grip but was only worsening the situation, I tightened my grip on her neck, trying to snuff out life from her.

A shrill cry pricked my ear and I turned to face where it came from...

I saw an infant under the blanket on the bed.

The piercing sound came from it and I released the woman I was strangling.

Confusion engulfed me...

"What is this?".

"Is that a baby?".

The woman nodded her head as she massaged her neck.

Why is a baby here?

I wasn't informed that the bimbo I was gonna f*ck has a kid.

"You have a baby?". I asked, still confused...

Or wait....

"What's your name?". 

"Regina Reynolds". She replied and I'd never felt so stupid in my entire life.

I wasn't gonna f*ck a Regina...I was told I was going to f*ck a 'Catherine'.


(Shit!) I cussed, biting my lower lip in frustration.

"Questa è la stanza sbagliata". 

(This is the wrong room). I groaned and walked up to my coat, grabbed it and left the room.

Next morning....

🦋Regina's P.o.v🦋

Why does time fly differently here in Italy? 

I groaned as I rolled on my stomach, not planning to detach myself from the duvet.

It was so hard to get up from bed.

I heard soft whimpers from beside me and it came to my knowledge that the baby was still there.

Okay...it wasn't a dream, there's a real baby next to me who got abandoned.

It was difficult to close my eyes and sleep because her cries kept waking me up in the middle of the night and I had to stay awake, petting her to sleep.

When I finally had the chance to sleep, it was already in the early hours of the morning.

Now, my stupid alarm just cut it off..

The baby continued crying and I had no choice but to get up and attend to her.

"Did I offend a baby in my past life?". I asked her after getting her into my arms.

She stopped crying for a moment and looked at me, then blew off again.

I stood up with her and went to prepare her meal.

I fed her with the feeding bottle and went to bathe her..

She kept crying as I undressed her and I was getting frustrated but I endured.

Afterall, it would all end in a few hours

I'd take her to the station to report a lost baby that I found and I'll be free as air once again.

My heart fell to my stomach when I saw some letters engraved on her back.

The area at her back where the tattoo was, was red and there were bruises, meaning it hadn't been long it was crested on her...say two, three days ago?.

My eyes went blur immediately as tears piled up in them.

Why would such pain be inflicted on a baby?

Now I get why she cried a lot...

I thought she cried more than a normal baby does but didn't know it was because of the pain she was going through.

"Oh my God..." I gasped out and sniffed in.

"I'm so sorry, little one... I'm so sorry". 

I stared at the 'MDL' that was crested on her back with quivering lips as I tried to think of what it could mean.

What kind of person did this to their own child?! Is she not human?! 

She was too little to bear the pain....it could kill her...

I knew how tattoos hurt a lot coz I got a tattoo of a butterfly at the top right of my left boob. All my friends in high school had one tattoo each and I was forced to, even as my parents were against it.

I was in my rebellious era so their talks did nothing on me and I finally got the tattoo...then was in an agonizing pain for weeks until the wound healed.

If nothing else, I wanted the child's mother to be found, then sued for child abuse.

I carefully and thoroughly washed her up as I didn't really give her a full bath last night when she pooped.

Then, I dressed her up with a set of overalls I got last night and freshened up also.

It was time to head for the station.

I placed her carefully on my chest, letting her rest her head on my shoulder so I wouldn't touch her wound area by mistake.

I got out of the room, trying to book my ride.....the driver could be of help in locating the nearest police station....

"Quindi l'hai ucciso dopo, eh?" I heard some men discussing in italian and stopped in my tracks.

Translation: So, you killed him afterwards huh?

I turned and saw three men in black, approaching...

My Italian classes paid off afterall...

"Mi ha fatto sentire stupido ieri sera, ho aggredito una donna contro cui non avrei dovuto farlo".

(He made me feel stupid, I attacked a woman I wasn't supposed to).

I recognized the voice from last night...

It was the strange man who almost strangled me.

I quickly turned away when I saw them drawing near.

"Chi sarà il tuo messaggero adesso?".

(Who will be your messenger now?)

"Ne troverò uno adatto". 

(I will find one befitting).

"Ti sei sbarazzato di sette messaggeri in appena un mese".

(You've gotten rid of seven messengers in just a month).

"Rispetto al mese scorso è meno". 

(Compared to last month, that's less).

"Calmati Antonio, muoiono come mosche. Non ci vorrà molto prima che i poliziotti ti seguano". 

(Calm down Antonio, they're dropping like flies. It wouldn't take long until the cops come after you).

I pretended not to see them as I buried my face in the screen of my phone when they got to me.

"American woman, is there any problem?". One of them asked, stopping by me..

I reluctantly raised my head up to face the three of them.

"Uh...not at all". I replied quickly.

My heart raced as I stood face to face with them.

They were gorgeous men..OMG!

They towered over me even as I was a tall woman and their aura wasn't really friendly as the conversation I was having with them seemed.

My attention was captured by the man in the middle, he was the one who almost killed me.

I found myself gushing over his gorgeousness...

He had thick, dark, bushy eyebrows, square jaw with a wide chin, compact orbitals giving rise to his hunter eyes...yeah! His extremely beautiful eyes.

His eyes were so beautiful, they reminded me of the little one's.

She also had eyes as beautiful as his.

"Eccola, la donna di cui ho parlato ieri sera". He spoke up to the others.

Translation: Here she is, the woman from last night I talked about.

His Italian accent was the most sexy one I've ever heard.

I know I'm not supposed to be gushing over him but I couldn't resist it.

"Capisco, è bellissima". 

(I see, she's beautiful).

The one by his left replied and stretched out his hand, smiling.

"Giovanni Ricci, nice to meet you".

"Cosa pensi di star facendo? andiamo". 

(What do you think you're doing? Let's go).

He seemed less interested in me and thought it was a waste of time...I think.

"Regina Reynolds". I shook hands with the less scary dude.

"Regina..as in Latin for 'Queen'...I see".

He turned my hand and kissed the back of it.

The other two rolled their eyes at him.

"My brother here tells me he made a mistake last night in your room, I do hope you forgive him and not take it to heart". 

"Um...very well, I...I understand". I replied.

Even though I was yet to know what happened..I took it that it was a mistake and was ready to shake it off.

"Your baby is as beautiful as you are". 

"Thank you". I forced a smile as he was still holding my hand.

"I hope you enjoy your stay here". 

I nodded my head...

"Thanks". I murmured and he finally let go of my hand.

"These are Antonio and Marco...they are my friends but they are like brothers to me, if one of them makes a mistake, it is also my mistake. So how do I make it up to you, Queenie?". 

"No...no it's fine, it really is". I said immediately as I didn't want to get involved with them any longer than I was already.

They seemed like bad people and my instincts never lies.

"If you say so, we'll be on our way then". 

Oh please do....get away from me already...

I'll miss y'all's visuals though, especially the Antonio guy.

I sighed in relief when I watched them leave and fumbled with my phone to order my ride.

The little one had been awfully quiet the whole time and it was unlike her.

I touched her gently and discovered she was burning up.

"Little one?".

"Oh my God! You're burning!". 

I checked her pulse...

For a moment I thought I couldn't feel anything but then discovered it was dropping.

"No...no...no, she's dying!". I gasped out and fled with her.

"Help me, she's not breathing well!".

I caught up with the three men from earlier and they were startled by my actions.

"Help, please, she's dying ". I sobbed, feeling completely helpless.

"Get the car, Marco". Antonio ordered and they escorted me outside in a hurry.
