
Tied to a Mafia Boss

A young woman's biggest dream is to explore the world and Italy turns out to be one of her dream countries. Having granted her wish coincidentally by her company, she leaves for Italy for a business trip and everything comes crumbling upon her as she steps her foot for the first time in a strange country where somehow she gets involved with the biggest mobster in the country and her life makes a drastic change.

Preshytreenah · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Unexpected assault.

At a Hotel...

"Good evening, welcome to the Grand Del luca Hotel, how may I help you?". The hotel receptionist asked as Regina stepped into the hall.

"Hi, I have a reservation for today, it's under the name of Reynolds..... Regina Reynolds". 

"Very well, we've reserved a room for you with a view of the ocean, for a month...correct?". 

Regina nodded her head, she definitely loves the view of the ocean and hell! It was a five star hotel so she was absolutely going to enjoy her stay.

"Great, we already have your credit card information on file, if you'll just sign the receipt along the bottom, please". 

Her eyes went really wide when she saw the price but then again, it was a five star hotel and she was staying on her company's dime so she shook it off.

"I'm here for the company's business afterall". She murmured out loud and noticed the receptionist eyes trail down to her arms.

She was holding the child in her arms...who was still sleeping peacefully.

"You have a baby? We weren't informed you would be coming with an infant".

"Uh....yeah, my- - I - didn't - uh....i didn't add that because..uh the baby isn't mine". Regina stuttered... 

The receptionist arched an eyebrow, still fixated on the baby and then faced the nervous client.

"Well...she's my..uh..she's my niece...no! My niece's baby..and uh..."

"Here's the key to your room, I hope you enjoy your stay". The receptionist handed over the keys without further Ado as she sensed that her client was becoming tensed.

"Thanks". She smiled nervously and pulled her box along as she was escorted to her room.

🦋Regina's P.o.v🦋

"Okay, that was a close call". I sighed as I got into my room.

I laid the sleeping child on the bed and turned off the air conditioner as I didn't want her to catch a cold.

"I'm gonna take care of a baby for a night...great!". I sighed again and fell flat on the bed close to her.

I turned to face her and watched her sleep like she got no care about the world.

Suddenly I felt bad for her because she would be at the station in the morning and be declared 'lost but found'. What kinda mother would abandon her child? Or wasn't she the baby's mother? Even if she wasn't the real mother, she shouldn't have abandoned her to a complete stranger or was she oblivious to the dangers of the world? She put the baby's life at risk.

To think the baby is a very beautiful one. I mean who would dare to lose an adorable child like her? She has very beautiful eyes and the cutest smile. 

My heart ached the more I thought about the child... What could've been the reason for her to be abandoned? 

She stirred in her sleep and I was brought back to reality.

How do I care for a baby?

Never had the chance to look after one before...

I got up from bed and began to arrange my stuffs...clothes, shoes and all to fix them where they were supposed to be.

I also called for a room service....to get a feeding bottle and baby food.

I wasn't gonna starve the poor child..

After feeding her, I stuffed her under the blanket to warm her up more because the weather was cool with or without the A.c. 

I proceeded to the bathroom to have a quick hot bath and then, headed for bed.

I sat on the edge of the bed, moisturizing my body with a lotion still putting on the bathrobe.

I dried my hair after that and was blow drying it when I heard the doorknob turn.

I whipped my head to the door as I mentally slapped myself for not locking the door.

Someone came in and I was stunned.

A man in black overcoat and hat walked in, taking off his hat and hanging his coat on the rack close to the door.

"W...wh..who...." my voice trailed away when I saw him clearly.

How can a man be this pretty?

Jesus! His eyes were killing me.

He began to unbutton his shirt...

What the....?

"Strip". His authoritative voice filled my ears.


"Who are you?". I finally asked after finding my voice...

"I don't think it's necessary, let's just get to business". He replied coldly, in his Italian accent.

I got to my rightful senses when I got a whiff of what was actually happening....even if it was confusing.

"Take off your robe" He said again, this time, he was already done unbuttoning his shirt and took it off.

I gasped and grabbed my hair dryer as a weapon.

He arched his eyebrow staring at me from under his eyes...

"I get to f*ck a lunatic?". He murmured much to himself but I heard.

How did a creep like him get in?

I stormed towards him angrily and landed a slap on his right cheek.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here you fuckin' pervert!". I yelled.

He remained silent after I slapped him as I watched him fix his jaw and then shot me a death glare.

Before I knew it, I was grabbed by the neck and sent running into a wall.

I let out a short cry of pain as the impact affected me a lot and then I held his hands that were choking me.

"How dare you lowly whore lay your hand on me?". He growled at me.

I struggled to release myself from his grip but he was choking me even more and I felt my life slipping away from me.

I thought I was going to give up at the spot but the baby's cry got our attention.

I felt as he slowly released me and turned to face the bed.

"What is this?". He asked and I saw confusion written all over his face.

"Is that a baby?". 

No, it's a fuckin' squirrel.

I nodded my head slowly as I massaged my neck, coughing out.

"You have a baby?". 

"What's your name?". He asked, still confused.

"Regina Reynolds ". I replied...

It was definitely not the time to be rude after he just tried to kill me.

"Merda!". He cussed in Italian.

"Questa è la stanza sbagliata". He murmured as he rushed to grab his coat, then stormed out.

Translation: This is the wrong room

I bolted to the door and locked it... without anybody having to tell me twice.

I placed my hand on my chest, trying to calm myself and then I slid down slowly, till I sat on the ground.

I almost got strangled to death!

"Italy will be the death of me". I murmured.

I moved as I remembered the baby was crying and carried her out of the blanket.

"You saved my life little one". I said to her and hugged her, then rocked her to stop crying but it persisted and I had to check if it was discomfort making her cry...

Yeah....I was right!

She gifted me a little thingy in her diaper and I had to clean her up.

Good gracious!

I'm gonna be a full mother for a night.
