
Tied to a Mafia Boss

A young woman's biggest dream is to explore the world and Italy turns out to be one of her dream countries. Having granted her wish coincidentally by her company, she leaves for Italy for a business trip and everything comes crumbling upon her as she steps her foot for the first time in a strange country where somehow she gets involved with the biggest mobster in the country and her life makes a drastic change.

Preshytreenah · Urban
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7 Chs


🦋 Regina's p.o.v🦋

"I- - I don't know, she just began to burn up all of a sudden, I have no idea why, please save her".

I panicked as I told the nurse who collected the little one from my arms, after she asked what the matter was.

"Your daughter will be fine, madam, just calm down". She assured.

Her accent made it crystal clear that she wasn't from Italy. She had a British accent.

"Our paediatrician is busy at the moment, if you'd just exercise patience".

"Patience?!". I gasped out.

"A baby is dying and you're telling me about patience?". I scoffed and ran my fingers in my hair...

Our conversation attracted a lot of people's attention as I had raised my voice.

"What's going on here?". Antonio walked up to both of us, with the other men following closely.

"Mr De Luca, a pleasant surprise". The nurse bowed with a smile.

Looks like he's well respected here...

"Our doctors are busy at the moment and ..."

"You're holding a dying child, you'll take full responsibility if anything happens to her". He said sternly.

I buried my face on his chest, sobbing.

"Do something, please".

I was too busy crying to see their reactions.

"You heard her". He said to the nurse..

"I won't be forgiving, if anything happens to her".

"My apologies Mr De Luca, I had no idea she's your daughter, I'll get to it right away ". 

She went into a room with the baby.

Antonio cleared his throat and i detached myself from him after realizing what I was doing and lowered my head in shame.

"I'm so sorry, really, really sorry". I tried rubbing off my tears from his coat but he stopped me.

"You've made a mess of yourself Queenie". Giovanni handed me a white handkerchief, which I was grateful for.

Then, he faced Antonio...

"Your daughter huh?". He teased and Antonio sighed.

"I'm sorry she mistook you for the baby's father, I shouldn't have touched you and all..." I apologized.

"I - I just felt hopeless at the moment and..."

"It's alright Queenie, he's not mad at you". Giovanni cut me off.

"Thank you so much, I don't know how to thank you enough". I said, blowing my nose into the handkerchief.

"You owe us one Queenie". He winked and patted my shoulder.

"Here...use this to settle the bill". He stuffed a card into my hand..


Before I could reject the offer, all three of them left the hospital...

I turned to find a place to sit and noticed two strange men staring at me.

I looked around and back at them and they still had their eyes on me.

What is it with all the strange men today?

I tried not to pass off as rude as I waved at them with a forced smile.

Of course, they didn't wave back but glared back.

I slowly dropped my hand beside me and walked towards the room I saw the nurse enter.

I should stay with the child...

It'll feel much safer in there.


*Time skip*

"Wait! You're trying to say you've got a stranger's kid under your care?" Damian asked scrunching up his face in confusion after I narrated everything to him.

We were currently on Facetime.

I nodded my head and he scoffed...

"You're joking right?".

"I'm not, seriously babe, let me show you".

I rotated the camera and showed him the little one, lying peacefully on the bed.

Some drugs were administered to her and she was better...

"No kidding, that's someone's kid at the hospital, it's not funny yunno?".

"Look, I'm dead serious". I turned the camera to my view once more, putting up a serious face.

"That kid was abandoned at the pavement with me while I waited for my ride".

"Why haven't you taken the case to the police?".

"I tried to...I mean that's when she fell very sick and I had to rush her down here instead".

"Ugh! Babeeee". He pressed his temples...sign that he was really stressed.

"Look, first thing tomorrow morning, I'll take her to the station, I promise". I crossed my index and middle fingers.

"Fine!". He groaned.

"Be careful babe, I'm serious...you could be mistaken and arrested for abduction...those cops aren't our regular kind".

"Oh c'mon, no exaggeration...I'll be fine okay?". I smiled at him.

"Okay, bye! Love you!". He blew a kiss.

"Love you too". I also blew him a kiss and ended the call.

"Madam?". The baby's doctor came in..

"Yes?". I turned to face her..

"She's in a stable condition at the moment and she needs a lot of rest to recover fully...I believe you were directed on how she'll take her drugs daily.. especially the pain relief suspension".

I nodded my head..

"One more thing, I don't recommend tattoos on infants..." Her countenance changed to a disappointed one..

"Oh..that! Uh...it wasn't m.."

She walked out before I could finish my statement.

"Can never be me". I muttered to no one in particular.

"Let's head home little one". I said, facing her...then lifted her from the bed.

Back at the hotel....

I fumbled with the card I was holding...I had to get it back to the men who helped me out.

They might seem weird, strange, dangerous and all but they sure were generous men.

"Hi, I'm looking for Mr Antonio..can I get his room number?".

I asked the receptionist at the front desk when I got back to the hotel.

"Do you have an appointment with Mr De Luca?".


De Luca?

Oh yeah! That's his name... surname perhaps? The nurse at the hospital called him that.

"I'm sorry, he's busy right now and ordered that no one should interrupt".

"Oh... okay, thanks". I said, nodding my head...

"I'd like to check in".

"Me lo aspettavo da lei" I heard someone speak in Italian as I headed for my room and when I looked up I found Giovanni.

Thank goodness, I can finally return the card.

Translation: I expected it from her.

It seemed like he was on a phone call.

"È fortunata ad essere nelle mani di Antonio"

(She's lucky to be in the hands of Antonio)


My voice trailed off when I heard the next words...

"La ucciderò due volte se sarà necessario"

(I'll kill her twice if I have to).

I held back my words and watched him enter a room.

A VIP to be precise.

These men keep getting stranger and stranger...

I stared at the card in my hand and then back at the door I saw him enter.

"Let's go return this to the generous men, right little one?". I asked a sleeping baby.

No response and I strolled across the hall, towards the door.

I was about to press the doorbell when I heard a scream from inside.

I looked around...as I jerked from the scream..

No one was in sight..

No one else heard it?

I clearly heard a scream come from the room.

"Non importa per quanto tempo mi torturerai, capo, non ho niente da dirti". 

(It doesn't matter how long you torture me boss, I have nothing to say to you)

I heard a lady's voice from inside also...

She sounded like she was in pain.

What's happening?!

"Avresti dovuto saperlo meglio che prenderti gioco di me, amore.".

I heard Antonio's voice....

Translation: You should've known better than to mess with me, love.

"Verranno per te!".

(They will come for you!)

I heard her growl...

"I russi verranno per te e la tua famiglia!".

(The Russians will come for you and your family!)

"Slit her throat, camelio". Antonio said in English, my eyes widened instantly.

"Si! Capo".

(Yes! boss). 

I heard the latter reply and then some struggles before the sound of gurgling noise and I gasped out in realization.

A lady has just been murdered!!

I couldn't feel my legs again as I retreated slowly from the door, gripping the baby tight. 

"Oh my God...oh my God.." i panicked.

What do I do?

Before I could come to my rightful senses, I felt something hit the side of my neck and I dropped to the floor helplessly, blacking out immediately.