
Tied to a Mafia Boss

A young woman's biggest dream is to explore the world and Italy turns out to be one of her dream countries. Having granted her wish coincidentally by her company, she leaves for Italy for a business trip and everything comes crumbling upon her as she steps her foot for the first time in a strange country where somehow she gets involved with the biggest mobster in the country and her life makes a drastic change.

Preshytreenah · Urban
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7 Chs


    I opened my eyes and looked around, it was pitch black - didn't really get to me but for the fact that I couldn't move got me popeyed and confused.

    I struggled and struggled but it was to no avail, I only ended up sweating.

   My hands were tied behind me and my legs were tied to the chair.

     What's going on?

   "Hellooo". I called out in the dark.

   "Anybody there?".

   I heard the doorknob turn and then, the door came open, someone walked in.

    "Keep it down, unless you want me to take your tongue". He said, walking up to me.

     That voice...

   I think I heard it somewhere before...

   It suddenly clicked!

  He's the camelio guy!

  The one Antonio ordered to slit the lady's throat.


    "Who are you and what do you want from me?". I asked, mustering up courage as I faced his direction.

    He let out a scoff...

  "Oh please, can someone use another line for a change? I'm sick of hearing that line repeatedly".

    I gulped down...

  What else could I have said?

  "What can you offer?". He asked.

  "Uh - I - I - ". I stuttered.

   "See? Don't ever use that line if you don't have what to offer". He said and lighted a lamp. It wasn't enough to light up the dark room which I now discovered it was..but it was enough to see his face.

   I swallowed back whatever courage I had mustered up as a pit grew in my stomach when I saw how scary his face was.

    He had a huge scar right from the corner of his right eye down to the cheek.

      "So tell me, how much did you hear?". He asked, placing his hands on the table directly in front of me and leaning towards me.

    "Wh-what are you talking about?".

    I shifted uncomfortably on the chair as his menacing eyes watched me.

     "At the hotel?". He arched an eyebrow.

   My mind drifted back to what happened before I passed out and then I gasped out in sudden realization.

        The little one!!

  "Where's my baby?". I asked.

   "Don't worry, she's in safe hands, but she'll live depending on what you say and do right here". He replied.

   "Please don't hurt her...I beg of you".

   "You know what happened back at the hotel, don't you?". He asked, I swallowed hard once more...

     "I - I - I.."

  "Don't even try to lie to me, you were caught eavesdropping by one of our men". He cut me off.

    I bit my lower lip and cursed myself inwardly for doing something so stupid.

     "I know ". I finally replied, lowering my head...


   He watched me intently...

  "I swear my tongue is tied, your secret is safe with me...I'd never rat you out, I promise".

     He stifled a laughter...

    "Same old story....same as always".

      "Pardon?". I asked.

  "You're not the first person promising that shit! Not even second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth...My boss spared someone's life sometime ago but guess what? He was stabbed in the back by that same person...so you see? That's outdated". He said.

   "I swear on my life, I'll forget I ever witnessed something like that, please spare me". I pleaded.

    To think I only wanted to live an ordinary life at Italy for the short period of time I'll be there.... look where I landed myself.

     The door opened and another person walked in....


  It was Antonio's voice.

    "Capo!". Camelio turned away from me to face him..

   For some reason, I was relieved to see a familiar face even as I was in grave danger.


    "Non hai finito da qui?". He asked in Italian.

  Translation: Aren't you done from here?

      "No, Capo".  Camelio replied.

  "Antonio, Antonio please". I called out to him.

    Camelio sent me dagger glares which I ignored.

    "I'm a mother, Antonio". My voice broke.

     It wouldn't hurt if I use the little one right now, would it?

   "Just so you know, he beheaded a pregnant woman once". Camelio said..

    Okay, he isn't helping...and WHA DA FUCK?! A pregnant woman?!.

    Who exactly are these people?

     "I'll send your daughter to the best orphanage there is....Qual'è il suo nome?".

    "Uh.....princess". I lied, then bit my tongue..


    "So it's confirmed then, you understand Italian". Antonio said wearing a smirk as he had caught me..

    "Which means you know I killed my last messenger?".

    I suddenly remembered I overheard his conversation about his previous messenger with his friends earlier before they met me at the hallway.


    I shut my eyes and cursed myself again.

      Just kill me!

  I wanted it to be a secret that I understood Italian....why did I learn it in the first place? I'm in deep shit now.

   "Si!". I replied in Italian, then bit my lower lip.

    "You've known too much, American".  He said, almost leaving..

   Where is he going leaving me with the scary dude?!

   "Please Antonio, I'll do anything...I swear I'll do anything, spare my life". I pleaded again, this time tears were quick to pile up in my eyes cause there was definitely no way out of the mess.

     "Anything?". I heard him ask, then pause.

     I looked up towards him with my teary eyes, nodding my head like my life depended on it - it did actually.

     If I could do anything that'll make him spare me, then so be it!

    I mean what's the worse he could ask for?

   Judging by his character...he might want to ask for my body cause I definitely had nothing else to give him.

     "Be my Fiancee". He said.

   "What?". Camelio and I chorused, then glanced at each other.

    "Pretend to be my Fiancee until I find a real one, that way I can spare you".

     Then again...

   "Whooot?!". I gasped out once more..

  "You said you'd do anything...did I hear wrong?".


  "If you can't, just say the word and I'll make your death swift". He cut me off.

    "Fine". I murmured..

  At least I can save my pretty head...plus it's just a pretend Fiancee not a real one...

    "What?". He asked after hearing me murmur.

     "I'll be your Fiancee". I replied.

   "Untie her Camelio".

   "Capo, you're making a big mistake...Ricordi cosa ti ha fatto l'altra signora?".

    Translation: Do you remember what the other lady did to you?

    "Just untie her, Camelio.. leave her to me".

     With that said, Antonio walked out of the room.

    I turned to face Camelio who had a killer glare plastered on his face.

    "Capo has a good heart and it's because he has turned soft, all for his mother. But just to let you know, if you try to betray him, I won't hesitate to kill you and not even Capo will be able to stop me".

    What can I say?

  Just untie me already you crazy whacko!

   I didn't dare say that out loud.

   I simply nodded my head in reply like the humble girl I was and let him undo the knots from my hands.

   As soon as they were free, I wriggled my fingers and heaved a sigh of relief...then he untied my legs.


I heard the little one cry and I headed for the direction.

I found myself out in an open space and a swimming pool in the middle of it.

By the pool, sat a guy holding her and rocking her as she cried but it only worsened the situation as she cried harder.

"Give her back!". I stormed towards him, clenching my fists.

These unclean animals aren't worthy of touching someone as innocent as she is.

He stared back at me confused and looked behind me as if looking for someone else.

"What are you doing outside? I thought you were binded back at the basement?".

Of course it had to be the basement.

"I'm free now, just hand her over to me". I replied, stretching my hands to him.

"Boss set you free?". He asked again, unsure.

"Yes Michael, Capo let her go".

Camelio came out of the building, a look of disappointment washing over his face as he told the so called Michael.

"And for the record, she's Capo's new Fiancee".

"Che diamine?!". Michael exclaimed in Italian. (What the heck?!)

He casted me a suspicious look as he handed over the little one to me.

Surprisingly, her crying reduced as she got into my arms and rested her head on my chest.

Even the little one knows her ally.

"Well..aren't mothers like magic?". Michael scoffed.

"She wouldn't stop crying until now".

"Where's Capo?". Camelio asked.

"At the gym room". Michael replied and he left..

I didn't take in the view earlier but now I got to see the mansion I was currently at.

I stared popeyed at the building before me and then at the compound..

It was so big and wide it could be mistaken for an estate.

Just what do these guys do for a living?

Almost immediately, I heard a gunshot that startled both the little one and I.

I patted her back gently to calm her...

Then, I saw Antonio coming out of a sort of glass house, separated from the main building..

He was pulling a body along.

My eyes widened in horror.

"Dispose off the body". He said to Camelio.

"Si, Capo". The latter replied.

Michael headed for the glass house.

He just killed someone...

Oh my God!

I turned away from the view, also shielding the little one's innocent eyes.

My legs felt heavy as I tried walking away..

My mind and body couldn't accept what just happened.

Who the hell are these people?!

What have you gotten yourself into, Regina?

I bit on my trembling lip.







Hi readers, is there any complaint about this story you'd like me to hear? if there is, I'm all ears, I can be corrected too yunno? thanks.

Preshytreenahcreators' thoughts