
Tied to a Mafia Boss

A young woman's biggest dream is to explore the world and Italy turns out to be one of her dream countries. Having granted her wish coincidentally by her company, she leaves for Italy for a business trip and everything comes crumbling upon her as she steps her foot for the first time in a strange country where somehow she gets involved with the biggest mobster in the country and her life makes a drastic change.

Preshytreenah · Urban
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7 Chs



  "Come, Louisa, take her to her room". Antonio ordered one of his maids as he spotted Regina loitering around the pool side plus he didn't want her seeing the mess he created.

   "Si, capo".

  She hurried off to meet Regina..

  "Follow me". She said to her, in her thick Italian accent, then led her into the mansion..

    The oblivious latter, followed without questions.

    "This is your room". She stopped in front of a door, making way for Regina.

     "Uh..thanks but i-i booked a room at the hotel and...."

     "Don't worry about it, Capo will take care of it, he's the founder and owner of the hotel, afterall". Louisa cut her off, smiling.

     "Del Luca hotel?! Ohhh...yeah, I see now". Regina said in realization.

     How did I not think of that?

   She thought to herself..

  It had his surname.

   "You're American right?". Louisa asked.

    She nodded and got into the room.


   "Your child?". Her eyes were fixed on the baby in Regina's arms.

    "Uh...yeah?". She replied unsure but when she remembered she told Antonio that she's hers, her intonation changed.

     "Yes, she's my daughter". She said, with a forced smile.

    "She's adorable". Louisa smiled.

    "Thank you".

   "I'm Louisa, I'm the assistant cook and Capo's personal maid".

    "Oh...I..i'm Regina".

   "Chi abbiamo qui?".

    (Who do we have here?)

   A lady walked up to them, asking...

    "Il nuovo giocattolo del capo?"

    (Boss's new plaything?)

   "Il capo mi ha detto che è la sua fidanzata".

     (Boss told me she's his fiancee)

   Louisa corrected the Lady who arrived.

     "Fidanzata, il mio piede!".


    (Fiancee my foot!)

   The other lady said and scoffed.


   "Rosselia, please". Louisa sighed.

   "Don't start now".

   She turned to face Regina..

   "This is Rosselia, the chief cook".

     "Hi". Regina said curtly.

   "Yes, hi". Rosselia replied, exuding a nasty attitude.

    "I'll just go in and rest". Regina said, not wanting to prolong the conversation with the bitchy lady...

     She might've thought she talked about her without her understanding the language but she thought wrong.

   She understood what she said, very well and Rosselia wouldn't think she did.

    She got into the room and closed the door behind her, then sighed deeply.

    What have you gotten yourself into, Regina?

    She thought to herself and headed for the bed, where she placed the little one.

    She had fallen asleep, after having cried for long.

    "È solo questione di tempo prima che il capo scarichi questa cosa".

    (It's only a matter of time before boss dumps this one)

    Regina heard Rosselia say from outside...

    "Puoi provare a non essere negativo per una volta?"

(Can you try not to be negative for once?)

   Louisa said, sighing again.

  Then, their voices were barely heard as they left.

   "Ugh! It's not like I'm his real fiancee". Regina said out loud and groaned.

   She heard something move in the wardrobe and whipped her head towards it.

   It stopped, and moved again after a few seconds of silence..

   She headed towards the wardrobe, curious about what caused the noise.

   She suddenly yanked it open, in a defensive posture.

    She couldn't find anything and then, heaved a sigh of relief.

    Just as she was about to turn around...



   Something came flying at her and landed on her face.

   She let out a scream as she wrestled with whatever got her...

     "Get off! Get off!".



   It scratched her face and was finally yanked off by her as she bit her lip in pain.

   She threw the black, fury animal aside, cursing under her breath.

    "Are you alright?!".

    Antonio bursted in, confusion written all over his face.

    She touched her left cheek and hissed in pain.

     "Of course not, the fuckin' cat scratched me". She pointed at the animal.

    The un-bothered cat strolled towards its owner.

   "Why did you hurt the guest, lucifer?". Antonio asked his cat as he stooped down and carried it.

   "Yeah, his name has to be Lucifer". Regina scoffed and stood up from the floor, holding her face.

    "Let me see". Antonio walked up to her and removed her hand from shielding the bruise.

    "Look what you did to a pretty face, Lucifer...tsk, tsk, tsk".

   He rubbed his thumb over the bruise and she winced.

    "Shh". He whispered, blowing on it..

   She swallowed hard as she noticed he was dangerously close to her...

    His beautiful hunter eyes were fixed on her face and she fought with the blush rising up on her cheeks.

    "I'll get Michael to take care of the bruise".

     He said, but she wasn't listening..

  Her mind drifted off...her eyes, woven with lust as she stared into his..

    "Does it hurt much?"


   He looked away from the bruise and into her eyes as he didn't get any reply.

   "Are you....."

   She looked away quickly when his eyes met hers..

     He smirked at her reaction.

  "Are you that into me, fiancee?" He asked with a smug.

   "Wh..what?". She stuttered, then scoffed.

    "You wish".

  "I'll send Michael with the first aid kit... Lucifer isn't used to having visitors around, he was just scared so don't take it to heart".

   He was about to leave the room.


  She stopped him..

  He turned to face her.

"Uh...yunno, I have a kid and uh you didn't ask if the kid has a father... don't you think it'll complicate things if...."

   His countenance changed....

   "You're not married, I did a background check on you". He cut her off and walked out.

  "Yeah....right!". She muttered and sank into the bed.

   "Who am I kidding? I'm stuck!". She bit on her lower lip, nervously.



      🦋Regina's p.o.v🦋



      There was a knock on the room door and I went to open it.

    "I brought your luggage".

    Camelio said and rolled the box towards me.

    "If there's anything else you need, ask Michael".

    Yeah...it had to be Michael...

    I rolled my eyes...

   He might just become my favorite person because he was the only kind one to me...

    He tended to the bruise on my face  gently, earlier and gisted with me all through.

I got to know, through Michael that the guy who was shot by Antonio was his new messenger who didn't even last for a day.

What is it with him and killing his messengers?

    Camelio left almost immediately as he arrived.

    That's one hell of a grumpy dude.

I quickly rummaged through my stuffs for my phone.

There was a knock on the door again and the person opened without waiting for my permission..

I looked up..

"Just a friendly reminder...your head will be mine if you try anything funny".

"I'll be watching you closely".

Camelio squinted his eyes, watching me...then he strolled off.

What's got his panties in a twist?

I stifled a laughter at the mere thought of him in panties.

What's up with the dude actually?

I finally found my phone and saw that I missed a few video calls from my boyfriend.

I called him back...

"Babe?!". He was so relieved and happy to see me.

"Where the hell have you been? I called".

"Sorry, I got busy and I couldn't take calls...but it's fine now, I called back right?". I wore a fake smile.

"What's the matter? You don't look well and... shit! What happened to your face?!".


    "Uh...I slipped in the bathroom and bruised it" I lied.


"You've got to be extremely careful babe, don't hurt yourself again okay?"

I nodded my head..

"How about the kid? Have you resolved the issue?"



My eyes went towards the bed and I saw her sleeping peacefully..

Besides, there was no need for Damian to worry about me or her..

"Yeah, she's with the police now". I lied again..

It was so hard lying to my boyfriend and keeping a straight face.

My fingers were fidgety....thank goodness he couldn't see them.

"You did well babe, I'm proud of you".


He wore his gummy smile and I smiled back.

"I have a huge surprise for you...I hope you'll like it".

"Aww, really?". I pouted.

"Miss....your meal is..."

I ended the call abruptly as someone barged in.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to knock ". Louisa lowered her head.

"Your meal and the baby's is ready".

"Thank you Louisa, I'll feed her when she wakes up".

She left the room...

I heaved a sigh of relief and stood up.

I'm starving so I can't exactly say no to the offer.

I followed suit, leaving the room and heading straight, following Louisa's trail...

"When is the new messenger coming in?". I heard Antonio's voice coming from a room.

"According to Mr Giovanni, he'll be here by dusk". Camelio replied.

Seems like they were working on a new messenger...

I shook my head in pity..

"Poor messenger, I wonder how long this one will last". I murmured.

I finally got to the dinning hall and sat at the round dining table..

Louisa and Rosselia were present, standing by.

There was a meal for two, but the table was wide and long, it could be for twenty people.

And the meals were far apart from each other.

I'm guessing one for me and the other for Antonio whose meal was at the extreme, directly opposite to mine.

I found some seafood as a part of the side dishes and scrunched up my face.

I pushed the plate far away from me as possible.

"You don't like seafood, miss?". Louisa asked.

"I'm allergic to them". I replied.

I caught Rosselia roll her eyes and fold her arms.

"Sorry about that, noted". Louisa said, grabbing the plate of seafood.

"Thanks for the meal". I said to them before digging in.


After taking care of the little one... giving her a thorough bath, feeding her and dressing her up, i took her outside to receive some fresh air.

I sat by the pool side, sticking my legs into the pool and playing with the water.

There wasn't much to do at the big mansion and well, I got bored.

My eyes drifted to the glass house...the gym room.

Antonio was bare chest, lifting up some weights..

I tried not to whistle in awe at his biceps..

It was evening time and the place was getting pretty dark....but I could see him clearly because of the lights in the gym room.

It wouldn't hurt if I checked him out a little right?

I mean, his body was a killer.

I bit on my lip, watching his every moves and I began to imagine weird thoughts.

I shook it off quickly...

"Get it together, you.." I said to myself, shaking my head.

The little one stared up at me, then I watched her lips twist to a smile.

"Huh? Are you laughing at me?". I asked her.

She chuckled and made some baby noises which I didn't understand but it really seemed like she was talking to me.

"Right! I look stupid to you don't I?". I asked and she laughed.

Why does it look like she understands every word I'm saying?

I couldn't help but smile also...

"I must look stupid ogling at him afterall". I said and looked towards the glass house once again.

He wasn't lifting weights anymore, but drinking from a bottle.

"You see that tree trunk of a man over there?".

I pointed to the glass house, holding the little one to see..

"He's the one holding us hostage...he's a meanie!".

She started off with those weird baby talks again...

"I know right? tell him your mind, cuss at him!". I said and chuckled, then placed her to my chest..

"I think you understand me, little one.. hang in there, we'll be free soon".

"Having a mother-daughter moment?". Michael asked, arriving at the scene.

I turned to face him...


"You still haven't told me your daughter's name".

"Oh...um...princess". I replied, remembering I told Antonio so.

"Principessa?". He asked...

Principessa is Italian for princess.

I nodded my head.

"Cute". He smiled..

"Hey, princess". He waved at her..

She turned her face away from him...making him pout.

"I don't think she likes me".

"She's just shy". I chuckled at her reaction.

"I like her". He said and patted her head.

"Don't worry Principessa, I don't bite..I'll be good to you".

She didn't budge..

"I heard the new messenger has arrived, I'll go get him from the gate". He said to me and left.

I stood up from the poolside, strolling towards the glass house.

My legs were getting sore, staying put.

I watched from behind as Michael led the guest into the glass house..

The new messenger shook hands with Antonio and they were talking..

Who would think he could be that friendly with his messengers at first before killing them.

I got closer to the glass house and stopped in my tracks all of a sudden.

Why does the guest seem familiar?

I tilted my head, giving him a quick examination with my eyes.

My eyes went wide in horror when I recognized who it was...


I was both confused and shocked..