

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 407 Thirty years later, in the command room, the Demonic Abyss will be in chaos


  The three of them looked at each other. Although they were a little timid, there was no way out, only a fight.

  Facing the three true successors of Yuxu Mountain, Changsun Fengye had no expression on his face.

  He went crazy and was frighteningly strong.


  With a wave of his hand, all three people's attacks were directly resolved, leaving him unscathed.


  Changsun Fengye used a simple move, slapping his palm and sending the disciple at the front flying away, causing him to vomit blood.

  Even if their cultivation levels are lowered, the gap in strength between the two sides is still huge and cannot be made up by the number of people.


  The three of them retreated far back, immediately arranged their formations, and worked together to fight the enemy.

  In response, Changsun Fengye stood aside and watched without interrupting.

  It was only after the formation of the three people was formed that Changsun Fengye took a step forward.


  With a whisper, Changsun Fengye punched out.

  The killing array formed by the three people shook violently, and several cracks appeared in the formation barrier, which quickly spread to other places.

  "The strength of this boy is actually so strong."

  The senior officials of Yuxu Mountain were paying attention to this battle. They did not expect that Changsun Fengye had such abilities and could be said to be at the top of his peers.

  "In a fight with the same realm, even three people working together can't defeat him."

  Many people looked at the excitement and were surprised by Changsun Fengye's strength.

  "I'm afraid we have to decide the winner."

  If this continues, it will be over soon.

  Changsun Fengye punched several times in succession, hitting the same position in the formation.


  The formation was directly shattered, and the three true disciples suffered backlash. They were injured and vomited blood. Their hair was messy and their clothes were torn. They were in a very embarrassed state.

  "We admit defeat!"

  In just a dozen moves, the three true disciples lost their ability to resist. They felt a hint of murderous intent from Changsun Fengye. Between life and death, they chose to live without hesitation and shouted loudly.


  Changsun Fengye didn't stop, and pressed away with his palm.


  Suddenly, an elder from Yuxu Mountain took action and put an end to Changsun Fengye's offensive.

  "Since it's a discussion, let's stop talking."

  Yu Xushan can retreat and let Chen Qingyuan and others vent their anger. However, if Chen Qingyuan really wanted to kill several true disciples, wouldn't it chill the hearts of the disciples in the sect and make the world's monks laugh?

  "Madman, that's it."

  Chen Qingyuan knew how to advance and retreat. It was not easy to force Yuxu Mountain to this point.

  Although he was still unhappy, Changsun Fengye was not stupid and had no choice but to stop.

  "This is compensation, take it."

  An elder threw a Qiankun bag over. I don't know if it was humiliation or because he really wanted to end the matter.

  Chen Qingyuan waved his sleeves and flew the Qiankun Bag Fan to the ground. Facing the people in Yuxu Mountain, his eyes were deep and he said slowly: "This little thing is not enough. From now on, we will have plenty of time to settle accounts." ωωw. .net

  "Go home."

  Without waiting for Yuxu Shan's response, Chen Qingyuan led everyone back to Qingzong.

  Looking at the departing figures of Chen Qingyuan and others, the monks in Yuxu Mountain felt even more humiliated.

  When the old guy from Qingzong dies, you will be nothing more than a group of ants that can be easily crushed to death.

  Just bear with it for now!

  The upper echelons of Yuxu Mountain looked at the sky with solemn expressions.


  Qingzong, in an elegant room.

  Chen Qingyuan sat alone at the table, his eyebrows lowered, his expression heavy, and silent.

  After the old man leaves, what is the future of Qingzong?

  Chen Qingyuan must think clearly about this issue.

  With his senior brother Lin Changsheng, he could not withstand the tigers, leopards and wolves of Dizhou.

  Dongtu Buddhism cannot protect each other all the time, and can at most provide certain help.

  As for Daoyi Academy, Chen Qingyuan is still not sure what the academy can do for himself and Qingzong.

  Besides, the dean and master Yu Chenran are still in retreat.

  The Qing Sect's crisis is coming. Ordinary Mahayana monks will not play a big role. Real top experts must be in charge to survive the difficult period.

  "If we can get her help, we definitely don't have to worry about Qingzong's crisis."

  Chen Qingyuan thought of the girl in red in Tianyuan.

  Although Chen Qingyuan couldn't guess the strength of the girl in red, she was definitely not weak. Otherwise, how could she be safe in the chaotic and terrifying Tianyuan.

  "She said she couldn't leave Tianyuan."

  Chen Qingyuan certainly knew about this.

  He once asked the girl in red: "Why don't you go out and see the scenery?"

  The girl in red replied: "I don't want to, but I can't help myself."

  It's a pity that Dean Daoyi has gone into seclusion, otherwise the situation would not be so severe.

  This kind of big boss is closed to death, and the short term can be a hundred years, or the long term can be a thousand years.

  The remaining dust is impacting the realm of Shenqiao, and the date of exit is unpredictable. Furthermore, even if Yu Chenran comes out of seclusion, he is just a young man who has entered Shenqiao for the first time and cannot suppress Dizhou.

  As he thought about it, Chen Qingyuan became more and more depressed, and sighed: "Alas!"

  As for the second uncle Qing Chi, although he has top combat power, he is not as intimidating as Dugu Changkong, and cannot reach the level above the first line.

  Qingzong's cause and effect, the fragments of the imperial weapon in Wu Junyan's body, and Chen Qingyuan's supreme foundation.

  At that time, not only the top forces in the empire will take action, but also careerists from all walks of life.


  Chen Qingyuan thought for a long time, but there was no feasible solution.

  If we don't find a way to turn the crisis around, should we wait until the Qingzong is about to be destroyed before we think about it?

  At present, Great Pessimism is still hesitating, and has not given Qingzong resources for the time being, nor has it expressed its stance.

  It is estimated that the Great Pessimist is still waiting and watching, and the higher-ups are discussing whether to implement the last order left by the ancestor before his death.

  In the blink of an eye, thirty years have passed by in an instant.

  Chen Qingyuan's cultivation was stuck at the peak of divine transformation, and he was still unable to break through to the combined state.

  The strength of the disciples of the Qing Sect has improved rapidly. There are seven elders in the sect who are in the tribulation stage. They all received the guidance of Dugu Changkong, saving many years of hard training.

  "Wang Yu of the Beast Control Sect is here under the command of my master to fulfill a century-old promise."

  Today, a young man in blue stood outside the mountain gate of the Qing Sect and saluted respectfully.

  A hundred years ago, the Qing Sect was rebuilt, and the master of the Beast Control Sect was trapped in Tingdao Mountain. In addition, the Zhenzong Holy Stone was also left behind, causing a total loss of face.

  Dugu Changkong didn't do everything right and asked the Beast Control Sect to send a junior over a hundred years later to take away the holy stone.

  At the same time, Tingdao Mountain erupted with two extremely strong pressures.


  When the time for the trap came, the master of the beast-controlling sect and the Penglai ancestor broke through the restriction at the same time and soared into the sky.

  There was no anger on their faces, and their moods were extremely complicated.

  "Take it!"

  Dugu Changkong waved his sleeves and handed the Innate Holy Stone to the juniors of the Beast Control Sect through the air, and also asked the Master of the Beast Control Sect and Penglai Ancestor to leave on their own.


  The master of the beast-controlling sect took his descendants and left without looking back.

  Before Penglai Patriarch left, he bowed deeply to Tingdao Mountain.


  Half a month later, the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling sounded in some parts of Dizhou, coming from nowhere.

  The laws of many territories showed signs of disorder, and the sky was gloomy and covered with dark clouds.

  The seal of the Demonic Abyss has reached its most fragile moment.

  Dugu Changkong walked out of the room, looked up into the distance, and said nothing.

  The time has come and there can be no further delay.