

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 408 Leaving Qingzong and intimidating other sects

  Late at night, it started to rain inexplicably.

  Although the rain was not heavy, it covered Qingzong and the surrounding areas, stretching for countless miles and lasting for dozens of days.

  Dugu Changkong left a letter, the content of which was nothing more than the construction of Qingzong and some instructions.

  Leave without saying goodbye.

  Before leaving, he glanced at the only disciple in his life, his eyes filled with relief. The image of everyone in the Qing Sect practicing hard was also engraved in his mind, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.


  "Dong dong dong..."

  Wu Junyan stood outside the door. When he received no response, he knocked on the door.

  There was no sound for a long time. Wu Junyan had a bad feeling and opened the door directly.

  Inside, the house was empty.

  I searched every place in the Accord, but I didn't see Dugu Changkong. Finally, Wu Junyan felt nervous when she saw an envelope on the table.

  He knew that the master had left.

  After this farewell, we will never see each other again.

  Soon, Lin Changsheng, Chen Qingyuan and others found out about this and rushed over.

  "The old man...is gone."

  Lin Changsheng opened the letter, feeling depressed.

  Everyone looked into the distance and remained silent. The sound of


  rain made tonight feel particularly long.

  Dugu Changkong did not go directly to the Demonic Abyss, but went to a nearby top force.

  Holy land of Confucianism and Taoism!

  A deep bamboo forest and a few simple bamboo houses.

  There are several old men living here, dressed simply and elegant in temperament.

  The digital master of the Confucian sect has read thousands of books and is extremely powerful.

  "When guests come to visit, make tea to welcome them."

  A great scholar with a goatee looked into the distance and whispered to his companions.

  In the pavilion outside the bamboo house, three great scholars were seated, making tea and waiting quietly.

  After a while, Dugu Changkong appeared here in plain clothes.

  "Please take a seat."

  The three scholars were smiling and polite.

  Dugu Changkong walked straight to the pavilion and sat down slowly.

  The four of them looked at each other, and the rain outside the pavilion rustled on the bamboo leaves.

  A candle was lit in the ancient pavilion, and its faint light illuminated the space several feet around.

  Tiny flames, swaying and dancing in the cold wind, may be extinguished at any time. The strange thing is that whenever a gust of cold wind blows and the fire is about to be swallowed up by darkness, it can always hold on and the fire flickers and grows stronger.

  "Don't despise a cup of coarse tea."

  A great scholar poured the tea himself and placed it in front of Dugu Changkong.

  "This place has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the Taoist charm is everywhere. It is indeed an excellent secluded place, which is enviable."

  Dugu Changkong lowered his head and glanced at the tea in the cup, but did not drink it yet.

  "It's just a place for retirement, how can it be in the eyes of Mr. Dugu."

  A certain scholar smiled modestly.

  "The weather has changed. You still have the leisure to make tea elegantly. I'm sure I won't sit idly by and ignore it, right?"

  Dugu Changkong said directly, not wanting to beat around the bush.

  "That's not what I meant."

  Even if you think so in your heart, you can't say it clearly.

  "Demon Abyss, I will go. But before I go, I have to do something."

  Dugu Changkong will not just go to the Demon Abyss stupidly, he must defeat all the forces.

  "Sir, if you have any advice, please tell me directly."

  The three great scholars looked at each other, their expressions becoming more solemn.

  "Masters from the Confucian and Taoist lineage must not bully the younger generations of the Qing Sect." Dugu Changkong said.

  "The Confucian sect should keep its face and not seek trouble for no reason."

  The goatee-bearded scholar promised with a faint smile.


  Dugu Changkong's face was expressionless and his voice was cold.

  "That's not necessary!"

  The scholar in purple cloth said tentatively.

  "Either you swear an oath, or... I will end your secluded life early." ωωw..net

  made a naked threat.

  However, the three great scholars did not dare to have a tough attitude, lowered their eyebrows and kept silent, communicating in secret.

  With Dugu Changkong's ability, if he is determined to use the Confucian sect to establish his authority, although the entire Confucian sect will not be destroyed, it will definitely not end well.

  Even if all the great powers of the Confucian sect unite, they probably won't be able to defeat Dugu Changkong.

  "We swear with our Taoist heart that monks from the early stage of the Confucian Mahayana and above will never take the initiative to seek trouble for the Qingzong within a thousand years. If there is any violation, the person who swore will have his soul destroyed and fall into the abyss forever."

  Facing Dugu Changkong . Due to the oppression, the three great scholars had to make an oath of Taoism, which directly caused a trace of the will of heaven to come and formed the cause and effect of the oath.

  "This cup of tea tastes good."

  Dugu Changkong nodded with satisfaction, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

  "Mr. Dugu, in fact, the Confucian sect has no intention of causing trouble to Qingzong. The oath is just a formality. The crisis facing Qingzong is those guys hiding in the dark. After Mr. left, the situation will be difficult to solve. "

  The Confucian sect seemed to know some secrets and reminded him.

  The world is vast and there are countless strong people.

  There are not many top existences hiding in the darkness, but there are certainly many.

  "No need to bother you."

  Dugu Changkong stood up, turned around and disappeared into the vast night.

  Since you have made an oath, you must abide by it.

  The three great Confucians issued an order to the senior officials that no one should act rashly. Anyone who disobeys orders will be severely punished.

  He tore up space and headed to other top forces.

  Dugu Changkong wants to reduce the pressure on Qingzong as much as possible and ensure that Chen Qingyuan and others can grow up.

  Why didn't you do this before? It wasn't time.

  The crisis in Moyuan has arrived. Anyone who confronts Dugu Changkong at this juncture is simply asking for trouble.

  In the past, if Dugu Changkong moved a certain force, he would be besieged by all forces. Because all parties know one thing very well and cannot be defeated one by one by Dugu Changkong.

  Now, things are different.

  If the Demonic Abyss really breaks out, it will surely affect the interests of all forces.

  Dugu Changkong was establishing his authority at this time, and no one would foolishly stand up as an enemy, unless they no longer wanted to live. The strong men of various sects did not want to go to the Demon Abyss to die, so they had no choice but to give in.


  The Beast Control Sect, deep in the back mountain.

  "Previously, the leader of the Yushou Sect was trapped in Tingdao Mountain for a hundred years. He is very sincere. If you are willing to make compensation, you can settle the grudges with Qingzong."

  Dugu Changkong and several old people looked at each other, and the atmosphere was dull.

  "According to what you said."

  These days, the Beast Control Sect has been discussing the Qing Sect. In the end, the sect decided to apologize and not become an enemy of Qingzong.

  Even if Dugu Changkong passed away, this would still be the case.

  This is a good opportunity to settle old grudges and should not be missed. After all, the Beast Control Sect has lost so much face, it cannot be lost in vain.

  "That's very good."

  Dugu Changkong nodded slowly and went to the next place.

  Next stop, Yuxu Mountain.

  Arriving here, Dugu Changkong explained his intention.

  However, Yuxu Mountain seems to be a little uncooperative.

  In one word, drag!

  Patriarch Yuxu refused to make a promise anyway and pretended to be confused.

  We chatted for a few words, but never responded directly.

  So, Dugu Changkong slapped him directly.


  Suddenly, a large area of ​​Yuxu Mountain collapsed, killing and injuring thousands of disciples and elders.