

Tianyuan is an online novel, whose background and plot are very fascinating. First of all, the beginning of the novel revolves around the forbidden zone, the protagonist Chen Qingyuan enters a forbidden zone called Tianyuan, the soul lamp goes out, and the world thinks he is dead. However, although Chen Qingyuan walked out of the forbidden zone alive, his spiritual roots were broken. What should he do in the face of the beauty's repentance of marriage and the oppression of each clan? This opening is so full of suspense and unknowns that one can't wait to read on. Secondly, the forbidden zone and the main character Zongmen depicted in the novel are full of mystery and fantasy. There are all kinds of adventures and dangers in the forbidden zone, while the protagonist Zongmen hides many secrets. These elements make the whole story full of imagination and freshness. In addition, the plot of the novel is very tight and exciting. The protagonist experiences many dangers and challenges in the forbidden zone, and at the same time, he is constantly exploring his life experience and the secrets of his clan. In the process, he made many like-minded friends and explored the mysterious world together. There are many twists and surprises in the whole story, so that readers can always maintain a high degree of enthusiasm for reading. Finally, Chen Qingyuan, the protagonist in the novel, has a distinct personality, firm faith and fearless courage. He constantly challenges his limits and bravely faces all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His growth process is also very inspirational and touching, which inspires readers deeply. To sum up, as a network novel, the background, plot and characters of Tianyuan are excellent. If you like Xiuzhen novels, you might as well have a try.

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Chapter 406 Let’s go together

  The arrival of Chen Qingyuan made the people in Yuxu Mountain dare not act rashly.

  In today's world, who among the well-informed monks knows about Chen Qingyuan.

  As long as Dugu Changkong is still here, no old man dares to attack Chen Qingyuan in an honest way.

  "What are your intentions in coming to Yuxu Mountain?"

  The scene changed, and a core elder appeared. He was the second elder of Yuxu Mountain, with a high position of authority.

  "Not long ago, there was a conflict between Yuxu Mountain and our Qing Sect." Chen Qingyuan's face remained unchanged, and he faced the top management of Yuxu Mountain and said slowly: "When peers compete, there will inevitably be casualties. We still understand this. So. , I'm not here to cause trouble, I just heard that there are many outstanding people in Yuxu Mountain, so I came here to invite my peers to discuss."

  After finishing speaking, Chen Qingyuan smiled "politely".

  Anyone can see that Chen Qingyuan and others are clearly looking for trouble.

  Listening to these words, many people in Yuxu Mountain looked ugly.

  "The younger generation of Yuxu Mountain is temporarily unavailable and will not accept your invitation to fight. Please come back!"

  The second elder refused.

  Since the end of the Baimai Feast, Chen Qingyuan has become famous all over the world, and it is difficult to find any rival among his peers. Looking at the entire Yuxu Mountain, no one can compete with Chen Qingyuan.

  "In that case, we won't force it." Chen Qingyuan smiled slightly, landed on the ground, and set a simple place to stay: "From today on, I will stay outside Yuxu Mountain. If anyone of the same age goes out, , I must ask for advice."

  "How reckless!"

  The second elder could hear the threat in Chen Qingyuan's words and shouted loudly.

  If a group of juniors blocked the door and spread the word, where would Yuxu Shan's face be?

  "Competing with peers, how could I be so presumptuous?"

  Chen Qingyuan pretended to be confused.

  "If Mingren doesn't tell secret words, what do you really want?"

  If it weren't for the fear of the ancestors of Qingzong, Yuxu Mountain would not be able to tolerate Chen Qingyuan's arrogance, and would have suppressed him with a slap.

  The older generation did not dare to take action to drive away the Qingzong people, for fear of offending Dugu Changkong and becoming the target of establishing their authority.

  "Several true disciples of Yuxu Mountain not only robbed the resources of my Qingzong disciples, but also killed them many times. If the disciples in the sect had not had the ability to protect themselves, I am afraid they would not have been able to come back alive."

  Chen Qingyuan just said Those words deliberately disgusted Yuxu Shan. At this moment, there was no need to continue pretending. His eyes were focused, and a few rays of chill were exuding from his body, and he said in a cold voice.

  After the Qingzong disciples told them, Liu Lingran initially led everyone to explore the secret realm and gained something. When he was about to leave the secret realm, he met several true disciples of Yuxu Mountain, and they were remembered.

  Liu Lingran refused to give away the opportunity he finally got, and a dispute broke out.

  The disciples of Yuxu Mountain seized the opportunity and even resorted to deadly means, almost killing Liu Lingran and others.

  "Frictions between peers are normal. If it was for this reason, the Qingzong would block the door, be aggressive and spread the word, wouldn't it be a joke to everyone in the world." The

  second elder secretly sent someone to inquire about this. thing.

  It didn't take long before I got a reply.

  The three true disciples in the sect did indeed enter a secret realm, met a group of peers with ominous origins, and began to covet him.

  Afterwards, they found out that it was a disciple of the Qing Sect, and they were somewhat frightened.

  Liu Lingran and others went out to practice, but there was no Qingzong inscription engraved on their bodies. In addition, the disciples wanted to truly hone themselves and did not talk about Qing Zong.

  "I'm not afraid of being laughed at by the world." Chen Qingyuan didn't care about face at all. How much is it worth? "In short, let those guys come out and have a discussion with us. Otherwise, we will be outside the mountain gate of your sect. After living here for decades, no one of my age can even think of leaving."


  The second elder pointed at Chen Qingyuan, his face was livid, and he wanted to crush him to death.

  However, he didn't dare.

  Chen Qingyuan doesn't want to worry about right or wrong. Whether this behavior is correct or not is also not considered.

  If he can't even protect his own family, why is he practicing?

  Human nature is selfish and of course you have to think about yourself. As for what outsiders think, Chen Qingyuan doesn't care at all.

  "Come, sit down and have a cup of tea."

  Chen Qingyuan shouted, and everyone sat in a simple courtyard, not paying attention to Yuxu Mountain.

  Changsun Fengye temporarily put away his temper and waited quietly.

  As Chen Qingyuan said, Yuxu Mountain is unwilling to give an explanation, so we will just waste it like this.

  The longer time passes, the more embarrassing Yuxu Mountain becomes.

  A few days later, the senior management of Yuxu Mountain discussed and decided to compensate.

  An elder held a Qiankun bag containing a lot of resources and asked Chen Qingyuan and others to leave.


  Chen Qingyuan didn't even look at it.

  "Are you too young, or do you want to do something else?"

  the elder asked through gritted teeth.

  "I have no other intention of competing with my peers from the noble sect."

  Chen Qingyuan said coldly.

  Holding back his anger, the elder turned back and reported the matter.

  If Liu Lingran hadn't had a life-saving trump card and protected the disciples who were traveling with him, perhaps instead of a group of people returning seriously injured, they would all have died.

  eye for eye.

  While the old man is still here, Chen Qingyuan has to collect some interest first, and he cannot accept this nonsense.

  "I heard that Chen Qingyuan blocked the entrance to Yuxu Mountain. The younger generation of monks can't even leave the gate and can only be released from the back mountain. It's really embarrassing." "Why bother with

  this guy Chen Qingyuan when you have nothing to do?"

  "If Yuxu Mountain fails to handle this matter, maybe the old man from Qingzong will come forward and directly use Yuxu Mountain to establish its authority. If it develops to this point, Yuxu Mountain will be really unlucky."

  Here. What happened has reached the ears of many people, who are gloating about the misfortune.

  It's none of your business, just hang it up high.

  Most people just want to watch the excitement.

  "We can't let the matter ferment any longer. We need to resolve it as soon as possible."

  The senior management of Yuxu Mountain heard some gossip and couldn't afford to lose face.

  A few days later, several true disciples went out.

  "Chen Qingyuan, how do you want to compete?"

  These three people were all dressed in the same style and were all monks in the god-transformation stage.

  "Is it them?"

  Chen Qingyuan asked the Qingzong disciple beside him.

  "Yes." The Qingzong disciple affirmed.

  "Let me go!"

  Changsun Fengye held back his anger, took a step forward, and volunteered.

  "Madman, don't bully them, lower your level and fight."

  Chen Qingyuan made a suggestion.


  Changsun Fengye didn't need to use all his strength to deal with such an ordinary genius.

  In order to settle this matter as soon as possible, Yu Xushan had no choice but to take this strategy.

  "When the old monster of Qingzong is dead and gone, we will see if Qingzong can still gain a foothold in the imperial state."

  The top management of Yuxu Mountain suppressed this tone and had to give in.

  Swish -

  outside the mountain gate, the eldest son Fengye had reached the middle stage of becoming a god. His white hair was scattered on his back, and the black lines on his face had become a bit thicker. His eyes were empty, like an endless abyss: "You guys, together let's go!"