
Thy Cruel Wendigo System

Rather than taking breaks and returning weeks after I think it’s time I make a choice. So I feel as though I should finish the novel, however I’ll finish it completely and then post from he ground up, starting from chapter one to the end. Thus, I’m not going to be continuing the novel though you will be able to find updates on it here if it still interests you, thank you for your time. Leave a review and let know how you’d feel about bonus chapters in the comments. Did you know that there are many things kept hidden from the public eye? State secrets, hidden alarms and dreadful mysteries around ever corner. Now, here's a story that is sure to shake irony to its very core. Hear this: a boy who wants to save the world is given his chance, but at what cost: family betrayal, loss of childhood, and, most importantly, loss of humanity. Yes, there's more! He must choose a side, decide whether human affairs are worth his beastly time, and thus decide whether to support his own unique species or join the Humans in their eternal conquest for power! Although I wasn't lying when I said things would be ironic, the truth is that Marcel isn't even given a choice. Which will he back? Will his love for humanity remain constant, or will it wane? Enough of that, I suppose you'll have to read the book to find out! Current Upload Schedule - Two a week, preferably Monday and Thursday’s!

so_Mo · Fantasy
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48 Chs

A Rising Faction

As I awoke from my slumber, I came to notice my uncle resting his head on the foot of my bed. Just then another virtual message appeared before me. I carefully read the message as I sit up in the bed, which looks strangely familiar.

{Host: Marcel B. King}

[Race: Human]

[Spirit Level: 1]

[Ki Stored: 0/100]

[Ki Needed: 100]

[Life Force: 10/10]

[Skill points: 0]

[Skill point experience: 0/10]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 5]

[Stamina: 5]

[Endurance: 0]

After reading the entire system message, I was left in shock, and at the same time confused. Just what was it that I was scrolling through? Although the two main things that stumped me were that this thing claimed me as its host, and also, just what did it mean by Spirit Level?

There was one thing that it reminded me of though, video games. However, there wasn't an experience bar that I could use to tell when I was about to level up. So just how was I supposed to level up?

Although, I can't help but feel as though I'm forgetting about something? That's right! That strange dream or was it a memory of the past? Anyway, just what did that man mean by, 'I won't leave without fulfilling my goal'?

Anytime I was to think about calling that man my father, not only does a shiver run up my spine, but I just can't seem to get the words out of my mouth. How could that man do that to me, and just what kind of chair machine type hybrid did he strap me into? I've got, so many questions but no one to guide me!

You know what it is I need, some good old tv, and no more memories of the past. To think that man caused me to shed a tear is degrading… No, I didn't cry for him but for my older brother and mother, yeah, that man deserves no respect from me!

I quickly but carefully got out of bed and approached the massive-sized television in the center of the room. As I switched on the tv via the remote, another screen appeared before me, blocking the tv. I swiftly paused the television and began reading the system notification.

{Everyday Tasks}

{WARNING; Failure to complete all tasks by midnight will result in punishment!}

[Feast on one pound of meat! (Human Flesh Recommended)]

[Reward: +5 Ki]

[10 Push-ups!]

[Reward +3 Ki]

"Just what kind of rewards are these, and why does it say "Flesh Recommended"? What kind of creature did this thing mistake me for? Not only that, but this thing has the nerve to not only not clarify what the rewards are but say that If I fail to achieve them I'll have to face a punishment!"

I practically shouted at the digital screen before me, without any regard for my uncle who isn't even a good foot away from me. Although I was tempted to just not complete any of the tasks and wait and see just what this mysterious punishment was, I was no fool, how could a man handle anything with only five points in strength.

Thus, I dropped down and gave those ten push-ups all I had, however, they took far longer than I had originally thought they would. Just like that fifteen minutes had passed, but I could have sworn I used to be able to do more, but it seemed as though ten was my limit. And now that I think about it, just how much could I have done before?

The only thing I can remember is that tragic event, the one which I'd now rather just forget about. Just then, I heard a familiar ding resound in my head, and then in front of my exhausted facial expression was another screen that read.

[Reward: +3 Ki!]

[3/100 Ki Stored]

[New Main Quest Received!]

{Reach Level Five and obtain your first ever evolution!]

[Don't Stop Now, Keep Going, You Can Do It!]

"Ahhh!" As I sighed aloud, I thought to myself, "Just what was this system, some kind of cheerleader?"

I then grab the tv remote and take a seat on the couch, I had never been this exhausted in all the time I was awake. As I press play, the screen then shows a local news intro and two reports talking about a new faction called The Golden…


"We're here downtown stationed at what's left of the city of Klinton. As you all know, after Larry King's failure to create a mysterious energy. His laboratory's explosion left the city in such a pitiful state." The reporter said as images of the events played on screen, showing countless property damages.

"Although today we're downtown and going to be interviewing a special source for today." The woman who had a name tag on which indicated that her name was Minny, said as she began walking into a building that one could tell stood out from all the rest.

As Minny had entered the build, a dark skinned man appeared before her. "We would like to hold the interview in a more formal place, thus, do your best to follow along." After the man had finished speaking he then began walking off without even waiting for some kind of response from Minny.

He wore a white suit with golden trails along the suit's outline, along with a golden fist pointing towards the sky in the middle of his shirt. His tie is yellow as well, and had the name David imprinted in black at the top of the tie. This seemed to be the uniform every member of the Golden would wear.

Once Minny was inside of the commander's room, she was then left to her own accord and told not to do anything rash as she was inside, for it might break her news channel's bond of trust with the new rising faction. Minny then began showing her viewers a clean preview of the room, not only was it a bedroom but an office as well. Where the office was in front and the bed was located in the back behind a yellow curtain.

"They sure do like their gold." Minny said aloud, directing it to her viewers.

"We do indeed, now shall we get this interview started, I'm in a bit of a rush because the beasts are attempting to push back our front lines." A man with a black and yellow suit said as he walked into the room, and found Minny recording his personal items.

"EEK!" Minny shouted while throwing the camera out of her hands. Just then the man with the black suit came flying past Minny and caught her camera. Not many could process the man's movement, however… I am not a part of that many.

"Well then let's get started shall we, I'm the Golden Third Commander Sheldon Ruff, and this is the power of Ki."

This might be the last chapter for the week, or not but, I promise that I'll try my best to get them flowing daily (Soon). However, for now, I'm limited to at least one per week.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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