
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 320 A few words

"In the past thousand years, Lin Guo has worked hard to govern, and its national strength has been improved to a higher level. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and gradually become rich and powerful. During this thousand years, your wise and powerful Majesty has always cared about the people's living standards and insisted on taking the people as the basis. , popularize modern production technology in Linguo, provide free education, and vigorously develop industry."

"Under the leadership of His Majesty, the Lin Kingdom has become stronger and stronger, and has developed crystal technology to benefit the people and the country, making the lives of the people of the Lin Kingdom more convenient, providing more diversified entertainment, and adding more means to national defense. It has shown us a The level of science and technology that a big country should have."

"His Majesty has promised that with five thousand years as a basic point, after five thousand years, he will apply for an upgrade certificate to level 500, so that the upper limit of people's level improvement will be wider and the average life span of people will be longer."

Third row.

Chen Gang fell asleep after hearing this.

Not long after I sat here, a ghost came up and started giving a speech with a microphone.

One lecture lasted two hours.

Chen Gang wanted to go up and kick him.

When will I give Tianxiang Spirit Fruit?

Can you confirm a time?

I'll pick it up and leave when the time comes.

I'm so busy every day that I don't have time to listen to you.

Looking at the ghost on the podium with foam at the corners of his mouth.

There is no love in life.

Damn it, I'm going to stuff the folding umbrella into his butt and push it open! !

The ghost on the stage kept talking for more than half an hour.

"With this, we sincerely hope that Linguo will become better and better, more developed, and its people will become happier."

"Okay! Well said!"

The ghosts on the seats clapped their hands vigorously.

His eyes were full of excitement.

Chen Gang also took two symbolic shots.

The live broadcast can give people some face.

"Next, we invite representatives from the three major Linguo Groups to take the stage to speak. The first one is Zhang Chunsheng, deputy director of Senluo Group. Everyone is warmly welcomed!"

"Snap, snap, snap!!"

A Mediterranean ghost stood up from the front row.

Vice Chairman of Senluo Group lv533.

Walked up to the podium and took the microphone from the host ghost.

Zhang Chunsheng bowed slightly to the ghosts below.

"Hello everyone, I am Zhang Chunsheng, chairman of Senluo Group."

"Senluo Group is the largest group in Linguo. We work hard and dare not stop for a moment. We assume the responsibility of being the leader of the group and set a good example for many groups. At the same time, we curb the level of trees in Linguo and divide the hardest-hit areas. We must not allow innocent people to enter high-level forests to avoid causing accidents."

"We will overcome the difficulties, work hard to cut down high-grade trees, and sell high-grade trees. Part of the funds obtained will be donated to the Senluo Group Charity Fund for free to help orphans and elderly ghosts, so that ghosts and ghosts who have no ability to live can enjoy their old age in peace."


"Therefore, we will accept public supervision, put an end to arrogance, and continue to serve as the leader of the group."

The Senluo Group came on stage again and spoke for more than an hour.

The host ghost took the microphone.

"Next, let's invite the representative of the Prince Group, Taoist Priest Zhang Zhiwei."


Chen Gang was stunned.

There's no other ghost in the Prince Group, right?

It is Taoist Zhiwei who goes out to do things, he is Taoist Zhiwei who watches ceremonies, and he is still Taoist Zhiwei when he is giving speeches.

You really arrange jobs for these veteran cadres!

Taoist priest Zhiwei looked calm.

Take the microphone.

"Ahem, I am the head of the hacker department of the Prince Group. I believe that many ghosts are curious about how Crystal Technology was developed. I'm sorry, Crystal Technology was not developed by the Prince Group, but a company called Conscience Co., Ltd. It was developed by a company, but we purchased it and promoted it to benefit the ghosts of the entire country."


"To sum up, the Prince Group is a semi-state-owned group. Our group promises to unconditionally support the construction and development of Linguo when the country needs it. Everyone is welcome to supervise."

"Next, let's invite the Dharma Group Hayagriva to give a speech."



Chen just couldn't wait for the horse-headed king to finish.

Now it's time to share the Heavenly Fragrance Spirit Fruit, right?

The host ghost holds the microphone.

"Next, please enjoy the singing and dancing performance of the most popular star Yi Qingfeng."

Chen Gang: "..."

I'll beat him to death...

Forget it, it's your own ghost.

If you beat him to death, you won't be able to make any money.

"Let us use the warmest applause and invite the prime minister to come on stage and announce the best company that has won the award."

While he was drowsy, Chen Gang was suddenly awakened by the host ghost's voice.

Chen Gang's eyes widened.

It's here, it's finally here!

I saw the prime minister walking onto the stage step by step with steady steps.

No need for a microphone either.

As soon as he opened his mouth, his voice echoed throughout the entire auditorium.

"Every thousand years, the royal family will select the best company in the country and give them a Tianxiang Spirit Fruit. The selection of the best company will be decided by a vote by the royal family members."

"There is such a company. It not only helped Senluo Group to double its production efficiency, but also helped Dharma Group to establish entertainment companies, KTVs, massage clubs and other entertainment venues. It has greatly improved the happiness of the people."

"He also helped the Prince Group to promote crystal technology. In just two months, the entire country changed its appearance. Everyone must have guessed this."

"Yes, it is Conscience Co., Ltd.. Please invite the boss of Conscience Co., Ltd., Chen Gang, to come to the stage to speak."

Chen Gang: "..."

do not know why.

There is something very shameful about this company name.

Chen Gang stood up.

Go on stage.

The prime minister handed the microphone in the host ghost's hand to Chen Gang with a smile on his face.

The ghost power was surging, but he didn't see the prime minister speak.

But the voice appeared in Chen Gang's ears.

"Say more words to make them remember you. This will be good for your promotion to the three major groups."

Chen Gang nodded slightly.

Hold the microphone to your mouth.

"Ahem, hello everyone, I am the boss of Conscience Company, Chen Gang."

"I listened carefully to the speeches of the big bosses just now. They repeatedly stressed that you must be positive, work hard, and strive for the rise of the Lin Kingdom."

"But actually, I think, if you live a ghost life, just be happy. Being able to eat and drink enough is happiness. Don't work hard and earn some ghost coins, but they will be exploited by the capitalists."

The prime minister's eyes widened slightly and he looked at Chen Gang.

What are you talking about?

"As long as you lie flat, no ghost can exploit you."

"Some ghosts take money too seriously. Don't regard money as everything to you. You will still live well without money."

"Look at me, I have no money. I have never had money in my pocket. I am not interested in money."

"At this time, the ghost has to ask, what should I do if I don't have money to eat?"

"Begging for food, there are so many rich guys and capitalists on the roadside. If you don't have money, just ask them for it. If they don't give it to you, they will rob it. If you can't rob it, then you will join forces to overthrow this ****..."

"Hey, hey, thanks for Mr. Chen's speech, I declare that the best company of this millennium is Conscience Co., Ltd."

A Tianxiang Spirit Fruit appeared in the prime minister's hand and was stuffed into Chen Gang's hand.

"Go, go, get down quickly."

Why are you talking so arrogantly?