
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 321: Big Brother’s True Nature

Chen Gang was carrying the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit, but was directly pushed off the stage by the prime minister's powerful ghost power.

Chen Gang: "..."

Didn't you ask me to say a few more words?

Forget it, just leave.

Chen Gang took Tianxiang Lingguo into the bodyguard space.

Walk out of the Great Hall door.

Thousands of bodyguards carrying lv500 repeating crossbows stood neatly at the door.

"Hi boss!!"

The bodyguards roared in unison.

Further away, there are many ghosts hiding in corners and under trees, disguised as stall owners.

They all came for the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit.

You can see a thousand ghost bodyguards at the door.


A ghost walked up to the stall.

"How did you sell this bracelet?"

The ghost disguised as a stall owner: "... sell your sister, get out!"

"...Why are you setting up a stall if you don't want to sell me? Are you sick?"

A thousand bodyguards surrounded Chen Gang and returned to Conscience Company.

The road was very peaceful, and not a single troublemaking ghost appeared.

Once inside the company.

Chen Gang couldn't wait to get out of the way.

Get into the bodyguard space.

Looking at the car-sized Tianxiang Lingguo, Chen Gang couldn't help but feel happy.

You can count on me.

This Tianxiang Lingguo has an extremely hard skin.

Even a lv500 ghost would have a hard time breaking through the peel's defense.

Fortunately, Chen Gang had done his homework before.

Chen Gang slowly took off his clothes.

The whole person hugged the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit.


The confident ghost suddenly appeared in the bodyguard space.

I saw Chen Gang lying on the fruit, naked.

Chen Gang: "..."

Confident Ghost: "..."

The confident ghost has a complicated expression.

Couldn't help but ask.

"Brother...you also play with fruits?"

"What a fool! Get out of here!"

"Ahem, brother, I got the lists of high-level ghosts from various major groups. They were obtained by bribing the ghosts of the royal family. They should be reliable."

Chen Gang pointed to the ground.

"Put it on the ground. I'll look back and see for myself. You stay away."

The confident ghost turned around and left in a hurry.

After taking two steps, he suddenly turned back.


Chen Gang said impatiently.

"what happened again?"

The confident ghost pointed at the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit.

"From now on, should I call it fruit, or should I call it sister-in-law?"

Chen Gang: "..."

Chen Gang gradually gritted his teeth.

As soon as the confident man saw something wrong with Chen Gang's expression, he turned around and ran away.

"Brother, you are busy... I have something else to do, so I have to leave first."

"I'll fucking kill you!"

The confidence disappeared with a swoosh.

Chen Gang wanted to cry but had no tears.

Can you blame me?

The skin of Tianxiang Lingguo is hard, and the ghost power must be attached to the whole body.

Slowly melt the skin of Tianxiang Lingguo.

Once the ghost power stops being transported, it will become hard again.

So usually.

The ghost wants to use the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit.

Just have to take off your clothes.

Then melt the skin and quickly penetrate into the fruit while the skin is soft.

Absorb the essence of the fruit and break through lv500 in one fell swoop.

As Chen Gang was conveying ghost power.

The skin of Tianxiang Lingguo gradually becomes soft.

When it is soft enough.


Chen Gang drilled directly into one of them.


A squirt of juice splashed out.

After Chen Gang entered, the skin of the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit instantly became hard.


I thought it was a fruit, but I didn't expect it to be full of juice.

Moreover, the pressure inside the fruit is extremely high.

Chen Gang felt like he was at the bottom of the sea at a depth of 10,000 meters.

The pressure came from all directions, as if it was going to smash itself into pieces.

Fortunately, Chen Gang's level has reached lv499.

Even if a lv450 ghost comes in, he will be crushed to death.

Chen Gang sat cross-legged in the center of the fruit.

His whole body was boiling with ghost power.

It keeps flowing out of the body, and after being stained with a trace of juice, it returns to the body again.

At this rate.

It would take at least three days for Chen Gang to digest this Tianxiang Spirit Fruit.

So while digesting the juice.

While turning on the system.

Start by purchasing a large number of breeding gardens.

Chen Gang summoned a huge number of ordinary ghost bodyguards.

An ordinary ghost bodyguard worth a ten-point boss.

Chen Gang summoned ten million.

Evenly distributed in each breeding garden.

At the same time, ghost bodyguard upgrade lines will be opened in each breeding farm.

During this period of time, he almost killed all the ghosts in the belly of the swallowing spirit lion.

Ten million bodyguards killed billions of monsters above level 100.

The level is generally raised to above lv150.

Now ordinary ghost bodyguards can be upgraded to lv310, but when there are more ghost bodyguards, the experience gap is really too big.

We can only let them upgrade slowly.

Fortunately, the ghost bodyguard's experience gap will not affect Chen Gang's ability to gain experience from the ghost bodyguard.

The experience of ghost bodyguards is equally distributed.

But Chen Gang gets a share of the experience gained by each ghost bodyguard.

What belongs to you is divided equally among you, and I divide what is yours equally.

Current boss value: 6 billion.


The more than 11 million... um, no, it was caused spontaneously through the ghost bodyguards, and it was already more than 12 million.

It can provide Chen Gang with more than 200 million boss points every day.

Now, the ghost bodyguard upgrade only costs 23 million.

Chen Gang did not hesitate.

"Upgrade! Fill it up!"

"Wait a minute! Spend 100 million first to resurrect the ghost bodyguard who borrowed his power before."

We do what we say.

If I say I will resurrect you, I will never break my promise.

Chen Gang even resurrected all the ghost bodyguards who had died before.

It didn't cost more than 200 million yuan in total.

Now everything is rich.

Looking at the many gloomy ghost bodyguards in the system, they became bright again.

Chen Gang felt much more relaxed.

"Okay, let's go up now."





I looked at the value of the boss.

It only cost a few hundred million, not much.




Above level 400, each upgrade requires 40 million.

Increases by a million with levels.

That's 455 million.

So far, Chen Gang has spent a total of one billion boss points to upgrade his ghost bodyguard.

Chen Gang suddenly raised his head.

It's broken, and it's time to go back to the days when bodyguards were of a higher level than you.

Chen Gang was slightly silent.


What does it matter?

Just what I wanted!

I've had enough of the days of working hard on my own!

"Upgrade! Fill it up!"





[The current boss value is insufficient. ]


Chen Gang, who was in excitement, was stunned.

I looked at the value of the boss.

Current boss value: 500.46 million

 What the fuck ?

Chen Gang looked back and looked at the upgrade requirements for lv500 ghosts.

"LV510 is worth 100 million, lv520 is worth 200 million, damn it!!"

Then I looked at the boss value required for lv600.

"One billion!!"

"One billion!!"

lv500 is really a hurdle.

Directly upgrade from 50 million to 100 million.

From lv500 to lv600, all upgrades require a total of 5.5 billion boss points.