
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 319 Tianxiang Conference Begins

Chen Gang ran to the canopy of the tree.

A group of ghosts and monsters are still discussing how to remove the spiritual fruit.

The prime minister looked at Chen Gang.

"Are you the boss of the Conscience Co., Ltd.?"

Chen Gang nodded slightly.

"Hello, Prime Minister, I am the head of the Conscience Company."

The prime minister's expression was calm.

"What, are you in a hurry?"

Chen Gang: "..."

"A little panicked."

"I am very interested in your company's technology. In this short period of time, you have not only cooperated with the three major companies, but also transformed the entire country. You are very good."

"The Prime Minister is overly praised. If there is anyone who can use it, please let me know."

"It really does."

Chen Gang: "..."

Don't be shameless.

The prime minister looked at the last Tianxiang Spirit Fruit on the spirit tree.

"I'm very optimistic about your potential. You know, Lin State, three major groups have been established one after another since the founding of the country. They have occupied one-third of Lin State's Tianxiang Spirit Fruit for thousands of years."

Chen Gang looked back at Taoist Master Zhiwei.

The prime minister shook his head slightly.

"Only you and I can hear your conversation."

Chen Gang was stunned.

"So, what do you mean?"

The prime minister turned his head slightly, squinted his eyes, and faced Chen Gang.

"In the royal family, I only have a quota for one Heavenly Fragrance Spirit Fruit, but I have many heirs, and just one is not enough."

Chen Gang's eyes widened.

"So, you want mine?"


The prime minister was speechless.

"Then why should I tell you about the group's affairs?"

Chen Gang scratched his head.

"Just tell me clearly, what do you want?"

The prime minister sighed slightly.

Unexpectedly, Chen Gang couldn't understand this.

But that's all the talk.

The prime minister simply waved his hand.

Say it straight.

"The Dharma Group has actually fallen behind the other two groups for a long time. I will help you take his place. In exchange, you will give me one of the Heavenly Fragrance Spirit Fruits your group obtains in the future."

Chen Gang looked confused.

"But, they are all established groups, how can I replace them?"

"The money-making speed of your group far exceeds that of the Buddha Group. It could have surpassed the Prince Group, but the crystal technology you sold has brought the Prince Group back to life. It has a bright future, so we can only kick the Buddha Group out. "

 "But, my level is too low. If I really have a head-on confrontation with them, I'm afraid I'll be killed by the Dharma Group."

The prime minister hates that iron cannot become steel.

"With me helping you, how dare a small Dharma Group be unhappy? When you get the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit, I will give you various spiritual objects to help you quickly improve your level. Once there is a conflict with the Dharma Group, I will also I will send ghosts to help you, what are you afraid of?"

Chen Gang nodded.

"Yes, wait until I get the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit, but I can't get it now."

Prime Minister: "... Just say whether you agree or not."

"I definitely agree with this good thing. If my company can replace the Dharma Group, let alone one, I will give you both."

The prime minister was a little surprised.

Then he smiled.

"Okay, okay, it's a deal."

The prime minister turned his head and shouted to the ghost in the distance.

"Get out of the way! I'll do it!"


A group of royal ghosts holding poles looked confused.

"The Prime Minister must take action personally!"

"What! The Prime Minister is warming up!"

The prime minister walked up to the ghosts and grabbed the pole.

"This Tianxiang Spirit Fruit is an important weapon of the country, how can it be stuck?"

The prime minister held the pole in both hands, like a big gun.

Aiming at the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit, he stabbed it directly.

Blessed by level 549 ghosts.

The prime minister's rod was fast and urgent.

It hit the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit fiercely.


The spiritual fruit was directly stabbed down by the powerful force.


In an instant, the branches of the Tianxiang Spirit Tree waved.

It's actually longer than the pole.

Thousands of branches waved.

Many ghosts and monsters who had not yet reacted were tied up.

"No! The safe distance assessment was wrong. In the past thousand years, the Tianxiang Spirit Tree has grown even bigger!"

"Swish swish!!"

One branch after another continued to wrap around the bodies of many ghosts.

A branch suddenly wrapped around the prime minister's hand.

The prime minister's face looked a little panicked.

"Damn! Open it for me!"

The prime minister opened his mouth and spit out a pure white blade of light.

Cut it hard on the branch.


The branches that tied the prime minister were cut to the ground.

But the other ghosts were not so lucky.

They were dragged away one after another.

Then it becomes the nourishment of the Tianxiang Spirit Tree.

The prime minister suddenly retreated, leaving the attack range of the Tianxiang Spirit Tree.

In just a moment, the ghosts and ghosts surrounding the spirit tree were swept away.

Suck it into ghost stems and hang them on the spiritual tree.

This sudden change shocked all the ghosts.

The ghosts sent by the royal family to pick spiritual fruits are basically lv499 ghosts.

Many of them were assigned spiritual fruits and wanted to experience the joy of a good harvest themselves.

This time, they were completely happy.

The prime minister took two steps forward, poked out the fallen spirit fruit, and then put it into the space ghost weapon.

He looked back at the ghosts.

"This picking and viewing ceremony is over. All the rest, please go back."

All the ghosts: "..."

The royal family now suffered heavy losses.

A batch of lv499 ghosts were all eaten.

But the problem is not too big.

Those in the royal family who are also at level 499 but have not been assigned the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit will probably go crazy laughing.

Ghosts are sitting at home, and joy comes from heaven.

Chen Gang also followed the ghosts out of the Senluo Group.

What happens next is an internal matter within the royal family.

The ghosts of the group can't get involved.

Outside Senluo Group.

Chen Gang got into the crystal business car.

Taoist Master Zhiwei, Seventh-degree Vajra, and Ma Mingyuan nodded slightly at Chen Gang.

Say hello.

After all, wait until tomorrow when the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit is distributed.

Conscience Co., Ltd. also has a boss above level 500.

In Linguo Capital, it is also a reputable company.

The next day.

Early in the morning.

There was a roar in the sky.

Fireworks and cannons were fired over the entire country.

The once-in-a-millennium Tianxiang Conference has officially begun.

As an ordinary ghost, although he cannot get the Tianxiang Spirit Fruit.

But there are official benefits too.

For example, after being exempted from tax for 50 years, each family will be allocated Lucky Wood, a special product of the Senluo Group, according to the ghost head.

This lucky wood is sponsored by Senluo Group.

Although it is called a lucky tree, no one knows whether it can bring luck.

Other major group companies also have the strength and money to contribute.

Gifts will be distributed to each family.

Chen Gang also symbolically asked the company to print some photos and portraits of celebrities.

Send it to everyone.

Create an atmosphere.

Anyway, one million ghost coins can't be spent.

The ghost who received the photo was quite happy.

During the festival, the atmosphere is the most important.

Chen Gang dressed up and got into the business car.

This Tianxiang Conference will be held in the form of live broadcast.

Held at the Linguo Assembly Hall.

Arrive at the Linguo Great Hall.

Find the chair with Chen Gang written on it.

In the third row.

The Great Hall is circular in shape.

There are fewer chairs closer to the center and more chairs toward the periphery.

The visibility in the third row is pretty good.

The first row is filled with big guys above lv500, with a total of thirty-five seats.

Of course, this does not mean that there are only thirty-five ghosts with level 500 or above in the Lin Kingdom. They must also have high-level ghosts hidden in the dark.